Sky Dungeon

Chapter 398: Feel like playing turn-based in MMORPG

Under Zhao Jiaxue's supernatural power, Luo Xia naturally shut up and didn't say anything. The point was that the steamed buns were tasteless. Now that he had salty soup and sweet soup, he naturally wanted to take it over and have a good meal.

However, Zhao Jiaxue refused to forgive, and continued to curse the fat man with classic lines: "Huh, you must have an attitude of acknowledging counseling, so that outsiders will think that you are dissatisfied, turning your anger into effort, looking for food to vent. Reality deserves to be single, single for a lifetime!"

Luo Xia feels wronged, why is Zhao Jiaxue taking gunpowder today, and she is reluctant to respond to herself, really want to reply "Aren't you single too", wait, she said "outsider", who is an outsider? The fat man suddenly understood the meaning of Zhao Jiaxue's words. It was clearly referring to Sang Yuhuai and squeezing out Nanlingxi. It seems that Zhao Jiaxue has a prejudice against Nanlingxi, especially what happened this morning.

Sure enough, where there are women, there are invisible wars!

However, Nan Lingxi didn't care about Zhao Jiaxue's words. In her consciousness, she was indeed an "outsider" in front of the common people, and she could not be an insider in the common people's circle. As a result, she seemed to have completely calmed down during her meal, as if nothing happened this morning, and she said nothing about breaking so many dishes, which made a few people feel a little bit disoriented. Too comfortable.

Everyone knows from Zhao Jiaxue’s added oil and vinegar that it was Nan Lingxi who broke all the ceramic bowls in the house. Many of them were carefully selected by everyone. Each ceramic bowl and dish also printed cartoon animals and characters. The patterns are all the cute ones that everyone likes. However, Nan Lingxi doesn’t seem to take this matter seriously. Although Jing Tian doesn’t pursue anything, it’s hard for everyone to say it directly. After all, Nan Lingxi is Jingtian’s old classmate, but not saying it doesn’t mean it’s not in your heart. curse.

At this time, Zhao Jiaxue was already muttering in her heart: "Good, you rich woman, you really don’t think of yourself as an outsider, breaking so many bowls of things that can be said to be thousands of dollars, even if we adults have a lot of not to blackmail you, you At any rate, you have to have a bit of sincerity and expression, don’t you? Doesn’t it mean that the richer people are more stingy with friends? I’ve heard this statement before, but I didn’t expect it to be true. How free and easy it is to go out and face outsiders one by one, Spending money like rain has won the envy of all the people in the world, but in the face of his friends and relatives, he shy away, unwilling to cut love and make people spurn."

If Zhao Jiaxue knows what the rich woman is thinking, she will vomit blood on the spot, because in Nan Lingxi’s eyes, those cartoon ceramic tableware are only for Ama and Agou. It is really unbearable and broken to use these broken pieces for Brother Jing. However, it is very happy.

But at this moment, Nan Lingxi finally opened his mouth and said: "Brother Jing, what profession do you think I should play?" This is also the second step of Nan Lingxi's strategy for Jingtian. Playing games is what he likes. And discuss game-related topics with Jing Tian to get closer.

What I asked was the game! And what occupation is she playing?

This is not in line with Nan Lingxi's character, is she really playing games for herself? Jing Tian thought about it quickly, but his mouth was not sluggish because of this, and he asked back, "Have you entered the game? Why don't you add our friends?"

Jing Tian didn't think that Nan Lingxi couldn't do it. Based on her family background and relationship with Tengyi Company, it was a trivial matter to find out Jing Tian's nickname in the game.

"This profiteer doesn't know your name in the game."

Zhao Jiaxue, Yun Yiyi, and Luo Xia naturally stared at Jing Tian with mentally handicapped eyes, and they didn't know how Jing Tian asked such a question that insulted his IQ.

Jing Tian naturally noticed the strange gazes of the three of them. After a cough, he said lightly: "Uh...that's right. I forgot to introduce myself. I called Zuijing Guantian in the game. Add my friends after you go online. You can recommend it to everyone."

"But, Lingxi, don't drag Jingtian's hind legs. He will be level 32 immediately, and he doesn't have time to upgrade you. Don't" Zhao Jiaxue doesn't want to be Nan Ling. The woman Xi was entangled in it, but she couldn't say it straight, so she had to move out of Jingtian, a natural shield, especially on the last four words, saying each word in a very kawaii voice, which really made everyone's heart fall. Goose bumps all over the place.

"Is it difficult to reach level 32?" Nan Lingxi asked Xiang Jingtian in a puzzled tone. After all, she also knows something about the game Sky Dungeon, and the game's global launch has only been ten days. She also established her own role in the game for business cooperation on the day of the server opening. Unfortunately, she only stayed in the game for three minutes, but even now it’s not too late. Nan Lingxi firmly believes that if she wants to be fast in the game with her financial resources It is not a problem for them to upgrade or even catch up with Jing Tian. After all, in the eyes of her business tycoon, there is nothing that money cannot solve.

If it weren't for Jing Tian's understanding of Nanlingxi, I'm afraid that Nanlingxi was playing arrogant again, but some people naturally didn't think so. Both Zhao Jiaxue and Luo Xia raised their eyebrows, and their complexions were a little dull.

"Don't underestimate this game. Even if you have money, you can get it faster, but I am afraid it will be difficult to catch up with us in a few days." Jing Tian still felt it necessary to remind.

" It seems that this profiteer has underestimated this game, but Brother Jing, you haven't answered my question yet." Nan Lingxi pouted and said, this expression is really like her A professional suit did not match, it seemed that this aegyo expression would never appear on her body.

"That still depends on what you like, close combat or long range combat, or auxiliary therapy." Naturally, Jing Tian would not blindly recommend a career to Nan Lingxi, and Jing Tian always pays attention to the reason for his own good.

"Since I can’t catch up with you, then play a very useful career that doesn’t need to be upgraded. It’s best to feel like a turn-based one. Although this profiteer has never played a game before, I’m comparable to a professional ninth dan in Go, playing against Alpha. As a dog, I can win and lose, and share the same balance." Nan Lingxi blurted out, without thinking for a moment, as if she had been prepared for this a long time ago. That’s right, Nan Lingxi thought about it last night, and she suddenly found that she could use the business step-by-step method to explore the sky. Life is like a chess, and feelings are not. How can they cultivate feelings? Isn’t there a lot of games where emotions are cultivated? It seems to be a step-by-step increase in favorability and finally achieve the best END.

Where are the very useful classes in Sky Dungeon that are not very upgraded? And also want to play a turn-based feeling in MMORPG? Everyone sounds big. Sky Dungeon

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