Sky Dungeon

Chapter 405: The new upgrade king

After everyone had maintained their equipment and gathered at the entrance of the smelting hall, a message on the World Channel caught Yun Yiyi's attention, and Yun Yiyi coldly said: "World Channel."

World channel? Most people looked away, but the Seven Constellation Party and Yang Mimi's sisters and brothers did not find any special news. They all opened the historical records and looked up. However, Jingtian and the others could see clearly, Nan Lingxi unexpectedly hired a master to upgrade her on the World Channel, but this kind of news is not unheard of. It is too inconspicuous, similar to spam, and will be subconsciously filtered out. The Constellation Party naturally did not pay special attention.

"Miss, what are you making a fuss about? I didn't see any interesting news." Two-tailed Scorpio said a little displeased.

But just after she finished speaking, she saw that the World Channel once again showed the recruitment information released by Nan Lingxi, but this time she was completely shocked, only hearing the Scorpio stunned: "Yun Xueyi, do you have a big prophecy? Shushu, this is too amazing, this player will not be joking, if she is not joking, then she is extremely stupid. If it is not stupid, then she is a total liar!"

Not only was the Constellation Party stunned by the information from Nan Lingxi on the World Channel at this time, even Jing Tian and the others were dumbfounded at this time. Originally, Yun Yiyi just reminded Jing Tian that Nan Lingxi might have thought of an opportunistic trick. The upgrade method, but now Jing Tian four people understand that she is really likely to break Yang Mimi's fastest upgrade record.

The new upgrade king, the upgrade myth may be born like this! You are really doing your best with all your hard work, maybe it's better to do it casually than the rich!

It’s not because of anything else, it’s because at this time what Lingxi in the world channel said impressively: "Excuse me, I didn’t make it clear just now. We are looking for 100 players above level 30 who will take me to level 20. Ten thousand gold coins, directly recharge to the account! The information is true, it is guaranteed, the location is limited, and it is out of date!"

Hire 100 players above level 30 to bring their own upgrades? And if you upgrade to level 20, you will be rewarded with 10,000 gold coins? That is 10,000 Huaxia coins. If she is responsible for opening monsters and 100 players are responsible for killing, all the experience will naturally flow into Nanlingxi. It will not take a day at all. Maybe she can reach level 20 in two or three hours.

It’s not that Jing Tian could not think of this upgrade method. His game planning has also made special mine clearance settings for this. However, Tengyi Company seems to think that popularity and money are also part of its strength. There are no advanced players with low-level players in the early game. Possibility of players. With the development of the game, novice and low-level players need advanced players to grow quickly, so Jingtian’s special plan is not adopted. However, the unilateral view triggered a subsequent condemnation of the fairness of the game.

To know that 100 players above level 30 don't use skills at all, and one flat slashes ordinary attacks. I am afraid that low-level monsters have died several times. The point is that it took just two or three hours to spend 1 million. It really is the owner of money like dirt, and I don't know how many people will believe her. As the two-tailed Scorpio said, most people probably think of her as insane.

However, Sky Dungeon is not only a game of cautious players, there are still many people in the world who are willing to believe in Nanlingxi, and some are willing to take the risk. After all, there are so many people, and it only takes two or three hours. Even if you are deceived, there is no loss. If the employer breaks his trust, it will cause trouble in the future. Not long after Nan Lingxi's news was sent, her friend's application had already been bombed.

Jing Tian was a little speechless. He did ignore the upgrade route that Nan Lingxi would think of hiring players. After all, Jing Tian’s ideas were in the direction of self-upgrading. He always thought that if you find power leveling or let advanced players bring upgrades, The way to experience the real fun of the game, even if you upgrade, you can’t fully understand the settings of the game.

However, why does Nanlingxi only require level 20? Does she want to quickly become a puppet master at level 20, and then control multiple puppets? Thinking of this, Jing Tian shook his head. After all, even Jing Tian himself did not have the confidence to control more than three puppets. The reason why the puppet master did not limit the number of puppets carried was because the player fundamentally controlled it. But with so many characters, if you can control so many puppets at the same time, wouldn't it be a real BUG?

"I'm doing it! Frog, this business is good. You can make 10,000 yuan in two or three hours. You can quickly contact the rich woman and reserve a place for us because of your special relationship with her. We deserve it! Besides, this is also a good opportunity for the team to get in touch with the newcomers, and Nan Lingxi will definitely join our guild!" Luo Xia was surprised, and thought. As the saying goes, if you get a month near the water, you don’t need to use it for nothing. There is an easy way to make money.

Jing Tian glared at Luo Xia with the look of the traitor, but it was a pity that Luo Xia couldn't find it in the game. Jing Tian sighed in his heart: "Everyone vote, after all, not everyone values ​​money."

The result of the vote surprised Jing Tian. Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue also voted for After all, they do not have a formal job, but their desire for wealth is quite serious. What Jing Tian doesn’t know is that Zhao Jiaxue Although she is not greedy for money, she has a dark feeling of making money from a rich woman. Needless to say, Yang Miaomiao naturally voted for it. He tends to stand on Jing Tian's side. Jing Tian did not express his position, but the three people around him have already expressed his position. Naturally, he would not object.

Yang Mimi voted against it. She said that she didn't mean to help others level up, and she would go to level up alone later. All the members of the Constellation Party voted for it, and they were also short of money. This somewhat surprised Jing Tian. This was also Jing Tian's miscalculation. Because of Luo Xia's words, the Constellation Party believed that Nan Lingxi and Jing Tian What kind of special relationship exists? To help Nanlingxi is to help Jingtian, and the people closest to Jingtian agree. If they disagree, wouldn't it be a shame.

If Jing Tian knew the thoughts of the five members of the Constellation Party, he would definitely stand up and clarify, but he thought that if he helped Nan Lingxi, he might make Nan Lingxi hate him. After all, he had done similar behaviors before. When money surrounded a group of people, I used to hate them in my heart and felt that they were greedy for money and could not maintain themselves for money.

However, when he was worried about money, Jing Tian realized that sometimes people have to bow their heads under the eaves. If you have to talk about personality and individuality, you may have to work hard, or you may get hungry. Sky Dungeon

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