Sky Dungeon

Chapter 503: Bacterial virus

   Hei Bu understand Bai appeared on the left side of Zuijing Guantian. She didn't intend to stop, and jumped backwards. After a short period of stagnation in the air, Ziwu Yuanyang Duck and Yue flew out of her hands and hit Zuijing Guantian's head with a heavy blow.

   is the key to a critical strike again. This is not an ordinary attack, but the last basic skill of Ziwu Yuanyang Yue: Look back at Dragon and Phoenix!

   When did the melee weapon like Ziwu Yuanyang Yue still achieve short-range long-range attacks?

   is wrong, it should just increase the weapon attack range.

   However, this is definitely not as simple as increasing the weapon's attack range. The damage has caught up with the first-order stalker attack skill [Backstab]!

  Yes, this is the hidden skill effect of the basic attack skill [Dragon and Phoenix Looking Back] of Zi Meridian Yuanyang Yue!

   When the character leaps backwards in the air for an instant and uses [Dragon and Phoenix Look Back], Zi Meridian Yuanyang Duck will have the special attack effect of leaving the hand, and the skill damage will be greatly increased!

Jing Tian was a little surprised. He didn’t know that Ki Tian Nong Jing developed a hidden use effect on the basis of weapon skills. He did not understand why Ki Tian Nong Jing added off-hand attack skills to a melee weapon and did damage. It was ridiculously high, but he was surprised for a moment. He subconsciously thought that Zi Meridian Mandarin Duck might have a low damage, so he made up for damage based on basic skills.

   This made Jing Tian miss a very critical research topic.

   Actually, the research is still at a loss. If the proficiency of the weapon does not reach a certain level, there is no way to use the hidden attack effect of the basic skills.

   Moreover, these hidden effects are too difficult to be discovered, and the operation is too cumbersome. It is not until the application of non-complete stealth game technology that players really summarize the use of these hidden attacks.

However, the basic skills of all weapons do not have any special negative effects, and the blow of black does not understand white is not enough to shake the foundation of sitting in the sky, even if all her skills are empty, but black does not understand white without giving up. , Waving Ziwu Yuanyang Yue desperately hit Zuojing Guantian's body.

It is a pity that Jing Tian did not turn the character at all, but just jumped in place. He turned 180 degrees in the air and displayed the sky drop at the same time. Even if the black did not understand the white subconsciously jumped to the side, Fang Tianji still did not. She fell mercifully on her shoulders, smashed her down and flew to the ground.

Everything was the same as expected, except that Jing Tian lost some more blood lines, but the following consecutive attacks from sitting in Jing Guan Tian did not give black and white any chance to escape, and a set of skills fell madly in black and white. Bai's vital part, she was so defeated!

Facing the stalkers equipped with sophisticated equipment of level 30, the set of skills of sitting in the well and watching the sky definitely cannot consume their lives, but the equipment that does not understand black and white is really bad, and even some parts of the body are equipped with level 10 and 20. Level 30 equipment is only a handful of them.

  Perhaps under the same level and same quality equipment, it is not Jingtian that wins in the end. After all, as long as the black and white are dragged to the skill recovery, I am afraid that he will first use a set of skills to take away the remaining blood line of the sitting Jingtian.

   However, the reality is not sympathetic to perhaps.

   Especially in MMORPG online games, levels, equipment, and skills are mostly unequal. Many players just like this kind of inequality that has been cultivated for a long time, or they still insist on playing a woolen line and just play competitive games directly.

Bai did not understand the whole process and witnessed the scene of his sister being unilaterally beaten by Zui Jing Guantian. Although he even had the urge to violently beat Zui Jing Guantian, he decided to endure it because he saw his sister in front of others for the first time. Strong, not shrinking, not running away.

   Until the moment when the competition was over, the white and unintelligible black figure rushed out, and sent out an invitation to challenge the competition.

   "Why do you, a medical Buddha, want to discuss with me? Besides, I am helping you heal your sister. Do you think she is afraid now?"

   Tianzhen wanted to point to the black who didn't understand the white during the fierce battle just now. Obviously, she didn't hide behind the white who didn't understand the black as before.

   So, Jing Tian coldly chose to refuse.

   Hei does not understand what Bai Jingtian said, and the anger in his heart was temporarily put on hold. He turned around and asked his sister affectionately: "Sister, are you okay? Are you not afraid of this demon?"

   Jingtian's forehead immediately slid down a few black lines, and said helplessly: Why did he become a demon?

   Is his appearance as a fallen angel a bit too evil?

"Brother, my heartbeat is very fast now, but it is not the same as before. Before he looked at me, I was uncomfortable, nervous and breathing hard. But now even knowing that he is looking at me, I am thinking about how to kill. he."

   Little Black Sister's voice became inexplicably excited, and her speech became fluent, and she was not restrained at all because she was in front of Jing Tian.

   "Ah? Sister, what do you think, tell everyone."

   White does not understand black a bit surprised, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's happiness came too fast and it was simply unacceptable. Could it be that the phobia of people that had plagued my sister for many years was cured by sitting in the well and watching the sky?

   However, bystanders clear, everyone's faces are full of shock, and some people have even begun to wonder if Jing Tian is doing something shocking, and he has turned a cute and shy little girl into a heinous murderer?

Not only the others, but even Jing Tian felt bad as a whole. He muttered in his heart: Why is it a little different from the development that he expected, and more importantly, a little girl who was full of brains to kill herself became her own guild. One of the members feels like a knuckle in his throat. Will he be able to do guild missions in peace in the future?

   This feeling of not being in control is really bad.

"I...I imagined him into a...bacterial virus, it was...he destroyed my...cells, I just wanted to kill him, but...I couldn't do it, and then all I thought about was **** him. My hands... are trembling, but it feels so irritating, I really want to kill his pathogen."

   He didn't understand the white and seemed to calm down a lot, and his voice began to become bumpy again.

   Isn't this little girl a born killer, her hands are trembling, she can still fight so well?

   Jingtian thought about this question in his heart, and became even more optimistic about black and white.

   "Quick! Come again, let my sister beat you with this big virus slime, it's better to let my sister beat you to death."

   The white does not understand the black and has seen the dawn of hope.

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