Sky Dungeon

Chapter 370: My heart is to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the toilet

However, at this moment, Jing Tian received an official email message from Tengyi. The content of the email message was astonishing: "Thank you for your feedback on the suspected bug in the game. After our careful review, this phenomenon is indeed set. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you by unexpected events outside the country. We have fixed the bug, and according to the official suggestions on BUG feedback, reward your guild with a sum of funds for guild construction, which has been successful Into your guild treasury, please check it."

Sure enough! At this time, Jing Tian breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the scene before was too abnormal and contrary to the original design of Jing Tian. However, how could Tengyi not discover such a big BUG? Is it because the number of testers is not enough, it only tested the entry and exit of the demons in the guild and the forces, and did not test the entry and exit of the players from the non-related guilds and forces?

I always feel that there is something wrong in this, it feels like someone deliberately made such a BUG to subvert his own cloud guild. Could it be that the game master of Tengyi company kicked Tiannongjing deliberately? It seems that I know the identity of my former game chief strategy, trying to embarrass myself by tampering with the settings secretly, and give myself a prestige, so as to help the Mozu players break the city, so that the Krypton gold players of the Mozu can be satisfied and proud because of the gold. Are all the Krypton parties happy and happy?

In addition, when the individual gameplay has a BUG at the beginning, it can be completely understood. Not to mention that most people are not affected by this BUG. Watching their own guild fall, they will even applaud happily. Tengyi can pass it afterwards. The system was upgraded, modified and perfected the rules, and his own guild became a test product, so that the people on his side could only swallow this dumb loss. It's so insidious!

Just as Jing Tian was still thinking about this email, the system prompt and world news popped up at the same time, and everyone's faces were filled with astonishment, because the news was astonishing: According to the news sent back from the front line, the demons [Destroy Moon] forces Launch an invasion war, all alliance players are requested to pay attention and prepare for defense. But the next moment everyone in Qiyun suddenly realized that, because their guild channel did not pop up, the moon-ruining forces chose to invade other guilds this time, and they wanted to gnaw those new guilds.

"Would you like to stop them from meowing?" Yang Miaomiao is full of interest in fighting, even though he is only a therapeutic assistant occupation, and he is a little kid who keeps meows on his mouth all day long.

"Why do you want to stop it? If it is a small guild, it's okay, but they picked 80% of the blue wolf guild. After all, the guild will have a protection period of several hours when it is established, and it will not be selected by the demons as the target. The strength of the blue wolf guild We’ve all seen it. It’s not a problem to deal with a guild that destroys the moon. The newly formed Demon Clan guild can’t launch an invasion. If the players are gathered by mission teleportation like last time, it is estimated that they will still be hard to beat the Blue Wolf, and the Blue Wolf is also It can be regarded as the gathering place of China's few krypton gold players. Wherever they say they are destroyed, they will be destroyed. Today, they just suffered a dumb loss." Jing Tian explained lightly.

"Should not unite me?" Yang Miaomiao still seemed to not give up the idea of ​​fighting.

"Smelly mouse, you can't figure it out. They don't share the same spirit with us today. If we go, maybe we will be beaten up and united. It is too late to hide, but you have to send it to the door." Xia entered the teaching mode again.

"It's not that we are not united, it is that the other party is not united. I had my heart to Mingyue, but how can Mingyue shine in the latrine!" Zhao Jiaxue even applied a poem and opposed to supporting it.

"My Sacred Sword said, this is a good opportunity to let go of the past." Yu Yan Zhong Er put forward her own opinion sickly, everything is said by her sword, as if she is a real sword slave.

"It doesn't make any sense for us to fight with the Blue Wolf Guild. Under the same alliance, if we form a mortal enemy, it is not conducive to the overall situation. Our enemy should be the demons." Taurus spoke first, and the other four of the Constellation Party People successively expressed their own views and expressed support for what Yu Yan said.

Everyone suddenly understood that although it was a game, the public opinions of the guild members also needed to be listened and respected. Although Jing Tian was the president, if he made a statement, then the hearts of the people would be scattered, and the guild would exist in name only. So Jing Tian said indifferently: "Why don't we have a democratic vote. The current situation does not involve personal privacy or issues related to other guild members, let alone an election, so everyone does not have to avoid suspicion, and there is no need to vote by secret ballot. Everyone agrees. Please express your opinions first if you go to the ice to clear up your suspicions.

The five members of the Constellation Party first expressed their support for the resolution of the previous suspicion. Yang Miaomiao, Yu Yan, Jin Chengwu, and Yang Mimi also voted in succession. Jing Tian looked at the results, and 9 of the 14 people already voted for it, so there is no need I voted against it again, so I immediately decided: "Okay, then we will be lurking outside the Blue Wolf Guild's residence in two hours, ready to respond at any time! Now everyone should do some renovations or personal tasks first, and stop participating in fierce battles. , Replenish your energy, and spend a lot of energy on PVP today. If we use high-intensity PVE, it will definitely affect our performance in two hours."

The gap between people is so The Soul of Green Wolf was thinking about how to use the Mozu to strike a fatal blow to the Guild Riding Cloud, but Jing Tian and the others are grieving with virtue and thinking How to shed light on the past and turn anger into honey.

As a result, two hours later, everyone appeared on an abandoned lookout on the periphery of Yufengtai, the resident of the Blue Wolf Guild. As expected, all the players of the Blue Wolf Group guild formed a square formation directly outside the guild’s premises. , He looked down upon the world and didn't put Ruoyue in his eyes. Moreover, the Blue Wolf Guild seems to be shooting a promotional video. It also allows the square to move from time to time to adjust the best position. After the position is good, you don’t forget to take a military step. Of course, it is difficult to move neatly in the game, and the scene is a bit chaotic for a while. .

However, the morale of the members of the Blue Wolf Group Guild has been soaring. In the current regional channel, there are players who continue to provoke the Mozu. It seems that they want Mozu players to step into this area and they will be full of humiliating words. In turn, they lose their minds and get confused.

Everyone in the Guild of Riding Clouds discovered that at this time, only the people from the Blue Wolf Group guild were all present, and many reserve players also joined the phalanx. It seems that the soul of the Blue Wolf also knows how to use the advantage of numbers to resist the invasion of elite demons. , The number of the entire phalanx reached about five hundred at a time, and the scene was quite magnificent, which could be called a blockbuster game. Sky Dungeon

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