Sky Dungeon

Chapter 474: Lucky value attribute

   This also made the already competitive Yu Yan depressed for a long time, and she even determined to take advantage of Jing Tian's offline today to upgrade hard, and come back again.

   After all, facing challenges, there is no reason for this madman to refrain from fighting!

  Even though Jing Tianzui did not mention such things as level competition, Yu Yan regarded the experience war as a marathon to fight the competition!

   It seemed that I didn't understand the black vision before putting it on the plastic surgeon, but because the plastic surgeon's level is not high, it is not on the list at all.

   "No....N Unknown Rats."

   Bai doesn't understand black, I admire his IQ so much, how can he find the lines so quickly and don't choke in front of these celebrities.

   He didn't think about the plastic surgeon's feelings at all. Jin Chengwu saw that he was talking and his nose was irritated. He wanted to inject a few hundred milliliters with his best face-lifting needle.

   You must know that face-lifting needles are botulinum toxin, which is a mental poison. If you inject too much, you will naturally die.

   The other four people naturally laughed. This white does not understand that the black is a Chinese, and their laughter is the real catalyst for Jin Chengwu's madness.

"Why did you run here alone?" Jing Tian asked indifferently. He was really curious about this monk. A person who dared to go to dangerous areas alone would either have absolute confidence in his own strength, or he would never beat the rain. Umbrella, so much water in the brain.

Of course, at the same time of curiosity, in fact, the dialogue doesn’t understand black and places great hope. If this person is good enough, he can be drawn into the guild. The guild lacks this kind of capable lone ranger, especially the treatment with the ability to protect himself. Occupation.

   "I just took a task. Go to the eighth floor underground to find clues left in the ruins. Is it possible that you just finished this task?"

   Bai did not understand Hei seemed to have caught some life-saving straw, and his words became excited, as if he wanted to find help from Jing Tian and the others. After all, this task is too general, there is no task destination coordinates to refer to.

"How many levels are you, we haven't taken any quests. I advise you not to rush to do this quest. There are very few monsters there. If you rush over, you may be surrounded. We are just going to practice monsters. Level, did not receive any tasks, even if we are there to clean monsters is quite difficult." Jing Tian kindly reminded.

What he said is the truth, and now he can’t receive the quests on the 8th floor of the dungeon at all. The daily quests for the dungeons of their level only need to be released on the 7th floor, but the daily quests are now available. The experience rewards are really a drop in the bucket, and the number of props required is completely based on the face, what is the face, that is, the NPC sees you pleasingly and asks you less points, and if you are not pleasing to the eye, asks you more points.

How many   ?

   is sometimes ten times the number of other players, which is really outrageous!

   This is also commonly known as random, but Jing Tian knows that this is definitely not accidental. Among the attributes of that character, the lucky attribute that cannot be obtained by adding points plays a vital role.

However, most of the jewelry items that Jing Tian can obtain are substandard products with low lucky value, and the lucky value of the purple jewelry on the village woman and Nangong Lingxi is relatively high. Jing Tian has not counted on this. A little bit of low-level purple jewelry can bring good luck to the team. You must know that the lucky value is not absolute, even if the lucky value in the attribute does not change, your horoscope, the lucky color on your body, whether it is in the package There are lucky things, which will have a certain impact on the lucky value.

   That's right, Jing Tian still dug this pit by himself. Ask the world, what the pit is, teach people to stumble and jump!

   The lucky value has not been studied deeply by the players. Once it is studied deeply in the future, the dazzling array of lucky objects, as well as the constellation theory, will inevitably become the required courses and must-buy items for the majority of players.

  Moreover, these dazzling arrays of lucky objects and accessories will cooperate with real-life retail manufacturers. Players can directly place an order to purchase the real-life version of the objects they like in the game, and the retail manufacturer will directly ship them to the players.

   This is also one of the factors that the game promotes the development of the world economy. Through the game, players develop the habit of buying some goods.

This is not an advertisement. This is to let players take the initiative to understand the value of certain products through the game settings, cultivate the habit of using these products, and let them understand the horoscope and lucky things through the game settings, so that they can recognize the astrology And resonance, and then generate desire to carry lucky things in reality, enhance the sense of good fortune in reality.

   is not just astrology, but physiognomy has actually been integrated into the game, but because Jing Tian’s planning involves plastic surgery, this aspect of planning has not yet been implemented.

Sitting on the well and watching the sky, they frequently received shameless daily tasks in the past few days, and the number of props needed was suffocating, so they simply gave up, instead of doing the daily tasks of the current level stage, they ran to the 8th floor of the dungeon to collect the level 35 stage. Of daily task items.

   Anyway, even if you don’t receive the task, you will still drop the task props and save your own task When you submit it at level 35 in the future, the experience reward will be much higher than it is now.

"I'm level 31. Actually, I expected it a long time ago, but I have my own way to avoid those monsters, don't worry. But how can you appear in the ladder leading to Dalin Tesu, you should not be in the Alliance Are there activities in the city?"

   Bai doesn't understand the black, it seems that he doesn't worry about his safety at all. It seems that the crowds of monsters are like toads that want to eat swan in his eyes. On the contrary, he is curious about the five of them appearing under the main city of the elves.

   "This is Darin Tesu?" Yun Yiyi asked coldly in surprise.

   Even if Jing Tian deliberately avoided random teleportation and ordered everyone to evacuate the Boss area in batches, everyone was clearly heading towards the exit of the Alliance City, but how could it appear in Dalin Tesu, the main city of the elves?

   "It should be that the stepped passage on the 8th floor of the dungeon has been distorted. This distortion occurs every once in a while." Jing Tian put on a guessing tone.

  Where is the guess? This is clearly from his handwriting. This is also part of the emergency plan. In order to prevent players from using the dungeon this random teleportation method to build some so-called shortcuts, it is necessary to add some channel distortion settings.

Otherwise, if a player finds a way to use the teleportation magic circle to quickly move to the underground of other cities, then the utilization rate of the greedy transportation tool of Dapeng will be greatly reduced. You must know that although Dapeng is a foodie, they represent It is Tengyi company's **** mouth, tirelessly embezzling players' wealth.

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