Sky Dungeon

Chapter 408: Princes and generals are all kind

Although Jing Tian thought so in his heart, he didn't know that Nan Lingxi hadn't noticed the difference in equipment level at all at this time. You must know that she was just a novice, and how could the level difference in equipment be distinguished from her appearance? In the eyes of the village woman, she was just as equal as her own role.

"Oh? Wait anxiously? Because the weapon attack was too low for fear of dragging the officials, the slave family went to change a set of purple. By the way, they also changed all the other equipment on their bodies, so they came late and invited the officials. Forgive me, the slave family will compensate the officials well in the evening." Liu Yaya's words were full of infinite ambiguity, which filled the entire square.

Naturally, there is no need to think about it, countless sharp gazes are like flashes of lightning, instantly wanting to swallow the sitting well and watch the sky, split into countless pieces! It's a pity that Jing Tian couldn't see it at all, only that everyone's eyes were focused on him. However, he inadvertently noticed that there was a curse on the bodies of two women behind him, which made him feel uncomfortable.

How did you find it? Because Zhao Jiaxue in reality is already thinking about it at this time: "Go to death, go to death, big pervert, stinky rascal, big carrot..."

"Uh... Have you changed all your weapons to purple?" Jing Tian sighed inwardly. Fortunately, I was clever and found a topic that was shocking enough. I must immediately move away from the previous topic, otherwise I won't have a hard day today.

"Oh? Yeah, I changed it by the way. Is there anything wrong?" Liu Yaya's answer was full of lightness.

However, it was such a simple question and answer, the success shocked most of the players present!

Because most players have not seen it or heard about it. The weapons in the village woman’s package are more than two or three. It is almost a weapon arsenal. She has used almost all weapons. If she changes a set of Ziwu, then Didn't it change nearly a hundred pieces of Ziwu?

Such amazing financial resources are shocking, after all, the price of Level 4 magic core is already expensive to the extreme of the system's prescribed range. These financial resources are absolutely no less than the commission that Nan Lingxi consumes today.

Of course, this is also one of the important evidence that the Cloud Riding Guild is a local tyrant club, which is widely circulated among players in the world.

Perhaps at the beginning, some people despised the villagers’ playing methods and needed too many weapons. However, after learning that the village women had developed a purple weapon arsenal, all those who despised them could only discourage the world’s innocence. Fair, the princes and generals all have the same kind, why is he a poor pauper no matter in reality or in the game?

They haven't thought about it seriously. Even if the village woman has a purple weapon arsenal, her skills will always be the basic skills of the weapon. Although the advantage in the early stage of the game is greater, the basic skills that cannot be upgraded in the later stage of the game can also have How much harm?

Besides, some players have also refuted the weapon arsenal, such as ID [higher side]. He actually demonstrated the consequences of putting too many weapons in the backpack through the live broadcast. As a result, the movement speed and action speed are high. Descending, it is impossible to play normally.

There are still many disadvantages in the villager's gameplay, especially when the space ring cannot be used in some environments, so the dozen weapons in the backpack are not enough.

"Of course there is something wrong!" Nan Lingxi suddenly interjected. She hated Liu Yaya's kiss with Jing Tian in front of her. She decided to humiliate Liu Yaya, so she continued with a domineering tone. "Village woman, the level of your name is quite in line with your taste. I heard that you didn’t find a job. You came here to upgrade your experience, right? You haven’t reached level 20 after playing for so long, so what do you say? The face appeared in front of me and Jing Tian?"

Experience upgrade? Not to level 20?

Everyone looked at Nan Lingxi with the gaze of a monster, and they were secretly cursing Nan Lingxi's ignorance and naivety, but everyone dared to say something. After all, if you say that Nan Lingxi can't make a living, then If the business is disturbed, then you will lose a lot. That's 10,000 gold coins! What's more, it's not an exaggeration for those who don't know, who would challenge a game player, and who would slap his boss in the face?

If the village woman's level is not 20, how can she enter the guild? How could Nan Lingxi ignore such a simple and understandable thing? Jing Tian was ashamed of the business queen in his heart, but he didn't know that Nan Lingxi didn't even know about the guild! I don’t even know that the cloud logo with sunglasses on the head of the village woman is a symbol of the guild. Otherwise, she would not ask Jing Tian to accept her into the guild. Even if her level is not enough to join the guild, she will definitely do it. Occupy a position first.

Although this location is not important on the surface, it is important to get into Jing Tian's heart!

Liu Yaya's face was already twitching with laughter. She seemed to have heard the most funny joke in her life. The most important thing was that when she laughed, she had forgotten that she was still in the chat room. Her continuous laughter was from the beginning. It spread to everyone, and it was Zhao Jiaxue's laughter that was louder than her laughter. Although she was a little deliberate, it was from the heart.

However, after everyone stopped laughing, Liu Yaya actually continued to laugh for dozens of seconds, as if to make up for the laughter that she had missed in her life.

During this period of time, Nan Lingxi was still triumphant at She thought she had poke Liu Yaya’s pain, and even suspected that Liu Yaya had run away because of shame. But later, she received a message, and she was completely dumbfounded after reading the message.

I saw that the message was sent by Jingguantian, and the content was astonishing: "The village woman has the same level as us, she will be level 32 soon. She didn't find a job because she mastered a special gameplay, even if she didn't find it. Sorry, I didn't give it to you before. a."

"You partnered with Liu Yaya to humiliate this profiteer!" Nan Lingxi's voice became a little distorted.

"Sorry, I really didn't mean it. It's true to tell you that she didn't take a job. I didn't tell you Liu Yaya's level because I was afraid that you would be too pressured to compete with Liu Yaya. After all, we all entered the game the first time. You suffer too much from the comparison, and I am afraid that you will be unable to bear the competitive character and play games all night to level up. It will affect your body too much.” Jing Tian regretted it. After all, there are some facts that he can't cover up. You still need to face it. Covering up does not protect your friends.

"Understood, Brother Jing, are you loving me, or so gentle." After listening to the IQ of Yinan Lingxi, he immediately understood that Jing Tian didn't deliberately set himself up, but was worried about protecting himself. Sky Dungeon

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