Sky Dungeon

Chapter 481: First step to heaven

   "But...but, I still think..."

   The peculiar murmur of the little girl passed into Yu Yan's ears. At this moment, Yu Yan was a little bit big. After all, the game Sky Dungeon also has an age limit.

   No matter how loli the character is, it is impossible for real players to be under the age limit.

   But the black person in front of him is too introverted because he doesn't understand white. He has lost his basic language ability as a human being in front of him, and can't express the thoughts in his heart clearly?

   Is she the legendary autism? If it is, then it is absolutely accustomed to white not knowing black.

   "It's okay, my brother will protect you for life, and will never let any man or woman who thinks of you badly approach you or hurt you." Bai did not understand black heart patted his chest.

   Yu Yan didn't say anything, but her heart was full of sweat, and she asked herself: Is it a blessing or a curse to stand with such a big brother?

   Fortunately, my brother is not such a pervert!

   Maybe his father is the same as this brother, but his way of expressing love is a bit too distorted. Fortunately, his father just has a desire to control himself and has no other evil thoughts.

   At this moment, Yu Yan felt a lot more relaxed inexplicably, and even felt that her father was quite normal for a moment, but this thought only existed for a few tenths of a second.

   "But, I... still feel... very nervous and my heartbeat is so fast."

   Black did not understand Bai finally said his thoughts with difficulty, but Yu Yan was somewhat surprised to hear that she was not your lover, let alone a scourge, why should you be nervous?

"It's okay, my holy sword is with you! In fact, I have also felt this way. The first time I entered the game, the first time I had a conversation with an NPC, the first time I fought a monster, and the first time I competed with players. The first time I teamed up with unfamiliar players, and even the first time I saw you, I was very excited. Even the second and third time I couldn’t calm the restlessness and excitement in my heart, and my heart beats unconsciously. Playing games is not just looking. This kind of excitement? You don’t need to worry about anything. Don’t be afraid of tension. It is this tension and heart-pounding feeling that makes playing games full of fun.”

   Yu Yan is so knowledgeable, she can still cope with such a little girl.

  The point is, the holy sword is with you? Can’t I put it away in front of my little sister if I’m sick? Don't you think you will be regarded as a strange sister?

   Wait... Maybe it is precisely this kind of secondary disease that makes people full of courage, right?

   "Huh? Sister, you...are you nervous too?"

   It is not difficult to imagine that Hei Buunder Bai is now staring at the King of Sword Cavalry with a surprised look. It seems that everyone else in her eyes is a calm big person, all of them are iron men who don't know what they are afraid of.

   Actually, black doesn't understand white but only believes in his brother. No matter how scared he is, his brother will stretch out his arms to block him in front of him, bravely protecting himself time and time again.

   But she never thought, how could her brother not be afraid? It's just that Bai doesn't understand that Black always reminds himself that he has a younger sister, and a younger sister who needs his own protection, even if he is afraid, even if he is self-conscious, he must stand in front of his sister.

"Of course, because fear and excitement are human nature, don’t look at my usual lectures in front of tens of thousands of people. Actually every time my palms sweat, even my calves will keep on The trembling, the rapid heartbeat, etc., are nothing at all. Every time I am afraid of accidentally saying something wrong, I am ridiculed by thousands of people. But in the end I survived, time and time again, even if I am ashamed to face it, I will never shrink Escape; even if you are afraid of making mistakes, you will never be afraid of punishment." Yu Yan said gracefully and calmly.

"Wow! I feel like you, are very powerful, but my brother is even more powerful. He...he is not afraid of heaven, he can help me solve any problems!" The little girl's face must be overflowing at this time. The proud smile and the white face is definitely full of happiness at this time.

   I always feel that a picture of a brother and sister relying on each other is so inexplicably rising in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"I know that your elder brother is the person who loves you the most in the whole world, but he has been hiding in the shadow of his elder brother and he cannot absorb the sunshine and grow into an upright female man. Actually, you are also very powerful. The power that comes out is definitely better than all the stalkers I have seen before. As long as you stand up, you can protect your brother in turn, instead of just letting your brother guard you for the rest of your life, but you guard each other."

   Yu Yan has seen so many stalkers, it is not wrong to say that black does not understand white is the most powerful stalker she has ever seen.

  Sometimes, white lies may help a person grow!

Moreover, Yu Yan surprisingly discovered that the little girl’s name is also one of the top figures in the assassin rankings, but her level is still one level lower than her brother, presumably white does not understand what black should have other adventures~www.mtlnovel. com~ gives him a lot of experience.

   As the so-called "snake and three inches", Yu Yan deliberately talked about the pain points of black and white. How could a girl who grew up under the protection of her brother have no guilt, how could she not have a strong self-esteem?

He didn’t understand Bai and was silent. Bai didn’t understand Hei but immediately comforted: "Sister, don’t listen to her nonsense, brother will always protect you, and never need you to give back, let alone protect your brother. , My brother will protect himself, as long as you love my brother forever, my brother will be satisfied."

   actually want my sister to love herself forever?

   What a serious sister control this is!

   It is a pity that the ending of forbidden love is unbearable. The deeper the love, the more heartbreaking the ending.

However, Yu Yan, a woman who reads poems and books, gave her a thumbs up in her heart because she doesn’t understand black. Although she doesn’t agree with this sister’s practice, this forbidden love makes her unhappy. The girl of personnel was shocked.

She has been influenced by Western thoughts, and it is not the first time she has heard about Forbidden Love, but it is the first time she has encountered them in the game. She is even optimistic about their future. After all, in terms of her woman’s sixth sense, Hei does not understand Bai seems to love his brother deeply.

   But when Yu Yan heard the girl say the next sentence, her whole inner world became messy.

   "Brother, I know you will always protect me, but you are older than me and you will go to heaven before me. What if I am left alone?"

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