Sky Dungeon

Chapter 384: Fly freely without instructions, and one point through the heart

That's right! There are indeed special rewards. The guild alliance will reward more guild contributions and points for killing the demons in the invasion mission, but how did Yang Miaomiao know about this? Thinking of this, Jing Tian didn't think about it anymore. He suddenly remembered Yang Miaomiao's alien character. Even without such a setting, I am afraid that he would pursue killing the enemy's main power as a first-class merit.

Yes, what a delightful thing to be able to take the top rank of an enemy general among the Armies! The kind of pleasure is absolutely no less than "the long wind and waves will sometimes, hang on the cloud sail One Piece."

At this point, the movements of sitting on the well and watching the sky became smoother. The demon player battle group of hundreds of people is not huge, and it is not difficult to find the hegemony. After all, the hegemony chose the middle position at this time, and his game profession is also [big General].

"Sweep Qianjun!"

Fang Tianji flicked in the hands of Sitting Well Guantian, drawing an almost circular arc of light, which passed over the chests of several demon players who were blocking the road, bringing up a bunch of pink data mosaic wounds. Sitting on the well and watching the sky shook the bodies of several Demon players with just this blow, and with the cover of a long-range attack from the rear Alliance players, it was not difficult to break into the hinterland of Demon players.

The village woman is following the pace of sitting on the well and watching the sky. His coherent skills stunned the Demon players. After all, the village woman’s skills are fast and the number of skills is large, so she can’t stop. Half of those who want to intercept sitting on the well are beaten by her. Broken down, is this the legendary villager profession?


The sister who doesn't eat mice has put on a green peacock mask at this time. This is the skill of the mask shaman: green peacock. In this way, the machine box in her hand is no longer a single-point attack rifle, but a multi-point group attack shotgun. She is like a melee demon in FPS, and the shotgun in her hand sweeps mercilessly. Player blocking the way. It should be known that being hit by this green peacock at close range will cause four times the damage of a normal attack, and if it hits the head at close range, the damage will be doubled. At this point, some players have fallen under the feet of the sister who doesn't eat mice, and become a stepping stone to the legend of the Empress.

Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the Jingtian in this scene, and there was a chill behind him. This woman is really powerful, able to be far and near, and can accurately avoid all the attacks of Mozu players at close range. She deserves to be an FPS player on the international rankings. This reaction The speed is absolutely superb.


Luojing Xia Shi was not inferior either. He came to a whirlwind slash to open the way at a critical time, and the Demon players were lifted by the opportunity. Although it was only a short time in the air, it still saved a lot of trouble.

At this time, the members of the Riding Cloud Guild did not communicate with each other by voice, and Jing Tian did not command everyone at all, because everyone had already acquired the deaf skills of the Demon Race, and all communication methods were disabled! However, Jing Tian's cooperation did not become slow due to the loss of voice communication. Instead, it was a more streamlined process. Everyone tried their best to think and judge. At this moment, their personal strengths were maximized and sublimated.

Tacit understanding is sometimes far more efficient than command and instruction. This situation and situation are precisely: the body can fly freely without instructions, and the heart can understand.

Of course, there are some exceptions, that is, not eating mice. He followed all the way, except for the one-handed red tasseled gun to interrupt the player attacking him. He was able to hide and hide without much output at all. It seemed that the whole process It came to hit the tail of the soy sauce crane.

However, everyone understands that if the skill of not eating mice is not used at the critical moment, then his skills will soon be empty. When encountering some unavoidable situations, it will naturally be a dead end, so no one laughs at him, but everyone treats him. Admiringly. Especially Jing Tian, ​​he did not expect that not eating mice is not a guardian shaman with full agility. It is a miracle that he can keep up with the team.

It can only be said that Yang Miaomiao succeeded in taking advantage of his character's short body, and cleverly avoided all attacks as much as possible. This cat was really a bit of an alien visitor at this time, and even made the Demon players a little big head. No one came back without success, and it was clear that they surrounded the group of people sitting Jingguantian, but they could not form a superior attack that surrounded them. At this time, the entire Mozu team was like being pierced around the heart by a sharp knife, and there were chaotic swords all over the body. He kept slashing at himself, and there was no time to pull out this sharp knife. It was enough to deal with chaotic attacks from all directions.

Among these messy attacks, the long-range attacks of members of the Cloud Riding Guild were the most troublesome.

Speaking of long-range attack cooperation, among the members of the Riding Cloud Guild, the two sisters, Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue, are naturally the two sisters. Their long-range fire support is seamlessly coordinated. Even if the voice cannot be used, what are the obstacles to lying together and communicating in reality?

Of course, the one-horned Taurus of the Constellation Party also used all his best to throw the skills in front of Jing Tian to clear the way for them, while the two-tailed Scorpio is very disdainful of their actions. In fact, although her control skills are many, it can't be regarded as Remote control, within reach. Fortunately, sitting on the well and watching the sky, they have obviously gone out of her control range, making her a little beyond reach.

Most of the other members of the Constellation Party belong to melee Basically, there are no skills that can be supported remotely. At that time, Jing Tian said that he would walk with him in melee, but they did not say anything. This made Jingtian feel like a constellation. The party members are still a little apart from themselves, which reveals invisibly that they are still loyal to their captain, not Jing Tian.

When Jing Tian’s vision of the game just saw the overbearing character of the demon king, the King of Sword Cavalry had already used the shadow to directly rush towards the direction of the overbearing, but when her attack was about to hit the burly demon, she turned sideways. A player from drew out the double swords in his hand and blocked the blow of the King of Swordsman.

In the next second, the King of Sword Cavalry saw the Demon female ghost in front of him clearly, saying that she was a female ghost is not an exaggeration. This woman obviously uses the image of evil spirits among the Demon race, and the evil spirits can be based on her own preferences. The design appearance, but the harmony of the game consideration, even the female ghost does not have a **** face, and this female player actually chose a shape close to Sadako’s long hair and a covered face, although this shape is forced to never It shows a grimace, but the setting that makes people replenish their own brains makes the players more frightened.

"Ghost! Save me!" The King of the Sword Cavalry went crazy and fled back. The female ghost player on the opposite side was stunned. The defensive skills used were also broken. Sky Dungeon

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