Sky Dungeon

Chapter 446: If you don’t want to be modest to others, gentlemen don’t take what you like

"I think the announcement of the first kill of the dungeon can be cancelled. Anyway, it has always been a member of the Cloud Riding Guild, a private room." ID Asuka Chihiro said contemptuously.

"It's just a single-player copy, calm. The Eight Achievement is an action-breaking gameplay, jumping around, fast, and less mistakes! Nothing to be surprised regardless of equipment." This person obviously played more moves to break through. game.

"The female emperor is mighty, long live the female emperor!" It is worthy of being a fan of the female emperor, is this kind of thing related to Yang Mimi?

After all, the first kill will be displayed in the dungeon's customs clearance history. In addition to the first kill, what is more valuable is the dungeon's clearance score list. Many guilds are staring at the dungeon clearance score list and digging for dungeon team masters.

But, can anyone upgrade this copy to level 32 to score above S level? Except for Jing Tian, ​​none of the other seven scored S grade, and the best grade was only A grade. So Jing Tian can only comfort everyone in the chat room: "Don’t worry, there is still a chance tomorrow, and the first kill of SS and SSS is still empty. As the saying goes, you can do your best, maybe Why don't I do it casually..."

Before Jing Tian could finish speaking, everyone satirically at Jing Tian.

After the irony, Yu Yan did not forget to admit this failure, and elegantly said: "Pseudo mother, I lost this time, but I will definitely win back next time. Your spur on me, my holy sword will surely be a hundredfold Give it back!"

At the time when everyone criticized Dou Jingtian, the system channel, the world channel, and the dungeon channel once again issued a headline that scrolled along the screen: "Since the first kill of the 32-level dungeon and the S-rated score has appeared, the system has officially activated the competitive mode of all dungeons. The dungeon level no longer limits the player level. The level of the dungeon monsters will be based on the highest level of the player entered. The skills and attack modes of all monsters will mutate randomly. The equipment dropped in the competitive mode is still the same as the normal dungeon mode, but the system is timed every day Announce the list of team members with the highest score in the dungeon competition mode at all levels. If all players in the team belong to the same guild, the team’s name will be named after the guild name of the team member and announced."

In an instant, the World Channel became quiet, and everyone was carefully reading the meaning of this headline... After a while, the World Channel completely exploded! After all, this is the best advertisement for the Promotion Association, and it is not a one-time advertisement, but at least once a day! Isn't this a great way to demonstrate the strength of the guild? Moreover, in this way, the gold content of the first kill of the dungeon has dropped significantly, and everyone can compete with their strength to completely break the bad trend of preempting the first kill under the level advantage!

Soon, many guilds on the World Channel scolded each other, boasting that Haikou would step on each other. The guild presidents immediately convened the management of the guild, started discussions, and proceeded to immediately select and dispatch the best. The team went to compete for the chief of the 25th and 30th dungeon competitive mode.

"What kind of cat is this competitive mode? Brother Tian, ​​do we want to get the first sitting cat?" Yang Xiaomei asked interested first.

After receiving the reward for the first kill of the S-level from the Butterfly Dragon King, Jing Tian said lightly: "Let’s not waste time. This is a propaganda guild setting. It only needs to do propaganda and keep collecting players’ money. The guild is in demand. After all, there is no high-level equipment drop. We took the first place today. Maybe another guild will step on our number one to become the second one. As the level increases, everyone’s strength is stepped. On the rise, if we want to continue to maintain the number one position, we may need to enter the dungeon every few days to get a higher score. If the competition is fierce, we even need to do it every day, which will distract us from upgrading. It’s better to let other guilds. The elites of China waste time. As the saying goes, you don’t want to be modest to others, and gentlemen don’t take what the villain likes. If they like it, just take it."

A strange arc rose from the corner of Jing Tian’s mouth, and he continued to explain in the next second: "I dare to conclude that the random variation of the skills and attack methods described by the system will never allow any guild to be confident that just sending an elite team If you can win the championship, you may have to take part in the fight on a large scale. This is the sky that restricts their upgrade speed. All ambitious guilds will compete to **** members. Fortunately, the upgrade speed is slow now, otherwise the demons upgrade speed. It will further widen the gap with the alliance."

"Isn't this a pit player in the alliance? Everyone was slow to upgrade." Zhao Jiaxue said with a sense of justice. This woman is the most loyal. Now she belongs to the alliance camp, and it is right to speak for the alliance.

"I'm doing it! I'm afraid Tengyi Company doesn't think so. It's probably blinded by our upgrade speed. You know that the demons shout every day to chase our level, but now they have been bombarded by the league. "Luo Xia patted her head in her heart.

"Indeed." Yun Yiyi even understood what Luo Xia wanted and coldly agreed.

"Oh? You said that because of our upgrade speed, Tengyi felt that we should release this model to deliberately reduce the league's upgrade speed?" Liu Yaya is indeed not very clear about this competitive mode.

"My Holy Sword said that it is very possible, especially the sister who does not eat mice, the upgrade speed is indeed amazing." Yu Yan's elegant words reminded Yang Mimi's God upgrade speed.

"Hey...Is my upgrade I still think it is slow, if I can surpass your ten or so ranks, I will be satisfied. You know I'm an Internet celebrity, if I have the same rank as yours , Why do you have a face shaking in front of the fans?"

Yang Mimi completely ignored the envy and hatred of everyone, and showed off her combat power in front of everyone. But I don’t know what kind of power her confidence has become so surplus, even if she is a figure in the FPS world rankings, even if she is an Internet celebrity, but facing the reality of Sky Dungeon upgrading difficult, she can only one step Climb up one footstep! After all, even if she enters the upgrade area above level 35 alone after she reaches level 35, then there is absolutely no such method as a monster gift that can be used. Even her followers cannot go hand in hand with her, they can only become It's cumbersome.

"Your upgrade speed may indeed be monitored by Tengyi, but it is impossible to promote it. Tengyi allows some of our players to upgrade first through special methods, but we must not allow our alliance players to be widely higher than Mozu players have caused serious imbalances in the game. However, our level is the world’s leading and there is no doubt that Tengyi can only reduce the upgrade speed of alliance players in this way, and even wants us to brush the highest score every day. So as to reduce our upgrade speed, and then reduce the game imbalance caused by level imbalance." Jing Tian analyzed in a deeper way. Sky Dungeon

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