Sky Dungeon

Chapter 523: Has fallen into a demon

   When everyone received the light of hope again from the darkness full of fear, the players of Beihongmen were at a loss to find that their power leader [Xie Wendong] was killed again!

   The main force who killed Xie Wendong was not someone else, it was just sitting in the well and watching the sky!

Jing Tian was also somewhat surprised. He thought he would have to use a few more skills to capture the king again, but when the Fang Tianji in his hand penetrated Xie Wendong's back vest, it triggered a critical strike damage effect. Tyrant has a special PVP damage enhancement effect. After such a critical strike, even the damage enhancement effect has doubled!

   Of course, thanks to the darkness, everyone’s attacks didn’t stop, and they smashed into Xie Wendong’s position to capture the king again so easily.

The quality of the players in Beihongmen is not low. They found that their own power owners were deliberately taken care of, and immediately prioritized the control of the field. Before the anti-interruption effect of the wind of Shennong just ended, individual players who recovered their freedom have already used it. After completing their respective master skills, when they thought that the people riding the cloud were poor, a shadow flashed behind them. This person was holding a Chinese mandarin duck, and in the eyes of the players with amazement, he made a note: Shadow Whirlwind!

First-order Shadow Tornado: Turn your body instantly and launch a whirlwind-like dark attribute attack on players around you in a short period of time, causing up to 3 physical damage to each target. At the same time, it comes with a certain dark attribute damage bonus. It is activated in a stealth state, PVE There is a chance to cause a short floating effect on the target.

  The nature of the shadow whirlwind is precisely: the phobias do not understand the black and white!

   Although Shadow Whirlwind does not cause a floating effect in PVP, the effect of interrupting the action is not small, after all, this is a skill attack.

It has to be said that black does not understand the position and timing of the shot that is very tricky. The 3 seconds of the wind of Shennong from the North Hongmen group is overwhelming. With this blow, she cleverly used several long-range attacks with attack magic. All interrupted.

   The interrupted members of the Beihong Clan were naturally frustrated, and they wished to choke the despicable stalker Hei and Don't understand Bai to death on the spot.

   However, black does not understand white but has no obligation to wait for the hostile players to kill her. He immediately aimed at the priest Shennong in the front row [Qin Shuang] and used: [Baiying]!

Tier One Hundred Shadows: Locked on the target at medium and long distances, it bursts out at an astonishing speed instantly, the body launches a dark attribute combo from 4 directions, because the speed is too fast, it will produce an afterimage effect, the skill cannot be interrupted, and the opponent attacks only It's just your shadow. After the attack is over, it will enter a 5-second deceleration state and reduce its movement speed by 80%.

   I have to say that her move Baiying also used quite decisively. If Baiying could not burst out with a powerful sprint displacement effect, she might be killed!

  Because when black did not understand Bai Kankan turned into four afterimages, the nearby Beihongmen players all used their fastest single skills to hit her!

   Everyone would pinch soft persimmons first, black and white, with ragged equipment, can't stand up to wind and rain no matter how they look. Compared to sitting in a well looking at the sky with orange luster, it takes too much hatred.

Once black and white enters the state of killing consciousness, it is almost like a different person. The original only promise and cowardly character is wiped out. Everyone will not find that her eyes have become blood red, and her heart is already The people of Beihongmen were regarded as a group of viruses, not just the anthrophobia virus, but various viruses, even viruses that might threaten the health of other people in the guild, and a virus that threatened the life of his brother.

She is eager to overcome her illness and the demon in her heart. She hates the trembling herself before that person. She is eager to change. She believes in a creed in her heart. At this moment, she has already said to herself: "Kill these viruses." , I won’t be afraid anymore, kill these viruses and my brother will be protected by myself!"

   Extinguish the eyes of these people, staring at the enemy's lower body, there is nothing to be afraid of!

   Many years later, Jing Tian didn't know whether he should awaken the magic in Xiao Hei's heart.

   That's right! It was the demon nature, she was eager to defeat the disease by killing people, but she didn't know that she had fallen into a demon, an out-and-out killing machine, a terrifying killer.

   At this time, Hei did not understand Bai's Ziwu Yuanyang Yue in his hands waved back and forth, and Qin Shuang, who had been set on fire, fell down with a sigh unwillingly.

   At the same time, Gao Huimei and Gao Huiyu in the front row fell under the knife of others one after another.

  The situation on the field has become 16VS19!

However, the situation has not become one-sided because of the power of black and white. After all, the group control skills of everyone on the cloud have been wiped out, and the next wave of retaliatory group attack skills hit everyone on the cloud. Facing the smallpox group control skills, even if everyone in Qiyun dodges desperately, it is a pity that they still haven't completely escaped. The next moment everyone in Qiyun is almost enveloped in a negative state.

   Involuntarily, Li Xiaoyun took advantage of the chaos and tears of God to resurrect Xie Wendong again, but at this moment, Jing Tian blurted out a skill command: "Continuous disaster! Breaking dawn!"

   It turns out Jing Tian deliberately moved his position closer to Xie Wendong's body, just waiting for this moment!

At this moment, all the negative states on his body were returned to the releaser. Because of his position in the front, he had eaten almost all the negative states. After such a series of disasters, Beihongmen’s attack instantly went silent. .

Of course, the hostile healing profession did not stop, but the Fang Tianji in the hands of Sitting Jing Guantian had already stabbed Xie Wendong. Jing Tian didn't dare to be careless, Fang Tianji stabbed Xie Wendong's chest heavily, even with the tall body of the demon king, suddenly I was also knocked out by the blow of sitting in the well and watching the sky, and the pink mosaic blood flower floated in the air and formed a perfect arc. This is exactly the arrogance of the [Breaking Dawn] skill.

  Although Jing Tian clearly understood that he would not be able to kill Xie Wendong with this blow, this dawn perfectly sent Xie Wendong into the back of Qiyun everyone formation!

   The command in the sky mouth did not succeed and stopped. He quickly issued a skill command: "Sweep the army!"

The group damage effect of [halberd·sweeping army] instantly interrupted the nearest Li Xiaoyun. If not interrupted, Li Xiaoyun would inevitably give Xie Wendong a blood therapy, so even if Jing Tian tried his best to knock Xie Wendong away In the crowd of Qiyun, he may not be able to kill him again.

   Therefore, Jing Tian recklessly used the precious group attack skills, and pushed the bodies of the Beihongmen several steps away.

   After the break of dawn, the healing profession in the distance became uneasy in his heart, thinking that they had lost the healing goal of their own power!

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