Sky Dungeon

Chapter 394: Chinese people are the most insecure

After speaking, Liu Yaya left the startled Zhao Jiaxue in the breakfast shop and hurried away. After all, Zhao Jiaxue also heard the report from the female soldier on the other end of the phone. There was indeed an urgent task that required Liu Yaya to gather. After all, Liu Yaya's identity was very special. As a fart, Zhao Jiaxue had no reason to obstruct such things.

That's right, before Liu Yaya opened the door to surrender at home, she thought of this strategy of tactics. She directly arranged for her students to call her immediately after receiving news from her, and lied loudly about the military situation that needed to be assembled for urgent tasks.

Although the incident happened suddenly, Liu Yaya's direction was surprisingly Kukai Garden! Zhao Jiaxue waited for Liu Yaya to walk more than a dozen meters away before becoming puzzled, and chasing up the first few steps and asking loudly: "Yaya! How do you go back, don't you want to gather urgently?"

Liu Yaya didn't turn her head back and waved her hands, and replied loudly, "I have to go back to the underground parking lot and drive, should I take a taxi to the base?"

Can't we take a taxi to the military base?

How could there be such a strict concept of discipline in the world of Pitmin, but since Liu Yaya said so, Zhao Jiaxue’s jumping mind is not vegetarian, she has begun to fantasize about taxis driving into military bases, and countless scenes where AKs are aimed at security checks Up. Sister, do you think the military base is a terrorist organization base? Why is it AK47? Zhao Jiaxue gave up the last doubt, but when she recalled that she had just bought a large table of breakfast, her head buzzed like a nuclear explosion in her mind.

Life is unsatisfactory, and the Ming Dynasty gives out a fart!

Zhao Jiaxue is Zhao Jiaxue, not a somewhat rigid Nanlingxi. Although the breakfast bought cannot be returned once it is sold, Zhao Jiaxue walked directly to the door of the breakfast shop when he mentioned the extra breakfast, greeted the old lady who was about to come in for breakfast and said: " Congratulations, you are our 188th customer today. Our shop specially sent you a breakfast and family portrait. Please accept it!"

Then, the smart Zhao Jiaxue stuffed the big and small packages of breakfast into the hands of the old lady, and went into the shop with ease, picked up the rest of the breakfast, and rushed out of the breakfast shop. The old lady who carried the big and small packages returned Frozen at the same place, not daring to leave casually, after all, when lucky to hit her head, Aunt Hua Xia always had to think about whether this was a trap.

When she saw Zhao Jiaxue, the old lady immediately asked: "Girl, what is going on?"

"It's today's free Overlord Meal Prize. Take it back and don't need money. You can't finish eating and share a point with your neighbors." Zhao Jiaxue explained with a serious appearance.

"But you now..." The old lady was about to ask something in a questioning voice. Her eyes were on the breakfast in Zhao Jiaxue's hands. But before the old lady could ask, Zhao Jiaxue seemed to have thought of the question in her mind and interrupted directly. Said: "I won't tell you, I'm going to deliver food!"

After speaking, Zhao Jiaxue left quickly, leaving only the old lady in the same place and muttering to herself: "It turned out to be a delivery, I thought it was also a prize for me, what a good girl."

Zhao Jiaxue staggered, almost throwing away what was in her hands earlier. The feelings, the old lady was too greedy and naive, and did not doubt her true identity...

Zhao Jiaxue naturally would not bring back so many breakfasts. After all, even if they were brought back, most of them were thrown away. If they could not be delivered, she would choose to throw them away. If someone thinks that Zhao Jiaxue can pretend to be a living Bodhisattva and directly say that he will give it to the person who eats breakfast, he will definitely be rejected. The people in China still have the best face, and they do nothing in public. It would be more than worthwhile to order something or something.

Although Huaxia is the safest, there are no guns or ammunition in the store, but Huaxia people are the most insecure because there are too many scammers, too many people like to get something for nothing in private, and too many people like to take shortcuts that violate morality. People will be recruited if they are not careful here, and they will suffer a big loss if they covet some unexplained bargains. If you think this is a bit exaggerated, then you can search for previous news reports. A certain resident bought too many watermelons. As a result, his family couldn’t finish eating them, so they sent watermelons to neighbors in the same building, but they didn’t communicate at all. All the neighbors gave him a closed door, no one was willing to accept this well-meaning watermelon, and even the door was never opened to him.

Recall the situation in some developed countries in the movie. When neighbors move into a new house, they will greet neighbors around them, send desserts or something, why there is no Huaxia, and Huaxia people feel insecure.

Zhao Jiaxue don’t look at the usual carelessness. She has read similar news. Although she is scornful of this reality, she is powerless. After all, it is too difficult to change everyone, but it is very simple to change only herself. Use some small means. The breakfast can be delivered in another way.

Zhao Jiaxue walked back to the Konghai Garden with some disappointment carrying breakfast, but she found a person waiting outside their house. This person was one of the women Zhao Jiaxue didn't want to see. This person was Nan Lingxi.

"Lingxi, why don't you go in outside the door?" Although Zhao Jiaxue doesn't deal with Nan Lingxi in her, she has long discovered that Nan Lingxi is nothing but zero friends in terms of friends. Finding her false feelings, Zhao Jiaxue is willing to put on a enthusiastic appearance. Even if she has a little temper with her, she will even think it is the frankness that friends should have. Zhao Jiaxue likes to numb Nan Lingxi, so it is better to dig traps for her. This kind of woman who sells it to help her count the money and continues to give herself money is worth playing.

"This profiteer doesn't know the general... Usually when I get up, I am afraid that it will disturb your rest." Nan Lingxi still talks about the common people. After all, she doesn't know how to call the people around Jing Tian more appropriate, although she yearns for My friend, but still couldn't put down her figure immediately, but thinking of Jing Tian's dissatisfaction with her attitude, she still took the word commoner in half.

Zhao Jiaxue was taken aback, thinking to herself: Why is this rich woman biting her tongue? Could it be that God is alive and punishing her? People who are common people all day long, shouldn't they just bite their tongues in the middle of speaking? Although she was cursing Nan Lingxi in her heart, she still smiled and said: "We ordinary people don't have the habit of getting up regularly, especially on days when they are not at work. It is a very happy thing to wake up naturally when you sleep. What time is it, do you set the alarm clock to wake up every day?"

"Really? The common people are really special! The profiteer has been trained with a biological clock since he was a child, and he has developed the habit of waking up naturally, even if it is an indeterminate alarm clock, he will wake up naturally, so the profiteer will wake up naturally every day." Nan Lingxi seemed to communicate these differences with Yueyi and Zhao Jiaxue.

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