Sky Dungeon

Chapter 490: Come to ask Mimi Yang to talk about it?

However, Jing Tian still underestimated Yang Mimi's stubbornness. Don't forget that she is one of the top players in the FPS world rankings. The reason why her evaluation ranking can't aspire to the championship is precisely because she is always fighting alone.

Although she has participated in countless competitions and received countless team invitations, she has never joined any game club. How could she win the championship without participating in the team competition?

Not only is she reluctant to join any group, the empress’s nickname is: [Mask Ji].

She wears a mask when participating in any competition, and never looks at people with her true face.

The beautiful name is to protect myself, I just hope to play the game seriously, and I don't accept any endorsements or commercial activities.

But in the eyes of everyone, the empress is aloof and out of gregariousness.

Sometimes, it is the whole world that is wrong, and it is really difficult for oneself to take a special path.

Yang Mimi naturally didn't understand this principle, but she stubbornly only participated in single-player events. In order to compete for the championship, most of the team events encountered were just temporary joining, affiliated with individual small clubs, and never communicated and cooperated with team players.

Yang Mimi has always imagined that she is the **** of death on the battlefield, as long as she is strong enough, even if she is alone, she can bloodbath the entire battlefield.

It was her perseverance that made mythology time and time again. She once destroyed the tenth-ranked club team in the world by herself. Although there was a lot of luck at the time, that game was only a 5V5 battle. , But it was such a record that pushed her to the forefront of the world FPS rankings and became the goddess of guns.

Therefore, even if Yang Mimi hits the south wall, she won't look back. She just wants to cross this south wall. If she can't climb over, then she will knock down the south wall completely, even if she is scarred in the end!

"Hey...I will solve the problem of being close! Xia Xia, you help me figure out a solution, I will divorce you if I can't figure it out!"

Everyone fainted, and everyone heard the previous sentence with some admiration. The little girl could afford to lose and let it go, without losing humor, but now she has shown an extremely strong character, which can be said to be hard to urge.

But what happened to the latter sentence?

Just vowed to say that he would solve it, how could he immediately push the problem to Luo Xia?

This thought jumping is really a bit fast.

But there is no way for the fat man to solve it, no matter how you look at it, I think it is an excuse for divorce in disguise.

Luo Xia's tears are about to fall. She is not married in the game, but she is forced to divorce. When will there be any progress in reality?

For a second, Luo Xia glared and said, "I did it! Frogs are all good things you did. You have to be responsible to me! If I can't marry a wife, I won't let you go in my life. Wherever you go, I will Declare that you are my good friend, and you are my dear, lingering with me every night until one or two o'clock!"

Jing Tian was full of black lines, why this question was pushed to him inexplicably, although he wanted to tell Yang Mimi the answer in his heart, can Yang Mimi listen to it?

More importantly, what did you do?

Why should I be responsible to Luo Xia, as if I did something angry with him, what is meant by lingering until one or two every night?

Even if you want to do it, you will do it to Yang Mimi, but not to Luo Xia, a fat, fat man. You are planning to turn me into an inferior pervert!

Thinking of this, Jing Tian suddenly shook his head in his heart. He was really infected by the jumping delusion of the Yang family's sister and brother, and he thought of such an unbearable thing.

Forcibly driving away the distracting thoughts, Jing Tian decided to expose this change of topic, and asked in a serious tone: "Have you informed the second generation ancestor? Why hasn't it arrived yet."

Everyone looked at the time, and it was indeed past 11:30 for the appointment. In fact, it is a good habit to visit someone’s house later. After all, it’s a good habit to visit someone else’s house in a hurry. If the owner is not ready, it will be embarrassing to arrive early. To give the owner more time to prepare is naturally a respect for the owner.

But this is a game. Is it necessary to postpone it deliberately, but after thinking about it, what I had agreed at the time was rather vague. It was about 11:30, so naturally it was not easy to force the second generation ancestor to arrive on time.

However, the ancestor of Sniper II was too inactive. Although it was a high-priced rental guild site, Jing Tian should be grateful for the generous patronage of this big benefactor, but leasing the cloud riding guild site is definitely more than just a small resident. , And even more protected by Qiyun and his allies, this price is definitely a friendly price.

The more important thing is to let his idol wait for him, which is not in line with what a fan should do.

Do you want to embarrass your idol? Isn't it a black powder?

Everyone was thinking about these issues, and Yang Mimi said excitedly: "They are coming!"

She was naturally excited. After all, she took the lead in this matter. It will naturally have a great sense of accomplishment when the matter is completed, and it can be regarded as a contribution to the guild.

But when someone heard his wife say other men's names so excited, his face started to glow green.

That's right, Luo Xia just wanted to throw the VR wearable device at this time, not just the sniper, who are they, excitedly calling a man, but adding a group, it is inevitable that Luo Xia now has tens of thousands in her heart. The green grassy mud horse made him count.

However, time does not give the fat man any time to sort out the broken little Tian, ​​they have cast a ten-minute silent look at Luo Jing Xia Shi.

Sure enough, the second generation ancestors finally appeared within the visible range of everyone's VR vision, but after a few seconds everyone was covered with cold sweat, because where is the leader of the Empress fan group, it is clear that all the members came together!

Is it necessary to choose a guild residence?

This is obviously here to discuss with Yang Mimi, right?

What to talk about, of course it is a legend...

Could it be that he abused the Empress just now? This group of crazy fans knew about it, did the collective killing mode come?

This scene is definitely no less than the invasion of the demons!

If it weren’t for Yang Mimi to let everyone stay calm, Jing Tian and the others would definitely suspect that these people might have come to smash the place, maybe they have turned around and ran away, hiding in the guild wall that cannot be destroyed by alliance players and enter at will. .

Players from the other five guilds in the surrounding area also noticed a large number of people from the Empress’s fan group besieging the station, and immediately notified their own guild executives. The presidents of these five guilds asked Jing Tian without exception, which made Jing Tian a little bit better. awkward.

After telling the story, the presidents of the guilds unanimously expressed their admiration for Jing Tian's public relations ability, and they were able to win a large group in such a short period of time, and the small alliance camp of the Riding Cloud Guild was indeed promising.

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