Sky Dungeon

Chapter 488: Husband who is indifferent while watching himself be beaten

However, even so, Jing Tian already feels that he has offended the uncle of the delinquent goddess, why he has fought so many times, and has only been critically hit once or twice. His role is a fallen angel, a hidden race. [Disaster attribute] Is it reliable?

   Even though I thought so in my heart, Sit Jing Guantian’s attack did not stop.

"breaking Dawn!"

   Sitting on the well and watching the sky jumped up again inexplicably, the Fang Tianji with purple halo from time to time fell to the ground, and the pitiful mermaid stabbed in the past. Fang Tianji fell into the summer from mid-air, like a meteor!

   Some people have suddenly become clear in their hearts. Some people are still thinking about why Jing Tian jumped to make such a blow, and even whispered whether Jing Tian deliberately poses as a POSE cool.

  Where is the POSE that is deliberately displayed to be cool, the first-order [Dawn] This single skill hits the target will produce a first-level knock-up effect, but if the Dawn is shot from top to bottom, what will the effect be?

   The next second, everyone saw the result.

As a result, the area where the sister who did not eat mice fell was another dust. That’s right, the breaking of dawn produced a powerful thrust. As Fang Tianji’s top-down attack trajectory turned into a ground-smashing effect, it seemed to be Pinning [Sister Who Doesn't Eat Rats] on the floor, the mermaid's body did not have any displacement due to the break of dawn.

   It turns out that dawn can still be used like this!

   "I'll do it, you will be ruthless! See I will rush to beat you now."

   It was not someone else who was talking, but it was Luo Xia. His nostrils were panting, and he could no longer contain the anger in his heart. He beat his wife like this in front of him. Who would stand by?

   Luoxia was ready to take off the VR wearable device at this time, and went to find Jing Tian desperately.

   "Dare you! If you intervene in this battle, I won't care about you for the rest of my life!" Yang Mimi's voice revealed a hint of determination.

   Although Luo Xia has been in the society, he is a person who does not pay attention to principles and pays attention to face. If he does not express his opinion at this time, Yang Mimi may have an idea. After all, which woman would like a husband who is indifferent while watching herself be beaten?

   However, this does not mean that Luo Xia is a man who has a city and can behave. His anger at this moment is from the heart. If Yang Mimi acquiesced, then he must have rushed to Jingtian's bedroom!

   However, Yang Mimi has her own principles and years of experience in battles have made her always adhere to a creed, that is: face strong enemies, hate the weak, recognize the gaps, and become stronger.

   is precisely this belief that gave birth to the former spear goddess. Even at this moment, she can't do anything, her mermaid role is only unilaterally beaten. She doesn't feel ashamed, such an experience can only make her more aware of her flaws and become stronger.

   Jingtian seems to understand the reservedness of a master who has been fighting for many years, so he will never let go.

   He decided to use practical actions to make Yang Mimi understand that he is not invincible. His previous luck was that he had not yet encountered a more powerful enemy. In Sky Dungeon, the variables are endless!

There is still a long way to go in the future. The reason why she can fly so many Demon players is only because she has not yet encountered a strong opponent. Although the appearance rate of comprehension skills like Yiba Tian is not high, it is similar to charge. The skills are definitely not less, but it is not as unreasonable as the charging distance of a Domination.

Those Demon players just don’t know how to break the kite. Yang Mimi’s unrestrained charging style is really undesirable. Instead of letting her die under the enemy’s sword in the future, it’s better to let her see the gap now and hit the wall now. , Know the importance of keeping one hand in the game.

As a result, the Fang Tianji in the hands of Sit Jing Guantian drew a half-moon arc, and the slender legs of the mermaid just stood up instantly wrapped in a pink data mosaic scar, no blood was splashed, but the mermaid fell into a 4 second Freeze.

   It’s not that you can’t attack when you’re in a fixed state, but you can’t turn the face of the character. Even if you can turn your head to watch the movement of the target behind you, you can’t turn the gun head at all.

   At this moment, sitting Jing Guantian hiding behind the mermaid, frantically waving the Fang Tianji in his hand, taking the opportunity to launch a fierce ordinary attack.

   Yang Mimi did not choose to close her eyes, but turned her head to look straight at the Fang Tianji waving at her. Even if the character is injured, the body will not feel the slightest pain, but Yang Mimi's heart is painful at this time.

   The skills of sitting on the well and watching the sky are going to be empty!

Everyone reacted, but what is not optimistic is that the bloodline of the mermaid is already less than 20%. You must know that Yang Mimi is lucky to trigger the racial characteristics of the mermaid twice. The mermaid has half of its body covered by fish scales, so it has A hidden setting of defense bonus: there is a small chance of getting the damage reduction effect of defense increase when under attack.

   If it hadn't triggered the racial hidden feature twice, I am afraid the bloodline would be lower now.

   seems to usher in a turning point. After all, players with empty skills can only become enemies. As long as Jing Tianyan is Yang Mimi will immediately launch a ruthless counterattack.

   But, will Jing Tian give Yang Mimi a chance to fight back?

   I saw that sitting Jing Guantian played his last halberd skill at the moment when his sister who did not eat mice lifted his body: Sweep Qianjun.

   This blow also produced a short-range knock-up effect without any surprises. Generally, when attacking with his back to the target, the negative hit rate has been improved. Unless the player with a lot of energy is particularly strong, he will generally suffer a negative state.

   It's just a distance, which is exactly what Yang Mimi expects. Perhaps for a novice, he should only wait for him to land before seeking a counterattack, but is Yang Mimi a novice?

   She has already manipulated her character to complete a beautiful fly-by and turn around. At the moment she landed, the exit of the hidden weapon in the trap box in her hand was already aimed at the sitting well.

   But when Yang Mimi saw the moment she was sitting on the well and watching the sky, her heart was ashamed.

  Don’t forget, the spare weapon for sitting on the well is the crossbow!

   A hundred steps through Yang!

   The mermaid’s forehead once again has a wound formed by a pink data mosaic. How could Yang Mimi wonder: she was headshot again!

   "Burst shots!"

Taking advantage of the interruption of the action caused by this blow, sitting Jing Guantian shot forward while shooting two and three consecutive shots. Jing Tian was not confident enough to mix ordinary attacks between his skills. He knew very well that he and Yang Mimi were in a row. The gap in FPS skills makes it impossible to open the distance and play against her.

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