Sky Dungeon

Chapter 415: The first green spot

"President Qiyun, you really have arrived."

Before Jing Tian could come up with any results, a familiar voice sounded behind him. Although the voice was full of disgusting greed, it seemed extremely kind, like a profiteer met a fat sheep to be slaughtered.

Jing Tian didn't turn around, just meowed at the chat record of the current channel and said: "It turned out to be Commander Silver. I didn't expect you to come to such a meeting." After that, Jing Tian turned the role around.

"Hey, don't be so indifferent? This time, of course you have to come, but I came here specially to support President Qiyun." Yin Zhengjin smiled lightly.

"Commander Silver shouldn't be promoted and made fortune again, right? He is also a diplomat in the game?" Jing Tian casually joked, saying that he is a diplomat is not an exaggeration. Ren Yingying just left, this second lobbyist just left. If this is the case, he must have been matched by other country leaders.

But it was such a joke that made Yin Zhengjin a little surprised. He was indeed promoted and made a fortune. Yesterday's world war battle ended in a victory for the Alliance. Yinzhengjin naturally reported a good news immediately after the war, propagating yesterday's small-scale battle as the opener of the game world war.

Without thinking about it, you can guess that Yin Zhengjin exaggerated the strategic consciousness of the Korean game army and claimed that the Korean army played a mainstay role in the war.

Of course, what Jing Tian didn’t expect was that Yin Zhengjin brazenly described the North Korean game army’s surprise victory. When the Chinese army was in crisis, it sent charcoal in the snow, completely co-operating with the outside and annihilating the United States imperialist-led Pact coalition army, and won the command of the Chinese leader. High praise and cordial condolences thanks.

After hearing this, the supreme leader naturally highly praised the bravery and resourcefulness of the North Korean Game Army throughout North Korea, and denounced the aggressiveness and ugliness of the Convention Organization led by US imperialism. Out of the recent superior performance of the Korean game army, it was natural to give Yin Zhengjin a wave of praise, and by the way, Yin Zhengjin was promoted by one level, and material rewards were naturally indispensable, and it was ordered to further expand the size of the game army.

"Where is it? It's just a bonus. It's still more dependent on President Qiyun to raise some points. If there is no such thing as President Qiyun, I would have no way to serve the country. President Qiyun is a good example of grievances. "Yin Zhengjin naturally can't tell the truth, but if he doesn't say something, it seems a little hypocritical. Based on his understanding of sitting in the well and watching the sky, this person is outspoken and doesn't like hypocritical people. Talking to him can be as long as possible, but he must not be ignorant of his conscience. Be hypocritical.

"That's really congratulations, but I haven't said that I want to fight for the position of the leader. Why do you come to support me? I don't know where the wind is blowing for you?" A trace of doubt arose in Jing Tian's heart, and he asked directly. .

"Of course, someone notified me. If I was asked to support others, I would be the first to dissatisfied with Yinzhengjin, but it was you who made me support, and we had the covenant first, so I would naturally help." I chose to go to the end, and there is no one who betrayed me.

Someone notified? With Ren Yingying’s identity, there is not such a strong influence in theory. When thinking about the connection between the Unicorn Taurus and the Russian Star Guild, Jing Tian suspects that the instigator behind all this may be the chairman of the Star Guild [Northern Mianzuo] ].

After all, only Russian players have such strength and capital, and the actual relationship between players in the world and the actual relationship between China and the country are also very close.

Not long after, all the guild leaders who were willing to attend the Alliance Conference had arrived in this meeting room. Although it was a round table meeting, everyone regretted to find that there was not even a place to sit, and there was no round table.

At this moment, the soul of the blue wolf walked in. He didn’t say anything to facilitate the use of the room’s temporary use rights to transform the room. A round table large enough to accommodate all guild leaders appeared out of thin air. All guilds The president has sat neatly on the tall and loose prince chair, but the color of the chair on which the soul of the blue wolf sits is surprisingly different from the silver of the others. It is a noble gold, which is naturally set by the soul of the blue wolf. Yes, he has turned himself into the protagonist in the conference room.

The host is the host, so you can be self-willed! Just after sitting down and watching the sky, everyone suddenly discovered that his chair had turned green! What does this green mean? Not everyone can understand it, but the Soul of the Green Wolf is going to do this, and to send out the screenshots, at least for the Chinese players to add some jokes before and after meals.

Hmph, aren't you going to add some green to me, see who is green!

At this moment, Ren Yingying sent a message to Zuijing Guantian. Jing Tian couldn't figure it out. Ren Yingying suddenly asked, "What is the special meaning of the green chair in China?"

"Uh... a green chair? It doesn't seem to have any special meaning, but green often means that one's lover is cheating, and it is best not to be green."

"Oh, that's the case, did your wife cheat?"

"I'm still single..." At this Jing Tian suddenly looked back and his face turned green!

However, someone doesn't give him time to study the first green spot... nothing more, wear a little green in life, and give out a fart tonight!

After clearing his throat, the Soul of Green Wolf smiled openly and said: "Presumably all the guild leaders here also know what the theme of the alliance round table meeting we organize today is, I will not repeat it. The demons have indeed formed. According to reliable sources, the number of forces in the Mozu Convention organization has reached a staggering 36 countries.” The Soul of the Green Wolf paused very appropriately and let everyone weigh the convention. What a monster organization is now.

"What's even more regrettable is that some of the Huaxia Guilds have also joined the Convention. Although they are also Demon players, they are the leaders of the United States and Japan. It is really regrettable. Among the Demon Race, the Huaxia people mainly formed two groups. Large groups have continued to expand. One is Beihongmen, which is composed of mainland players, and the other is Nanhongmen, which is composed of players from Taiwan. The game nickname of the main players of Beihongmen is Xie Wendong. The main power of Nanhongmen is It's Chen Jinnan." The Soul of the Green Wolf paused deliberately again, giving everyone time to think again.

Xie Wendong? Chen Jinnan? I have to say that these two guild president players really know how to choose their names. Xie Wendong is a character in the novel. It is estimated that for some reason, the word "Dong" was replaced with "Winter". It was either pre-registered or banned by the system. Right.

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