Sky Dungeon

Chapter 410: Sling

Jing Tian was also helpless and shook his head to himself, without saying anything, he sat Jing Guantian and walked to the next floor.

Everyone was not too troubled, following the pace of sitting on the well and watching the sky mightily, and continued to walk down the stairs...A few minutes later everyone reached the 8th floor of the dungeon.

As soon as they entered the 8th floor of the dungeon, everyone was dumbfounded by the scenery in front of them by the VR sceneries. They all forgot what they were doing when they came to the 8th floor of the dungeon. Turn on the scenery party mode, video recording, and screenshot screenshots one by one. It seems that after playing for so long, everything is worth it.

No one thought that the 8th floor of the underground city is really a site of ancient civilization. The magnificent ruined walls are absolutely no less than the Yuanmingyuan in China. Looking at the most conspicuous statue, although only the lower body remains, the height of the statue is still It gave people an upright visual impact, and everyone unconsciously restored the statue based on their own illusions in their minds. A mighty wind swept through immediately, making everyone a little hot.

The ancient civilization sites here have been completely occupied by natural plants and monsters. Colorful vegetation grows around the ruined walls of ancient civilizations. The monsters wander leisurely here in groups of three or five. The three merge together, inexplicably more than one. This kind of harmonious beauty makes people cannot bear to break the tranquility.

No, wait, it's not just monsters. In the last moment, flocks of birds swept over the head in mid-air. Most of them were unnamed birds. Their feathers evolved colorfully, and they were free to play in this paradise.

I don’t know where the sunlight is coming from here. Someone looked up and discovered that there was a huge irregular glass on the top of the 8th floor of the dungeon. Through the glass, the blue sky could be seen, and even the sky could be clearly seen. The ladder made up of clouds in the middle rushed straight into the sky, seeming to reach the unreachable realm of mythology.

It turned out to be the real sky, the game world is really amazing!

I don't know what artifact this piece of glass is, or which inscrutable space mage it is, through some sky-defying spell, the sky in the game is shut into this huge piece of glass! Could it be that through this piece of glass, the 8th floor of this dungeon can get the sunlight from the outside and encourage the plants here to grow and flourish little by little? In addition, can this magic, which is like a huge glass, only connect the world on earth?

If so, is the channel one-way or two-way? If it is a two-way passage, wouldn't it be a lot easier to come to the 8th floor of the dungeon in the future? However, even if it is a teleportation array, how can the player reach the sky? After all, there is no flying skill, even the angels with wings can't fly!

The problem instantly flooded into everyone's sea of ​​consciousness like a locust, filling the entire sea of ​​consciousness full of chaos and complexity.

In fact, Jing Tian has his own explanation for such a setting, but it is naturally not appropriate for him to say it, and it is completely unnecessary. He did not explain anything at all, just reminded indifferently: "We are not here to travel. Let’s open the monsters in Lingxi. Please pay attention, the monsters here are all level 36 to 40 monsters. After opening the monsters in Lingxi, everyone must do their best to kill them. If the monsters are underestimated, they may lose their lives."

Hearing what Jing Tian said, although everyone was a little disappointed with the extra income, everyone did not forget that their main purpose of coming to the 8th floor of the dungeon was to forcibly swallow curiosity into their stomachs, and pat their cheeks in their hearts. Let yourself be forcibly calm and serious, each character takes back the weapon pets in the form of life, and one after another shows their most handy weapons, ready to start this unilateral slaughter.

Nan Lingxi doesn’t know where to equip a sling. This kind of long-range weapon is rarely used, because the sling is the only physical long-range attack weapon that must be charged to launch. Slow shot in the game is deadly. Yes, but the catapult has a special setting: automatic charging, splash damage, if the player does not launch an attack, it will continue to be in a state of being charged, and the catapult will always be spinning in the air, just like a helicopter The propellers are just like, full of a kind of murderous air, people dare not look directly, dare not approach.

In short, the slings are also quite cool, but I don't know why Nanlingxi chose such a spare weapon, is it just to pull the wind?

Although the sling has a special setting for automatic charging, if you want to launch attacks continuously, you need a charging time of 3 seconds. The so-called splash damage refers to that the stone thrown by the sling will shatter after hitting the target, and the splash will cause damage to the monsters around the target. Of course, this damage is very small, especially the current Nanlingxi. It is difficult to cause 1 point of damage to a monster. But this is also an extremely rare weapon that also has a mass damage effect on ordinary attacks.

However, when Nanlingxi took out the sling, Jing Tian was bright. After all, the sling is the physical weapon with the farthest attack distance. Using the sling index monster can give players enough range to cast a spell and attack underground. On the 8th floor of the city, there are magic monsters that attack from a distance. That is: Ice Spirit Sika If Nanlingxi uses a crossbow or magic bow, then she must run quickly when she attacks the monster. Otherwise, the ice spirit sika deer might even be killed by a counterattack. You must know that the ice spirit sika deer's attack range is exactly the same as the crossbow.

However, Nanlingxi now uses slings, so you don't have to think about avoiding monsters. You can pull the blame as you want. Can so many people follow her still make her fail? I'm afraid that the monster hasn't entered the attack range, it has long been beaten into mud.

I don't know if Nan Lingxi's choice was a coincidence, or after my own analysis, I didn't tell her what weapon to use to provoke blame before, but it was my negligence. If Nan Lingxi had analyzed it by herself, this woman seemed to have a little talent for playing games, of course only a little bit.

In fact, this is the case. Although Nan Lingxi's rate of attracting monsters is not high, she does not have to consider the life and death of the monsters when she attracts one, just find the next target. Besides, in the current situation, there is not one monster that is attracted by each attack. The monsters here are all in groups, and there are few monsters that act alone.

The splashing effect of the sling seems to be accompanied by natural taunts and monsters calling for help. After most attacks are successful, 4-6 monsters are killed. Fortunately, there are many people, even if you kill continuously, you don’t need to consider skills. Randomly hit two or three waves of ordinary attacks, and the blood tank of the monsters will basically bottom out. This is how powerful people are.

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