Sky Dungeon

Chapter 41: Monster flying player kite

After these two skills were played, the double crossbow in Luojing Xia Shi’s hand was of no use. After all, general weapons only have three basic skills. He can only quickly switch back to the red and blue double swords and sacrifice one. The basic double-sword single attack skill cross cut. However, in the next moment, Luo Xia found that a unicorn stick had fallen from mid-air at great speed, hitting her panda character heavily, and Xia Shi's basic attack skills were also slashed by this. The hit was completely interrupted.

   It’s not much better to sit in Guantian, the general class itself lacks group attack skills, and Fang Tianji's ordinary group attack skill "Heng Duan" is really difficult to suppress the three unicorns for a long time. What's more, the cooling time of basic weapon skills has been increased after the transfer.

   "Don't eat mice, **** blessings!" Jing Tian discovered that not eating mice has no awareness of auxiliary treatment at all, and he hasn't even used his mastery skills.

  Don't eat mice, he immediately shook the magic stone staff in his hand, and released a **** blessing to the whole body for several meters.

   Scarlet Blessing: The group continues to regenerate blood skills, and the blood energy is restored every second. The duration is related to the treatment effect and skill level.

   Under the recovery of Scarlet Blessing, Zuijing Guantian and Luojing Xiashi barely resisted a round of fierce attacks from 6 monsters. At the moment after the skill cooling was restored, another wave of sweeps hit the 6 monsters. Jing Tian doesn't want to rely on treatment, but his current operation is really unable to avoid the monster's close-range attacks. He is trying hard. He knows that one day when facing an enemy instead of a monster, these attacks may be fatal. . Only by cultivating the awareness of avoidance from now on can we be invincible in the future.

   Most people who play online games are not limited to the fun of PVE, and they often pursue the pleasure of defeating others in PVP. Those meager sense of existence that is overlooked in reality, those low-level depression in reality, and those indifferent senses that can only stand by themselves in reality, can only be saved and sublimated by killing other players in the game. In reality, you can't win or lose, and if you die in the game, you will kill back. Even if you rely on the strong to bully the weak, you can make yourself hypocritically satisfied. Even hypocritical satisfaction makes people addicted and excited.

   Therefore, in online games, the most terrifying enemy is always the player. A player who does not aim at PVP is not a passionate player who really knows how to enjoy the game that brings a sense of reality beyond.

After several waves of monster running-in, everyone gradually adapted to the rhythm of the battle. However, due to the change in the number of monsters, everyone never found a way to seamlessly connect the round sweep, even though they had consciously cooperated with each other during running-in and cast group skills successively. , But still can't achieve perfect suppression.

Just after destroying a wave of 7 unicorns, the sound of the monster's footsteps came from a corner not far away. When Jing Tian saw the monster's appearance, he quickly and faintly asked: "The magic arrow rain has cooled down. ?"

   "Okay." Yun Yiyi replied coldly.

   "Rush up, these unihorn archers should have kite intelligence." After he finished speaking, he sat on the well and watched the sky and rushed up with Fang Tianji.

   Yes, Kite Intelligence is the smart setting for monsters to fly player kites. In the past, only players used to fly monster kites. However, in the setting in Sky Dungeon, most remote attack monsters have this monster intelligence. If the player does not have the means of slowing down or the ability to sprint and advance, it is likely to be played with by the monster, and if they can't catch up, they will have to run in the opposite direction.

   "What is it, the monster is flying the player's kite?" The eyes that did not eat the mouse almost fell to the ground, and the heart was even more complaining: "Which ghost setting is this?"

At the moment they were in a daze without eating the mouse, the others had already rushed in the direction of the monster. This was a patrol composed of five unicorn archers. They found the group of people sitting on the well and watching the sky for the first time. The bow and arrow in his hand was opened when he entered the range.

   "I did it, but I still have the first-hand intelligence to prevent the novice Xiaobai from living?" Luo Xia cursed in surprise.

   First move: Anticipate attack. When the player enters the monster's field of vision, the monster with long-range attack ability will accumulate energy in advance to prepare for the attack. When the player enters the monster's range, the monster will be attacked for the first time. As the saying goes, the first attack is the strongest, and then the attack suffers. Under the plan of Jing Tian, ​​the long-range attacking monster's AI has been greatly improved.

Of course, as players encounter more and more monsters when leveling up, more and more people find that the monster AI in Sky Dungeon is very high. Many players around the world have begun to target Tengyi Company made complaints about this design, and some even recorded videos showing how they were killed by monsters. Of course, most of these people are lone rangers. The reply given by the moderator of Tengyi Company is basically the same: this is not a game where one person beats a mole.

The meaning of    is quite clear. You must learn to form a team and have fighting skills. All this is true, players can team up to hunt monsters, monsters can also lurking attack players, this is Sky Dungeon! This is the game!

It is precisely because of the special settings of these monsters that most players have a great time. After all, PVE can also play the taste of PVP, which makes many players who are numb to traditional online games shine and upgrade. The process is not so brainless, tedious, repetitive reincarnation.

   "This is interesting and challenging, isn't it?" Jing Tian asked faintly, with a strange arc rising from the corner of his mouth, and I have to say that Jing Tian's words inexplicably ignited everyone's fighting spirit. The next second, Jing Tian reminded faintly: "The mouse should be careful to hide behind Yiyi."

   "My name is Meow Meow, I don't call it a mouse." Don't eat a mouse replied depressedly, and I also blamed myself for not being thoughtful when I started this ID.

   "Stop, I'll cancel their first wave of attacks." Jing Tian accurately judged the monster's range and the marginal landing point of the monster's attack. I saw that he only took two steps forward while sitting Jingguantian, and the five monsters fired all bows and arrows. They still activated the combined attack skills, but the next moment sitting Jingguantian made a perfect leap back, he easily escaped from their attack range. Inserted into the open space in front of the feet of Sit Jing Guan Tian.

   "The second wave of Falling Summer, Yiyi prepares for a magic arrow rain, and others interrupt it remotely."

Everyone rushed up, falling well Xia Shi took the lead, Yun Xueyiyi had already released the magic arrow rain just two steps before. This level of magic arrow rain comes with a one-level deceleration effect, and its long range is to prevent monsters from being released. Excellent skills for kites. Of course, at the same time that Yun Xueyiyi shot the magic arrow rain, the second wave of arrow rain offensive was also launched, and the target was Xia Shi in the well. Luo Xia yelled: "Parry!" Luo Jing Xia Shi didn't hesitate to assume a defensive posture, and the seven off-string flying arrows were cut into two quarters by him with a fancy sword without exception. on the ground.

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