Sky Dungeon

Chapter 450: 24 world channels

If you are unlucky, the BOSS will mutate some defying skills, let alone take the first place, it will even be a problem whether you can pass the level normally.

After all, the monster's level varies with the player's level. Even with the advantage of the level, it may turn into the disadvantage of the Cloud Riding Guild at any time. Maybe the higher the level, the stronger the monster's strength, the more skills, and the greater the variables.

If there is no excellent equipment corresponding to the advanced monsters, the Cloud Riding Guild would not be able to win the first place, and there is no way to continue to the top of the competitive mode.

Of course, the leaders of the guilds didn’t know what Jing Tian was thinking. If they learned that the Cloud Riding Guild had no idea about the competitive mode at all, they would naturally enjoy themselves. After all, this is a good way to criticize the Cloud Riding Guild. brand.

Of course, in the future, this good card was completely broken by them...

Now, as long as the dungeon's competitive mode is mentioned, the slobber battles between the major guilds cannot be avoided. The major guilds are bound to hold the first place in their own hands. As long as one more copy, there will be one more slobber. On the battlefield, a new round of war of words broke out.

The guild presidents are also happy to see this situation, after all, this is also to cheer for their guild, and even to promote the guild.

Although Jing Tian and the others couldn't understand the World Channel players, especially their faces like a villain, they didn't participate in the scolding and verbal battles.

This is also what Jing Tian had long used in the name of the guild president to order all members not to participate in the world war of words and waste their own game time. After all, playing games on the bed itself is harmful to the body. If you still do those boring things during the game time Things, this is not responsible for their own health.

The key is, how many people are there in the Cloud Riding Guild, fighting against the Confucians?

Really think of yourself as Zhuge Liang?

Zhuge Liang couldn't fight ten thousand mouths, let alone the enemies of Riding Cloud Guild, there are more than hundreds of thousands...

With a word of you, people can refute it in thousands of words. Wherever there is so much saliva, it is also allowed by the system now. The world channel’s speech charges are not mentioned, the content length is restricted, and the time interval and each time interval are forcibly increased. The number of daily releases, and the interval is getting longer and longer.

This is also no way. With the increase in the number of players, Tengyi company even had to open to 23 world channels. There is only one world channel. The refresh rate is too fast and the information is overwhelmed. After the 24 world channels, The information refresh frequency of the World Channel has been guessed to be eased, which meets the viewing needs.

Even so, there is no way to stop the passion of the player's war of words.

When "the boundless fall into the woods, endless saliva is coming", everyone from the Riding Cloud Guild went off the assembly line and rested. It was time for Jing Tian and the others to enjoy dinner.

The dinner was still arranged by Liu Yaya, and Nan Lingxi came again uninvited, but this time she was not alone, but brought two personal maids. Nan Lingxi naturally explained it, she didn’t want anything. I didn't have the energy to eat rice every day, but I was not good at housework, so I took care of the cleaning after the meal.

Although Luoxia and Jing Tian both felt eye-catching and appetite for the two slender beautiful maids, especially their Japanese-style lace maid outfits, which were enough to satisfy the special feelings of many men. It has transformed Liu Yaya's house into a shooting scene of a blockbuster.

However, everyone couldn't bear the feeling of having two maids staring at the meal, as if being stared at by the waiter and unable to speak. So Jing Tian took the lead, and everyone blew away the two maids abruptly.

Of course, Jing Tian gave a very good reason. He persuaded lightly: "We are friends. You are welcome to come to either of our houses for dinner, but if you bring two maids, you will see you out. And everyone. They are all born of ordinary people. Without your rich and precious master, you are not used to and cannot bear to let your servant watch when you eat yourself. This is a kind of torture. If you want to thank us, you can help yourself. Clean up, even if you are not good at housework and smash all the dishes, we will never blame you. The key lies in your sincere heart, and only if you do it yourself can you be part of our big family. It is you who do it with your own financial resources. This can only make us feel that you are showing off and that you are trampling on our friendship."

Of course, Liu Yaya and Nan Lingxi both looked at Jing Tian with the same eyes that looked at liars, and they were stunned after listening to his speech of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

What is an ordinary family background?

If your Jing family is an ordinary family, then what are the four families of the East, the West, the North and the North?

However, Nan Lingxi is not a fool. She can naturally understand what he wants to explain from Jing Tian's words. Indeed, if she asks her servants to clean up, she will naturally feel incompatible, and she will also include other people as slaves. Level of suspicion.

After all, the common people’s daily hygiene is cleaned by themselves and kept in their own homes. These are naturally the internal affairs of the inferior servants, but here, every little detail of life should be done by herself, and she should do her own work. Only in this way can we truly appreciate what Jing Tian and Liu Yaya think, and truly walk into Jing Tian's inner world.

As a result, Nan Lingxi drove away the two servants. She was always arrogant and was not used to being accused. Even if the accusation was for her own good, she would still inexplicably generate anger in her heart.

The anger that has nowhere to rest is naturally spread all over the two maids...

When the two innocent maids were driven away, Jing Tian, ​​who had seen everything apologize, went to open the door and lead the way, which somewhat flattered the two maids.

Although they don't know who Jing Tian is, there are definitely no more than two men who can change their minds.

Is this man really a commoner?

If it is, I am afraid it is also a civilian in the image of the eldest lady, then this man can no longer be treated as a civilian, but as a master.

The two maids were naturally very polite to Master Jing Tian, ​​and even did not forget to cast a wink at Jing Tian carefully. It was not that they wanted to happen to Jing Tian, ​​they just wanted Master Jing to have a very deep impression of themselves. Fortunately, it will be easier to mix in Nanfu in the future.

Why do you wink at me?

Don't you think I have any wrong thoughts about you to send you out?

I'm just taking care of your mood, okay?

This wintry really made Jing Tian a little surprised, scared Jing Tian to flee, and tightly closed the security door.

Although he is a decent man, he was also a little confused when facing two beautiful women in maid costumes, and he was a little confused. You should know that he is a little maid habit, not to mention that he has not experienced those men and women in these years. , How much made him a little bit of internal fire. Sky Dungeon

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