Sky Dungeon

Chapter 510: Double kill

World channels, system channels, and dungeon channels have made headlines: "Congratulations to the player [Zhao Yunxueer] for completing the first kill of the 32-level dungeon "Butterfly Dragon Fantasyland" with SS rating! Her excellent performance will always be recorded in the dungeon clearance history. ."

   "Look, everyone! Cloud Riding Guild is starting to be a demon again!" ID [IQ less than 50] took the lead in firing.

   "It is strongly requested to remove the first announcement of the copy. Anyway, it is the Cloud Riding Guild to take the first kill, and other people can't participate in the competition." ID [Mo Cunshui] frustrated.

   "Yes, it's too unfair!" ID [Wang Xiaolong comes to Google] to follow suit.

   I can’t eat grapes, say grapes!

   Every time you take a first kill, you will be jealous and spit, is it interesting?

   "Long live the female emperor! The female emperor is wise, and under the leadership of the female emperor, the Riding Cloud Guild fills in another kill!" ID [The Prosperity of the Other Shore is gone] 80% is a member of the female emperor's husband group!

   "Long live the empress!" [Six Wreckages] showed up and swiped the screen.

   "The female emperor is wise!" [the pound sign on the forehead] followed up.

   I do it! Does this have anything to do with your Empress?

   She is clearly the first to give up the Raiders 32 dungeon!

  Should I give the position of guild president to my sister who doesn’t eat mice?

   If you let the female emperor husband group know what Jing Tian thinks, he will definitely scold him, and now he realizes such an important thing!

   "The Riding Cloud Guild has begun to screen again, and Tengyi's pro-son has taken the first kill again. Relying on the level advantage, there is a way to fight for a 25-level dungeon competition mode!" ID [Night Sky Long Song] continued to shoot.

   "See you every day!" ID [Salted Fish Set] is full of ridicule.

   "Yesterday I was sitting on the well to watch the sky. Today is Zhao Yunxue'er. Tomorrow, who is it, I will advertise once a day, is that okay? High level is willful." ID [lemon rainbow] was obviously online yesterday.

   "How do you get into the Cloud Riding Guild? Please bring a copy!" ID [After every day] is obviously a newcomer to the game.

"Cut, the alliance is weak, and was first killed by a small guild. Because of Mao, our big demons can't beat the bottom. We don't need equipment, we want to compete and sweep the ten streets of the alliance." [The sun is shooting] This demons player can not watch anymore.

   "There are a lot of affiliate advertisements, this is not fair, we also have to swipe the screen to swipe the ads!" ID [Hu Zhouda] is obviously also a demon.

   "Fuck! Don't brag, IQ is too weak. Does the Mozu have level 32 players? Come out and scold them by yourself, we are not welcome." ID [Panda Level] directly fired on the Mozu.

   "That's right, you come here for the 32nd level dungeon, we will definitely not stop you, see how many points you can get?" ID [You Mingshu] immediately followed the pace of despising demons.

   "PVP madmen trembling?" ID [read the original version happily] laughed.

   "Don't pretend to be garlic, can the score of level 30 dungeon exceed Guiyun Guild?" ID [I came out again] began to fight back on behalf of the demons.

   "Don't provoke the divorce, the demons have a kind to play the book, don't use your lower body to vent!" The female player ID [Xi Yan Ruoxue] also joined the war of words.

   "A wave of invasion tonight, kill the alliance, push the station!" ID [Elegant Young Hero] clamored for the invasion of demons.


Jing Tian, ​​who is fighting fiercely in the dungeon, is somewhat disappointed. After all, he feels that he is in a good state today, especially the fighting situation in the second round of dungeon is also very ideal. The goddess of fate did not abandon herself, and even found her natural enemy twice. Skills, this is simply God's help!

   Jing Tian thought that he would be able to take the first kill of SS in one go, but he didn't expect that Zhao Jiaxue would take the lead.

   How can there be no small loss?

   But this little disappointment only stayed in Jing Tian's heart for zero and one second. After all, whoever wins the SS-level first kill first is the glory of the Cloud Riding Guild, and the glory of everyone.

  Personal glory can easily be upgraded to team glory, glory that can be shared with everyone is good glory.

Zhao Jiaxue had already exploded in the chat room at this time and was telling her good luck experience. It turned out that this woman herself didn't know where the good luck came from. Every time she tried two or three skills, she could find her natural enemy skills. By the way, all the mobs' siege was completed.

   The attacks of the four monsters in the BOSS stage were almost all lucky enough to evade the past by Zhao Jiaxue's operation, as if the hand of God was controlling the joystick in her hand, and did not lose much score.

   In front of the vital Qiongqi BOSS, Zhao Jiaxue did not commit any mistakes, but it was a pity that she was triumphant and was besieged and killed by a human NPC after failing to resist for too long in the final level.

   After all, ants often kill elephants, and the end of the struggle is still reduced to food.

   I believe that if more human NPCs can be killed, this woman may be able to take the lower level double kill in one go.

However, just after a few people completed the dungeon, they blessed Zhao Jiaxue for the first kill with an SS rating and asked her what skills she had learned, Jing Tian finally ushered in the final stage of the dungeon, but Jing Tian has today. A bolder idea.

After killing Qiongqi himself, he would immediately be attacked by the surrounding human army. Although it can quickly kill and make a gap, the human race NPC doesn’t know how many layers are enclosed inside and outside. As long as there is a gap, the back strength The gap will be quickly repaired, and the effect of encirclement and annihilation will be maintained one after another.

   Moreover, Jing Tian deliberately protects the NPC formation from being disrupted by Qiongqi every time, but think about how sharp the NPC attacks were when Qiongqi fell.

   Therefore, Jing Tian was about to stop the skills of controlling Qiongqi when the bloodline of Qiongqi BOSS had 5% remaining, and began to let Qiongqi kill the human NPC unscrupulously. Although this may seem to delay a little effort, in fact it won’t be too long. On the contrary, Qiongqi can help him disrupt the NPC's position, so that when it enters the next stage, the butterfly dragon Also need to face a uniform NPC army.

Sure enough, when Qiongqi fell, Jing Tian had already operated the Butterfly Dragon King to jump to the periphery of the human race NPC army line of defense, and was facing the weakest place of the human race army formation. Before the NPC's name turned red, Butterfly The Dragon King’s range attack skills have already begun to accumulate, and at the moment when the accumulating ult ability is played, the names of all NPCs turned red!

   This accumulating big move unsurprisingly broke the human army completely. The Butterfly Dragon King can break through the encirclement of the NPC army, and can already flee and fight!

   Next, even if the Terran army wants to form an encirclement again, it will take a lot of trouble and time. Thanks to this operation, the number of Terran forces killed by Jing Tian is rapidly increasing at a speed that the naked eye can hardly keep up with.

Naturally, the next development was beyond Jingtian's control. The human race like a flood seemed to be endless, rushing to the Butterfly Dragon King controlled by Jingtian. What made Jingtian stunned was that after killing tens of thousands of races , The frequency of human spawning was higher, and Jing Tian could no longer control the scene, and was finally surrounded by the human army.

However, even if it is surrounded by the human army, the Butterfly Dragon King is not equal to the soft shrimp, but at this time the human spawning speed is too fast, the pressure on Jingtian from long-range attacks suddenly increases, and the Butterfly Dragon controlled by Jingtian is not like before. Even if you were besieged, you could spread your head, but was beaten to a bloodline crash. It didn't take long for the butterfly dragon to crash down in an unwilling roar.

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