Sky Dungeon

Chapter 372: 2 army confrontation

More importantly, independent city defense can defend independently, but the pressure of unified city defense is very heavy, and unified defense is required. If the demon forces unite and attack the blue wolf separately, then the gate of the blue wolf guild will have to bear multiple demons at the same time. The impact of the forces, and once broken through, all the guild buildings inside are equivalent to being exposed to these demons, and they can destroy all the buildings in one go. At the very least, the boss of Ruiyue is so overbearing.

Of course, the misunderstanding of the ruling forces of the ruining moon cannot be entirely attributed to his over-idealization. If it is to be blamed, the most responsible should be Tengyi’s game master kicking the patio well. This guy does not know which way to do it. There was such a bug that deceived everyone.

After a while, the two armies faced each other, and a few steps forward was within the attack range. The demons stopped at this time and reorganized their formation. It can be seen that the overbearing command is also quite methodical, not the one eager to win. people. Even if he is at an advantage, he pays great attention to observation, and even judges whether the enemy has a back hand or ambush through observation. Members of the various forces have such flattery and trust in their leaders.

"My God, are we still not on meow?" Yang Miaomiao didn't know where he had courage again, and took the initiative to fight.

"When both of them are almost consumed, they will go out. Now when they go out, the Green Wolf people may not appreciate it. If we win, we must say that our dog is doing nosy with mice, or that we are here to rub the head of the propaganda guild. Only when people are in crisis can they move people the most. We must wait until the soul of the blue wolf realizes his failure and turns the tide when he has no abilities to return to the sky. Only then can we show our heroic qualities." Jing Tian did not intend to ask this question. Everyone’s opinion is that even when there are differences, democracy is not allowed in this kind of battle command, and there are always a few people with strategic vision.

However, after Jing Tian explained this way, everyone understood. Indeed, at this point in time, it is not thankful to go out and cannot achieve the purpose of reconciliation. Originally, Cloud Riding Guild and Azure Wolf did not have any deep hatred, as long as they were in danger. It may be natural to complete the reconciliation with the help of charcoal in the snow.

"I'm doing it! Frogs are sinister. We are trying to get the fisherman's profit. But where is your confidence to turn the tide, surely not let us go up and die, and then the green wolf people will not laugh and lose their teeth, saying that we are beyond our control ."

At this time, Luo Xia still had to complain about Jingtian’s behavior. After all, they did so much to take advantage of the situation, and compared with the current number of people, even if the two sides were furiously fighting, it was simply because they rushed up. Death for nothing. After all, it's in the wild now, and it's impossible to hire NPCs to go on the expedition. The dozen or so seedlings of them are really not enough.

"It's started." Yun Yiyi reminded coldly, and everyone's eyes returned to the battlefield with her cold three words.

The demons launched a charge first. MT is ahead, and the long-range attack class on the blue wolf side has already chanted skills. They obviously also use delayed casting. Their judgment is not so accurate. Some people’s magic attacked first. After going out, even the demon character's hair was not interrupted. However, these attacks are like a charge. In the next second, the overwhelming magical attacks smashed the demon's vanguard forces, and the vanguard forces were instantly beaten. However, the healing professions among the demon forces are naturally not vegetarian. Stop restoring the meat shield in front of him, and from time to time he also casts the wind of Shennong. This skill can make the character immune to all negative states for a short period of time. The meat shields of the demon forces rush forward with the special effects of the wind of Shennong. .

Even though it was extremely fast, they also walked quite rhythmically. After all, the treatment profession was at the rear. If they were too prominent and out of the treatment range, then they would be sent back to the Demon Realm. It is necessary to understand that Shennong's Wind is only immune to negative states, and it is still necessary to rely on your own skills if you want to be immune to damage. The Demon players have their own magical powers, and they blocked another wave of attacks with their own skills. At this time, the Demon Race's long-range professions chanted. Obviously, the Blue Wolf Guild's meat shields have been completely exposed to the attack range of the long-range professions. Inside.

With this wave of attacks of the Demon Race, the treatment profession of the Blue Wolf Guild sweated instantly. Some meat shields were still waiting for the treatment profession to brush their blood. They did not actively use their defense skills. The result was only the first wave of blood that attacked them. The line was one-third lower, but before they could react, the second wave of attacks had drawn a terrifying arc in the air and hit them heavily.

As the saying goes, there are many people and great power. Although there is no absolute in the game, most of the Mozu players are krypton gold players. Players in Europe and the United States have high income levels. In addition, there are many European and American powers, Australia, Japan, South Korea, etc. Players in developed countries, their equipment strength is obviously stronger than the alliance. Of course, if it’s not a matter of time, players on the alliance side can improve their equipment level as long as they are diligent to download the dungeon, but they are only at level wherever there is time to run to the dungeon, they will continue to experience it. The daily tasks of surrounding and suppressing the Riding Cloud Guild and the Guild against the invasion of the demons have not had time to do, let alone the dungeon.

That is to say, with such a gap in equipment and number of people, it didn’t take long for the people of the Blue Wolf Guild to completely wet their clothes, especially the soul of the Blue Wolf. At this time, he discovered that the opponent’s command was definitely not an ordinary guy, and it seemed that it was too. Having experienced the influence of other games, he has quite a set of siege command. In fact, this set is just copied from traditional online games, and in Jingtian's eyes, it is simply a pediatrics.

Although the people of the Blue Wolf Guild and the demons have their own losses, it is obvious that the personnel of the Blue Wolf Guild lose more and faster. The meat shield defense line in front has also been torn apart by a big hole. Fortunately, the melee profession of the Blue Wolf Guild Quite fierce, at this time being intertwined with the demon character, fighting happily.

At this time, the soul of the blue wolf decisively issued an order, and several teams of stalkers flashed out behind the demon players in an instant. This is another major factor that the soul of the blue wolf believes that this battle is sure to win. It is that your own healing profession stands on the city wall, protected by the wall, and will not be attacked by stalkers, while the opponent’s healing profession is completely exposed to the air. He deliberately let all the stalker players lurch to the demon army. In the rear, it was to wait for an opportunity to cast a thunderous blow to the demon's healing profession. Sky Dungeon

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