Sky Dungeon

Chapter 472: Someone really played Buddhism

   It’s not that you are afraid, but they are afraid that you will be insane, okay?

Appearing to feel the suspicion of everyone, Jin Chengwu deliberately did not block the chat room when the team was rested and recovered, so he called a president of a plastic surgery hospital. After that, it was naturally a long list of professional terms, even the game was built in. The translators finally went on strike. Many professional vocabularies could not be translated normally. However, from the simple translated vocabulary, everyone was a thousand percent sure. This plastic surgeon is undoubtedly Jin Chengwu.

   Jing Tian can hardly imagine this scene, he began to wonder if playing games is not like what some experts say, it is just a waste of time and life. Look at the popular Korean plastic surgeon Jin Chengwu, isn't he working while playing games? And they are right!

   However, I hope that in the future Sky Dungeon can really develop higher-end gaming equipment according to their own planning. By that time, ordinary people can also achieve both games and work. Don't think that it is a black technology, but you have asked foreign experts in brain research, which initially proved the feasibility of this lifestyle. However, let's talk about the future things later, and the road now has to be steadfast.

It is rare for Jin Chengwu to speak, but what he said feels like it should come from the mouth of Nanlingxi. It is really proud. After all, the three key fragments are millions of gold coins, which seems to be worthless in his mouth, but It was also clear to Jing Tian and the others that these millions were really nothing to Jin Chengwu, and I am afraid that his income from just a few random operations was no less than this amount.

"The timing is not yet ripe. Let's wait until level 45. Although this kind of thing has a low burst rate, our luck is still pretty good. Maybe when we reach level 45, we will have enough to open it twice." Jing Tiandan Smiled.

   "Here you are." Yun Yiyi said coldly inexplicably.

what? give me?

   Before Jing Tian could respond, Yun Yiyi handed over a transaction application.

  How is it possible? I have confirmed before that the key fragments of the ancient battlefield are all untradeable!

   Then what are you going to trade for yourself?

   With curiosity, Jing Tian still accepted the transaction. However, lying in the transaction column was [Mysterious Fragment]!

   Wait, the introduction to the mysterious fragment that I saw before did write that the fragment may be an ancient battlefield key fragment, and I subconsciously thought it was just another form of the key fragment, and didn't even notice that it could help the transaction.

   However, from the point of being able to trade, it can be judged that this mysterious fragment and the key fragment are two completely different existences. But what exactly is the mysterious fragment used for?

   Is it because the ancient battlefield key fragments cannot be traded, which affects everyone's heart of collecting, so another set of key fragments that can be traded is specially introduced?

   But if you let one person get together, then the way you set to open the ancient battlefield will also change.

   Moreover, it is entirely possible to make the non-tradable key fragments tradable. Why do you want to come up with another set?

   There is still too little information. I can only wait to see if the same props have been released on the forum, and I have to pay more attention to discussions in this area in the future.

   took the mysterious fragment, Jing Tian looked at the item again, but what made him a little bit dumbfounded was that this item turned out to be untradeable!

   It feels as if I missed 5 million, Jing Tian felt a bit painful.

   I blame myself for being negligent, and forgetting that some valuable items will become bound items if they are traded!

Now the system is becoming more and more intelligent. Many items are marked with market guide prices. Items that are traded below the market guide prices will be labeled as non-tradable. Moreover, the party who obtains the gold coins will also have the gold coins tied. Deposit. That is, the black gold in the future indicates that this transaction is suspected of money laundering, which is equivalent to being blocked by the system for circulation in the game forever and cannot be realized.

   Wait, could it be said that this thing is not a fragment of the ancient battlefield key at all? After all, the description says: "maybe". It may be this kind of thing, or it may not be. Then what is this mysterious fragment?

  Before Jing Tian could figure it out, it seemed that someone was walking down while sitting on Jing Tian to face him. Jing Tian subconsciously manipulated the character to wave the purple square halberd in his hand, preparing to kill immediately when the situation was bad.

   After all, the opponent may be a Demon player. In this dimly rotating staircase, it is impossible to determine the identity of the person coming. You should know that although the demons cannot advance to the upper channel and bully the trumpet players, the system defaults to allow them to go down to challenge the alliance players who are higher than their own.

   Many Mozu anchors like to do this, seeking excitement on the one hand, and attracting more viewers to watch the leapfrog.

   The four people behind also saw the action of sitting on the well and watching the sky, and they understood it subconsciously. They all took out their weapons to prepare for battle. But the next moment, everyone's tension disappeared instantly.

  The visitor turned out to be a handsome, fair-skinned bright But everyone in Jingtian laughed without a word. Fortunately, the five of them used the chat room.

   "What's the matter, what's the matter?" As Zhao Jiaxue was in the team led by Luo Xia, she couldn't see the scene at all.

   "'s nothing, I met a male elf player in Buddhism, and everyone couldn't accept such a spicy-eyed picture for a while."

   Buddhist players?

  Most people immediately replenish their brains. Of course, people like Nan Lingxi who haven't gone deep into the game can't imagine it.

   Buddhism has three major branches of occupation: Fighting Buddha, Medicine Buddha, Ghost Buddha.

   The scum pie pizza in the scum pie family I have encountered before is the ghost Buddha, but since the race of the scum pie pizza is the evil spirit skeleton, he cannot distinguish his profession in appearance.

However, the players in the alliance camp are different. Most of them have hair, and if you work in Buddhism, you must shave or become a monk. From the moment you succeed, no matter what strange hairstyle you set in the game, it will be instantaneous. For nihility, fortunately, there will not be a ring scar like a mahjong tile on the top of the head, otherwise it will be more ugly.

   But the bald head, shiny, like an alien, makes people laugh.

"Hahaha... it's so ridiculous that someone actually plays Buddhism." Zhao Jiaxue laughed carelessly, as if she had already seen the appearance of that Buddhism player, she even forgot that this spoof setting was exactly She forced it on her face, saying that Buddhism should be shaved, otherwise it is disrespectful to the Buddha.

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