Sky Dungeon

Chapter 377: Hunger rain


The one-horned Taurus is also unceremonious. Although he wanted to propose a charge several times before, he had to give up after Jing Tian's unswervingly waiting for the order, but at this time the horn of charge had already sounded. How could he slack off? At this time, he had already refined an Overlord's Golden Gun in his hand. After the maximum stretch of the body in place, the Overlord's Golden Gun was thrown straight out. This blow was naturally to Jing Tian and others. Open the road, the powerful impact generated by the King's Golden Spear has a certain chance to knock the players on the path away for a short distance. Although the King's Golden Spear has a poor flying effect, it is often used by alchemists as a starting skill.

Sure enough, the Demon players who were the closest to the members of the Cloud Riding Guild were directly knocked out. The system's judgment was also closer to reality. The Demon players behind were only affected by the attack and action interruption, and were not hit. fly. Everyone can understand that when a person is knocked into the air, the people behind will collide with him, and there will be a certain resistance. Even if the knocking force is strong, the number of players in the collision will die out, not to mention this kind of impact. For a skill that is not powerful enough, while the Overlord's Golden Spear penetrates the enemy, the probability of knock-up is decreasing.

"White Slash!"

As soon as the voice fell, the one-horned Taurus refined two giant hatchets in his hands. His tauren shape used these two axes, and he did not have a majestic appearance, just like a sturdy Olympic with a sturdy back. Athletes are average, but the two hatchets were still thrown in two and a half arcs very skillfully by him. The Mozu players on the axe's flight trajectory were all interrupted by the attack and could not move.

At the same time, a huge blue magic circle suddenly appeared on the head of the Demon player. It was the magic arrow rain launched by Yun Xueyiyi. The target of this arrow rain was the Demon Clan’s healing profession. Occupation can greatly limit their healing ability, make them miss the best treatment time, and reduce their avoidance ability.

"An Tu! Sha Feng!"

At this time, the King of Sword Cavalry didn’t care about others at all. A black whirlpool storm rolled up on the magic sword and rushed straight into the enemy line alone, but Yu Yan was definitely not a careless woman, she did not lock the target on The Demon character in the rear locked the enemy in the front row. This collision directly knocked several Demon players in the front row into a stun on the spot. Before the Demon players in the back row could react, the magic sword in her hand was Swipe it again, and the evil wind is used. Although the attack range of the evil wind is not large, it is enough to interrupt the actions of the player characters that are slightly behind, and a black magic vortex is curled up on them. It is the special dark attribute damage produced by the evil wind skill.

"Quan Zhilong!"

At this moment, the melodious sound of the flute sounded, and the notes played by the magic flute quickly materialized, like locusts, directly covering a large number of Demon players. Although there is no compulsory control, only a brief moment of action is interrupted, but it is deaf. The skill successfully interrupted their communication function, which is also quite a headache for the demons. Many players have been messed up by the demons before, but fortunately, everyone has developed a habit now. Without the command, all the actions of the captain are watched. , The team leader try to look at the team leader, the team leader as much as possible to see the chairman, so that although the upper and lower effects of each level are more distracting, the action efficiency is low, but the action will not be completely chaotic.

It is also true that more and more guild managers are aware of the importance of the sound engineer. At the beginning everyone predicted that this kind of profession is useless, so few players choose this kind of profession, but it is only after being controlled by the sound engineer. Know how terrifying the sound engineer is. However, Domineering is not the kind of person who will repeat the same mistakes. He has long arranged for players in his guild to use the **** game-assisted voice app. Even if the players of the ruined moon are controlled by sound waves and lose the communication function of the system, they can pass APP regained its strength.

It's a pity that not all demonic forces attach importance to this matter, and of course it is not only the Moon Ruining forces that do it.

However, at this time, the Cloud Riding Guild has more than one control class. The awkward two-tailed Scorpio beauty is definitely not a good kind. She has always been fierce. At this time, she has followed the footwork of the Qiyun people into attack. the distance.

Sure enough, after the Scorpio left a sentence "Sure enough, you have to rely on a woman", he scornfully and casually released a chaotic light. The players in the back row who are casting spells and singing have no time to escape, and the skills they are using are even more unconscious. Stopped, they were all shrouded in chaotic light, and their carefully prepared skills hit their teammates without exception, and the scene became chaotic for a while.

Of course, this is not over at all. The head of the Demon Clan Healing Profession is now covered with black clouds, and a wandering black rain is pouring down. This is the magician skill of the two-tailed Scorpio: [Hunger Rain]!

The first-order rain of hunger makes the target within the range suffer magical damage while entering a state of hunger and weakness. In the state of hunger, the speed of action is slowed by 20%. The demon healing team that was originally beaten by the magical arrow rain was all over. Shi could not wait to disperse quickly. At first, they felt that it was a mechanical behavior to hold a group in the rear. Now they understand that when they encounter players with strong game, their position is simply clear that they want to be caught. group.

Of course, if there are a lot of people, it is actually quite wise to stand against the wall for the treatment profession. The enemy can't attack the treatment profession at all, and the player in front will be beaten up by the players in front. However, at this time, there are less than a hundred demon players. With this kind of stance, as long as you control the demon's forefront troops, the following healing professions will undoubtedly be completely exposed to the attack range.

The rest of the players in other guilds saw the outstanding performance of the Cloud Riding Guild naturally also boosted their morale. The long-range professions also knew that the group magic was placed in the back row of the treatment team. The close attack profession looked at the active performance of Qiyun, and naturally they were also actively charging. Up.

"Heaven! Sweep the army!"

How could Jing Tian, ​​Luo Xia, and Liu Yaya fall behind? Sitting on Jing Guantian, he fell like a killer **** into the front row of enemies, and then a [halberd method·Sweeping Thousand Army] knocked away the demons. Get out. This blow opened the door to Luo Xia who followed him. His double swords suddenly spun in his hands, like two propellers. With the rotation of the double swords, Luo Xia's body was also obvious. With signs of floating, the next moment Luo Xia's body flew forward directly. This is exactly what Luo Xia has obtained from the Yonghan Palace: [Biyi Shuangfeijian]! Sky Dungeon

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