Sky Dungeon

Chapter 391: The 2nd group guild

Moreover, the Soul of the Blue Wolf had been wary of it, even if a guild leader took out the thank-you letter and displayed it on the forum, it was completely overwhelmed by saliva. What kind of saliva? Of course, it is the navy arranged by the soul of the blue wolf. They can say: "The blue wolf guild is on the court. In fact, there is no such-and-such guild to take action. The demons are also doomed to fail."

Of course, the soul of the blue wolf also reluctantly sent a letter to Zuojing Guantian. Although he has a hatred in his heart in this situation, if he repays his morals with grievances, I am afraid that the guild will be dissatisfied, and it will inevitably affect the future alliance. If it is an alliance, there should be a leader. This time the Blue Wolf Guild attracted the main firepower of the Demon Race. Regardless of the strength of the guild and the number of the guild, the Soul of the Blue Wolf felt that it was natural for him to be the leader of this alliance.

Therefore, he naturally mentioned in the letter that a round table meeting will be held in Alliance City tomorrow to discuss how to join forces to resist the invasion of the demons. The president of the guilds will naturally respond to the letter by then. After all, the guilds will fight today. Long have seen the current game world situation clearly. If an alliance is not established, then a large-scale sub-guild must be established like the Green Wolf Guild to form an alliance.

If it is said that before the establishment of the guild, the guilds still had such an idea, but when most guilds were established, it was understood that the maximum number of guilds could be continuously expanded, and most guild leaders gave up the idea of ​​establishing branch guilds.

After all, the establishment of branch guilds also requires manpower and financial resources. However, the effect of establishing branch guilds and increasing the maximum number of guilds against the invasion of demons may be the same. The only guild is easier to manage. After all, there are many disadvantages in branch guilds. Sometimes things about the branch guilds are hidden from the main guild, and the people of the branch guilds will form their own style and get out of the control of the main guild. Even more, the branch guilds are not popular and easily die.

Of course, it is not that no one has built a branch guild except for the soul of the blue wolf. The second group guild of Sky Dungeon has also been established in Luoshen City, the main city of the human race, but the guild is located far away from the first-line battlefield. The main city of the human race shows that this group guild is not militant, and the name of the group guild makes all the militant players a little painful, because the name of the group guild’s main guild turned out to be [Landscape Party].

That's right, don't forget that there is another very powerful group in this world, that is, the people who eat melons!

When Jing Tian heard the news, he was still stunned for a long time. What he didn't understand was: What charm is a guild with the scenery party's main theme calling so many players, and it can also set up a branch guild and create a scenery party group. , What happened to the players now that they are not competitive in the game, and watched the game as a big scenic movie?

However, think about it, I have never really appreciated the beautiful scenery in the game. VR games are not flat 3D games in the past. The realism of VR pictures makes many players fascinated, especially the large art team invested by Tengyi. , The details of the entire game are also beautified to the extreme within their abilities, so many players come here to see the scenery, it is not impossible to be an upgraded casual player who sees the scenery.

You know, Sky Dungeon has reached a strategic cooperation with the world tourism industry. Many landscapes and buildings in the map are based on real tourist scenic spots. In the future, the scenery party can not only experience the scenery in the game, but also Experience the scenery in reality through the game console, and truly realize the lazy people's desire to travel all over the world without leaving home.

Unfortunately, when Jing Tian planned the game, he did not give these Lone Rangers too many opportunities to upgrade and watch the scenery leisurely. The demons may appear around them at any time and threaten their safety, so the scenery parties are actually very insecure. In the end, After they discovered in the world that there was a guild like the Scenery Party that was willing to host players of the Scenery Party, they naturally felt that they had found an organization and rushed to apply for membership.

What made the scenery party guild president [Feng Ji] never thought was that a large number of players from the world would come in. It seems that although the world culture is different, there is a huge natural group of scenery party! Although some landscape parties also like to upgrade, and even the level of individual players is no less than the first echelon of players, but they do not have the ambition to achieve emperor hegemony in the game, and they do not want to be killed by the management of the guild.

After upgrading to a certain level, the Scenery Party pays more attention to marriage and relationship. They hope to achieve a beautiful love myth in the game, and even develop it into reality. You know that there are so many real stories in the game that you know about going to the palace of marriage. Therefore, a large number of casual players have poured into the city of Luoshen of Human Race and joined the Scenery Party Guild. Due to the pressure of the number of people, the president of the Scenery Party Guild [Feng Ji ] Even more generously, several guilds were established at once, which were called the Scenery Party Group by alliance players.

Think about it carefully, the president of the Landscape Party Guild is also the number one person. Generally, the Landscape Party is a casual player. Where there is energy and financial resources to establish and operate a group guild, even the establishment and management of a small guild requires a lot of energy~www This group guild that manages several guilds is by no means an ordinary casual player. I'm afraid this casual player regards viewing scenery as a career! Jing Tian came up with an amazing answer.

However, this was not the time to study the Landscape Party Group Guild. Everyone played a game and gathered in the living room.

"What about the alliance round table meeting tomorrow?" Zhao Jiaxue opened the chatterbox. Everyone has already learned about the Blue Wolf Soul sending letters to most of the guild presidents of the Alliance. It is said that he not only sent emails to the guild presidents who participated in resisting the invasion of the demons, but also to other guilds that had just been established. The leader sent an email, and as long as a guild was being established, he would take the initiative to contact the other’s guild leader, and even posted a message on the world channel and official forum. Obviously, there was a self-consciousness of the alliance leader at work.

"Uh... I definitely want to go, but this meeting is only attended by our unlucky presidents. You can continue to level up. It's a waste of time and life." Jing Tian doesn't seem to be particularly good at the roundtable meeting. Interested, faintly buried Taidao.

"I'm doing it! Don't comfort us anymore. Our little followers can't see how you big men divide the world. However, don't shame us when you go, at least you have to bring a leader back and let us take turns. "Luo Xia said in a serious tone, it seems that he is talking about a very relaxed and serious thing. The seriousness is naturally pretended by him. It is very relaxed and naturally it seems to have become a trivial matter with a leader in his mouth. .

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