Sky Dungeon

Chapter 515: I would rather cry with one husband and one wife than laugh with polygamy

Jing Tian was shocked, he almost forgot about it. After all, he didn't want to see the scene again in his life, so he naturally chose selective amnesia, but when Luo Xia mentioned it, Jing Tian immediately remembered it. The young girl lying on the upper bunk of his bedroom.

However, although Jing Tian trembled slightly in his heart, he could keep his face unchanged, and the next second he said lightly: "Of course, it's interesting, it's delicious, is it delicious? Don't forget to give a tip."

"I'm doing it! Are you embarrassed to talk about tips? Fortunately, I wake up early, otherwise it will be rotten. The hot porridge turns into icy porridge and it tastes barely, but the cold steamed buns taste bad when they eat it. I must give a bad review!

Luo Xia chatted as if he had found nothing. After all, he didn't know if Jing Tian saw anything that shouldn't be seen.

"Uh...Fatty is quite picky. I think it’s the case next time. You should lose weight. You should thank Zhao Jiaxue for breakfast today. If it weren’t for her to throw it away, I wouldn’t enter your room in the dark. I can’t wake you up, open the door of the room, it is dark and smelly, I put things on your table, hurriedly pinched my nose and escaped, for fear of being poisoned to death by your biochemical weapons. Why is your bedroom light up? Nothing. Next time I go to your bedroom, I must have a flashlight in my mouth, my hands are occupied. This is speechless."

Jing Tian deliberately gave Luo Xia some so-called clues, as he intended to completely cover up the matter.

When Luo Xia heard this, she felt a little peace of mind, and immediately said: "You are loyal enough, you are not a bad lady, and I don't forget to save a portion for breakfast. I will go and give her the first time."

Pooh! For the first time, I think you are the doll that has been handed over to the upper bunk!

"You won't fall in love with the dirty lady, are you ready to repay her for her great kindness? That brother is going to be here in advance to say goodbye to you, drink your wedding wine as soon as possible, absolutely not allowed to take water !" Jing Tian joked lightly, without showing any anxiety in his heart.

"She must be willing with her body, but I have Yang Mimi. Of course there is not too much to have another one. Men are not bad and women don't love them. When they can fall, they must fall." Luo Xia has a big belly. The color squinted.

"Then you don't have to go to the kitchen to have a try, maybe you kneel down and immediately get out of the real single dog ranks. From now on, you can perfectly spread double dog food in reality and games." Jing Tian joked heartlessly Tao, as if he didn't even know that Zhao Jiaxue was a little bit interesting to him.

"Do you believe me or not I told Zhao Jiaxue what you said?" Luo Xia smiled shamelessly.

"Uh... don't, that dirty lady is going crazy, we will both be unlucky."

Jing Tian shook his head and made a gesture of admitting defeat and begging for mercy. As the saying goes: only women and villains are difficult to raise. This Zhao Jiaxue is a little woman, and Luo Xia can definitely be regarded as a villain. After all, he has been in the society. What means can't he try?

"You are not afraid to leave it like this every day, when will the two beauties leave you?" Luo Xia asked curiously, saying that bystanders were clear. This fat man seemed careless, but his heart was like Mingjing.

"Why should we be afraid that the women's congress will not stay here? Should we protect them for the rest of our lives?"

Jing Tian forced himself to forget his special feelings for the two women.

"I'm doing it! Don't pretend to be garlic. Both of them like you. You just keep getting along with each other unclearly. Sooner or later they will leave you because they are too tired. I despise it with ten toes!"

Luo Xia put on an unpredictable appearance, a kind of proud of watching fire from the shore, and a kind of satisfaction of hating iron but not steel.

"I have been among the flowers, the leaves do not touch the body, the buds are blooming, and the flowers are blooming! My situation is special. Besides, I choose any one to make the other sad. It may be better to maintain the status quo. I am, really Is not suitable for dating."

Jing Tian did understand their minds. After all, he was not the kind of silly male protagonist with basically zero EQ that exists in novels and series.

"I'm doing it! You shouldn't really be taken care of by a rich woman, are you still unspeakable? Is it because the rich woman gave you too much money and there is nowhere to spend it, Fat Brother can help you!" Luo Xia quipped.

"Don't worry, if you have a rich woman to support you, you will definitely not be forgotten. What kind of rich woman happy fire, rich woman happy ball and so on will make you experience suicide." Jing Tian said in a strange way, he said that you can't forget the fat man. It means that the second half of the sentence reveals his sinister tongue to the fullest.

At this time, Luo Xia had already made up her own brain, and she repeatedly saw a wide-bodied middle-aged woman standing in front of her with a steel ball in her left hand and a lighter in her right hand!

"I'm going to your sister, the rich lady should keep you for your own enjoyment and let you fight for 100 years! Seriously, look at the relationship between Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue, and their personalities are hot and cold. Isn't it good to win in one fell swoop and enjoy the blessings of the people?" Luo Xia has been in the society, naturally indiscriminately, or imagining more bizarre novel scenes, such as joining Arab nationality.

"Are you kidding, even if I want it, will their parents want it? What their family would say about them, this kind of indecent thing is no different from being someone else's junior." Jing Tian felt bitter, don't say it. Jing Tian didn't have the confidence to convince their parents that it was impossible for his parents to pass.

"Then you can change your nationality? Just like in the novel, you have defected to an Arab country, where polygamy is legal." Luo Xia seems to have read too many novels.

"Even if they change their nationality, they can marry them. What their family should think or think. That kind of inherent concept is definitely not something that can be changed by secretly changing nationality. Although monogamy exists in name only, so many people have lovers secretly. Li raises small three and four, but as long as the national concept of the country has not changed, no matter whether your daughter is happy or not, everyone thinks that polygamy is a kind of lowly swanky marriage. It is better to cry for polygamy than to laugh. People who are greedy for money would rather cry in a BMW than laugh after riding a bicycle.” Jing Tian defended calmly.

It seems that Jing Tian has not thought about such a problem. From the side, Jing Tian also had that friendship with the two women long ago, but he cares more about making them two more perfect destinations. If Yun Yiyi and Zhao Jiaxue heard this, they would definitely cry happily.

“Of course it’s right to laugh after not riding a bicycle. Bicycles are expressly forbidden to bring people. You don’t have any common sense. Look at your brother to know how to do it, and you can read more comics. But when it comes to money, Zhao Jiaxue is not necessarily Can be taken by you, but what people want is the position of rich young grandmother, did you give it? Unlike the fat brother, who has been in the rich since he was a child, the circle is too messy, I am disgusting." Luo Xia showed off To say.

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