Sky Dungeon

Chapter 413: Drive tigers and wolves

Jing Tian naturally did not know that the Sun Moon God Sect was the guild of Pakistan, and the Sun Moon God Sect had no Eastern leader at all, only Ren Yingying, a powerful female president. However, Jing Tian didn't think too much, so he checked Ren Yingying's private conversation just now, "Chairman Qiyun, I want to discuss a deal with you."

"Uh... beauty, what business do you want to talk about?" Jing Tian replied indifferently, and Jing Tian muttered in his heart: What kind of business does this strange woman have with him? How did Ren Yingying know herself? Yingying has some contacts with someone or some people in his guild, so the most likely... I am afraid it is the Constellation Party and Jin Chengwu.

However, Ren Yingying obviously speaks not Korean, and I am afraid it has nothing to do with Jin Chengwu, but she also does not speak Russian and Chinese. Probably this Sun Moon God Sect is a guild of other countries or Chinese ethnic minorities, but this Sun Moon God Sect is also How can you have a good relationship with Russian players? Jing Tian was a little confused for a while.

"Of course it's the business of the leader." Ren Yingying smiled slightly.

"Uh...I am not interested in the position of the leader, and I have nothing to give you. There are many things to ask for money. If it is hard work like moving bricks, we can talk about it." Jing Tian replied indifferently, he understood in his heart, it turned out that this woman was here to sell!

Of course, what Ren Yingying sells is not laughter or meat, but the votes in her hands. All the presidents participating in this alliance conference must have the right to vote. The Democratic Alliance naturally wants to elect the leader, the soul of the green wolf. He would never use strength and weakness to make any rhetoric that respected the strength of the guild, and he would never make any statement about Huashan's sword, and would use his personal force to determine the world. After all, his combat effectiveness was by no means an opponent to watch the sky.

Even if he had a chance to win over sitting on the well, the Soul of the Blue Wolf could not have the confidence to beat all the guild leaders, and the delay would be too long. Naturally, the night would be long and dreamy. The best way would naturally be to win over some guild leaders so They vote for themselves! With the strength of the Soul of the Blue Wolf, it should be possible to win over most of China's small guilds. After all, to deal with the leaders of the China guild, as long as they use some benefits to tempt them, they will naturally submit.

Maybe, the soul of the blue wolf has arranged a number of internal responses, on the surface it is a while, in fact, they are all licking dogs for the soul of the blue wolf! Then there is really no suspense about the result of this election.

However, not all Huaxia Guild presidents have this set. Even if the Soul of the Blue Wolf is rich, it does not mean that all Huaxia Guild presidents need money. After all, people who are rich in Huaxia are not just the Soul of Blue Wolf. one person. Moreover, the leaders of other guilds in the world are not very welcome to people who have always used money to clear the way, presumably the soul of the blue wolf is not fully sure now.

In this way, Jing Tian is even more uncertain. He has never thought about fighting for the so-called leader, so he talked privately with Ren Yingying and said: "Sorry, you may have misunderstood. I have no idea of ​​being the leader. One vote. Two votes are of no value to me."

"Oh? You don't, but we have the idea of ​​pushing you to the top." Ren Yingying said sweetly.

"Push me to the top, what do you want?" Jing Tian was a little unsure.

"We have nothing else to ask for, we just want to get a trustworthy leader." Ren Yingying did not directly explain the truth.

"Trustworthy? I'm afraid you are in the wrong love, but I'm a decadent stream with no ambitions, and I can't support A Dou. Do you know why our guild has so few people? Of course it is because I am too lazy to manage!" Jing Tian smiled faintly. But in my heart I thought: I’m afraid you want to use Lao Tzu as a gunman. I don’t think I can deal with the spirit of the blue wolf, and our guild is small, and people who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes, even if the spirit of the blue wolf wants to deal with themselves The guild, I’m afraid it’s not easy to find people in the guild, there is nowhere to spread the anger.

However, why do you have to fight against the soul of the blue wolf? Is it possible that Ren Yingying, the beautiful lady of the saint aunt, also has an enemy against the blue wolf? Just now, I saw that Ren Yingying was talking about us. Are we referring to their guild or several guilds? If they were the Sun Moon God Cult family, then it would be purely borrowing the knife to kill. Maybe the soul of the blue wolf was sent to set up the trap. After all, the last time everyone Qiyun responded with virtue was to ease the conflict between the two guilds, but if this This time, he took the initiative to stand up and sing the opposite, and it was reasonable for the Green Wolf Guild to use this to attack himself.

Isn't this the way to drive tigers and wolves? There is a strange arc rising from the corner of Jing Tian's mouth. I was turning my heart to Mingyue, but Mingyue shines on the latrine!

"I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding. We are not a guild that wants to push you to the top. Think about it. If we say that we have the strength and no ambitions among these guilds, I am afraid that you are riding the clouds and falling snow. If you let the Green Wolf Guild of China We are definitely reluctant to be the leader of the alliance. After all, the previous actions of the Green Wolf Soul made us dissatisfied, and his character cannot be trusted by Only President Jing, you have become the leader of the alliance. No guild will feel uncomfortable. Although it is a big cake, no one will complain if you destroy it and no one can get it. Simply put, you have no ambitions that are the most suitable person for the leader." Ren Yingying explained in detail Tao.

"Is no one jealous when I get it? Besides, why are you sure that I have no ambition in the future? Maybe I became the leader and my ambition exploded. You shouldn't be optimistic about this and want to inspire The wild side in my heart, right?" Jing Tian obviously didn't think Ren Yingying's reasons were feasible.

"Chairman Qiyun joked. After all, your guild is the number one guild, and you only need to announce at the Alliance General Assembly that your guild only accepts 25 members, and you don’t need to expand the guild. If you have any ambitions, everyone is naturally very Easy to measure. Although the leader is a golden sign for recruiting members, as long as it is sealed by people who are not used, everyone will not be jealous and complain, and no one will mind that you sit in the position of leader. In everyone’s eyes, you are The harmless king, and everyone is the marquis who holds the military power, and can't threaten everyone." Ren Yingying seems to be very clear about the development plan of the Qiyun Guild.

Jing Tian was also taken aback when he heard that, and said indifferently: "Taurus is also really big mouth, this kind of thing has also been told to you, what you said is correct, this leader is indeed my seat and everyone will not complain, but those who have the strength to compete for the leader I am going to offend people to death. Although your abacus is good, how sure are you?"

"Thirty percent sure." Ren Yingying said very seriously.

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