Sky Dungeon

Chapter 499: You may not accept it

"So that's why there is no heaven behind the murder house? Let me count it!"

Bai does not understand Hei and is a little curious about what other entrances to this private house is. After all, this private house is not big. From the outside, it doesn’t look like a secret door. You can’t use a weapon to open a side door yourself. ?

So the greatest possibility is probably behind this private house!

Thinking of this, Bai does not understand Hei has already begun to recalculate the Feng Shui of this private house.

"I'm just afraid you can't accept it."

Jing Tian smiled faintly, and then moved the character to the back of the private house.

"The hexagram shows that there is really a cave behind this private house, it seems that there is a hidden life."

Jing Tian didn't know what to say. Before Bai didn't understand black, he guessed the right direction. Now seeing his character walking behind the private house, he can naturally think of any special settings. Where is it necessary to recalculate a hexagram?

If your hexagrams can really show, why didn't you find it in the first place?

This hindsight is really amazing!

The rear of this private house has no special settings. The tall fence has no place for people to climb and jump. I am afraid there is really no hope for jumping in. The difficulty is much higher than the main entrance.

Even if you invite Yang Mimi, who claims to be the hopscotch champion, I'm afraid he will be helpless.

However, the black and white brothers and sisters were stunned by the next movements of Sit Jing Guan Tian. Sit Jing Guan Tian leaned down and squatted to move forward slowly. However, this walking mode rarely used by anyone allowed his body to successfully penetrate the wooden fence!

No, it's not a penetration. The wooden fence opened like a delicate mechanism for a moment, allowing the sitting well Guantian to successfully drill in.

"What are you still trying to do? Come in quickly, and someone in the province will find out."

Jing Tian didn't seem to stop to explain anything. Even if he wanted to explain, they had to be allowed to come in first.

When both of them got in, Hei Buunder Bai murmured in a voice full of surprise and curiosity: "How do you know that there is a mechanism here? Are you also fortune-telling?"

Which divination can I do? Please, don't look at me with the eyes of a **** stick, I don't want you to think so!

"This is not a mechanism, it's just the way that the demon dog must go when it sneaks out, and it's the route he dug out. Fortunately, he is **** by a rope, otherwise we will get blown in. Nibble." Jing Tian explained lightly.

"I'm going, isn't this just a dog hole? You took us to the dog hole?"

It seems that Bai does not understand Hei and cannot accept the facts that just happened. He even forgets that everyone is talking in the chat room. Everyone can hear it. When everyone hears the catharsis that Bai does not understand Hei, they naturally make up for them. The scene of the three people drilling the dog hole, even someone imagined the scene where they were stuck and laughed involuntarily.

I know you may not accept it!

"This is just a broken fence. It's not a dog hole. Let's do business. Little black sister, please show up."

Jing Tian decided to go beyond this embarrassing topic. If the alien Yang Miaomiao hadn't gotten in somehow a few days ago, it would be a long time before anyone would pass through this special dog hole.

However, even if you set foot here, there are no tasks you can take, unless you have received a special pre-task, such as Yang Miaomiao.

Jing Tian didn't understand why this guy hated dogs so much. The moment he saw the demon dog, he decided to find another way to the private house, so that he didn't know how to find such a dog hole and let him sneak into it. Went in and completed the task.

But after Jing Tian finished speaking, he didn't see the black and did not understand the white.

It seems that she is still hesitating and afraid of something, but Jing Tian will not urge anything. After all, the little girl is afraid of herself now, after all, she will not get sick when facing her brother.

Being too impatient, on the contrary, may increase the anxiety that Hei does not understand and Bai's heart.

Bai doesn’t understand the black and sees his sister’s nervousness and hesitation. Although a little distressed, he also hopes that his sister will overcome the nightmare in his heart. I have lost a lot of fun. I can’t go to the amusement park like other children, and when I grow up, I can’t walk around the magnificent rivers and mountains. I can’t climb high and look far away.

Therefore, Bai did not understand the black and gently comforted and encouraged his sister: "Don't be afraid, brother will always be with you, and will not let anyone hurt you. Don't you want to become strong?"

Perhaps it was Bai who didn’t understand Hei’s words that worked. He didn’t understand. Bai finally cancelled the sneak. She appeared behind her brother. Although her hands were shaking, Jing Tian couldn’t see it at all, and she operated on her own. The character takes two steps forward so that his VR field of vision can be on the [black and white], and then sends out a request to join the meeting.

Guild channel reminder: [Black does not understand white] Joined the guild.

"Xiao Hei, don't you want to become stronger? It's better for us to fight."

Jing Tianyu is not shockingly endless, and even challenged the little black hair. This is not in line with Jing Tian's usual style. Is it bullying the black, not knowing the white, and being sick?

"What are you kidding?"

Bai does not understand black. The monk immediately walked to guard his sister behind He clearly said that he would not let anyone hurt his sister, and he didn't know if the chairman of Zuijing Guantian did not say anything to him. Keep it in the eye.

You know, you may not accept it!

"Fighting in the game can make people nervous and excited, but fighting can also make people forget the fear and feel the excitement. Since there is no way to cure the fear now, it is better to try to fight poison with poison, let excitement and excitement replace fear, and make yourself unintentional. Fear," Jing Tian explained lightly.

"What kind of crooked way of you, my sister dare not look at you now, how can she fight with you?"

Bai doesn't understand black and only feels that sitting in a well and watching the sky seems to be something smuggled from a planet other than the earth.

"I promise you."

However, the voice of his sister Vinono reached the white ears that didn't understand black, and he began to doubt the whole life.

"Brother...I stronger."

Although Hei doesn't understand Bai still unable to connect words into sentences, her voice is full of determination.

At the same time, the invitation frame for the challenge was spoken impressively, and the challenger was impressively: [Sit in the well and watch the sky].

"Frog, do you want to be so shameless? Bully the shy little sister, little sister cheer, sister push you." Zhao Jiaxue immediately turned her elbow outward.

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