Sky Dungeon

Chapter 526: You will lose if this continues!

In an instant, countless electric lights rose from the ground, forming a large birdcage around Sanyan and Gaoqiang. In the next second, thunder and lightning began to fall from the bottom of the thundercage, and the two people complained and became electric birds in the cage!

Thunder cage: Magical staff comprehension skills, special trap skills, a bird cage composed of thunder and lightning is set under the feet of the caster, once the hostile target enters the cage, it will instantly trigger the thunder cage to appear, trapping the enemy target into thunder and lightning At the same time as the bird cage, the sky thunder will be dropped to cause thunder damage to the enemy target!

I don’t know when Yang Miaomiao cast this thunder cage. Jing Tian estimated that it was within the short period of time when his bloodline was restored after he was resurrected. This guy must have died because he failed to kill the enemy. I felt angry when I fell, so I placed this special magic trap skill under my feet.

He is really an auxiliary star who has a murderous heart all the time!

However, I have to say that this skill successfully protected him and ushered in a new turn for the entire battle.

Jing Tian immediately ordered the change to Fire Three Eyes and Gao Qiang. Under the cover of the dazzling appearance of the Thunder Cage skill, everyone sent their skills to the two berserkers. Yang Miaomiao laughed and laughed on the current channel. Ridiculed, "Haha, tell you to beat the local people and see how the local people clean up you guys!"

After ridiculing, I did not forget to raise the magic stone staff and throw out his attack skills: [Black Sand Ray]!

In Sky Dungeon, if you ask which skill is the most abnormal, it must be a fluctuating fixed damage skill. If your character is good, one skill can cause the enemy to lose 100 times the damage of your level. If your character is bad, then It is possible that the opponent will only take 1 point of damage, which is perfect for gamble.

This legendary funny skill [Black Sand Ray] will show its mighty power again in the next moment, and unexpectedly burst out a fixed damage of 85 times its own level!

After Yang Miaomiao mentioned the matter, everyone could only describe it as "who had lost her luck again", with infinite contempt and bitterness in her heart.

You know, others can also play 10 times, 20 times the level of damage effect, in his hands turned out to be a magical skill.

However, most of the time this magical skill ended up with a funny face on the Internet, but it just didn't work on Yang Miaomiao. Is it really the power of aliens intervening?

I have to say that this 85 times high injury directly lost three eyes with residual blood in seconds.

Gao Qiang is not much better, Qiyun greeted so many attacks, where can he stand?

However, just as the crowd of Qiyun was besieging the two berserkers, the people of Beihongmen covered all the attacking firepower on the king of swordsman. Although Yu Yan added a lot of physique and agility to her character, her face The siege of Beihongmen could only fall down unwillingly.

In fact, the players of the North Hongmen wanted to kill sitting Jing Guantian to avenge the guild leader, but Jingtian was so insidious that he took the opportunity to leave the King of Swordsman and run away.

Jing Tian wanted to run with the King of Swordsman, but how could the Second Sick Knight deviate from his own knighthood and choose to back down?

Sure enough, let the second disease patient die of the second disease!

"Pseudo mother! Coward!"

After the character fell to the ground, Yu Yan did not forget to despise Jing Tian Yitong, which made Jing Tian a little embarrassed.

"I'm doing it! Runaway King, I despise with ten toes!" How could Luo Xia let the opportunity of Mai Taijingtian pass?

Uh...Why doesn't the system take you away quickly, is it because it is in the copy?

Ah, **** it, you cheated!

Jing Tian saw Luo Jing Xia Shi appear on the right side and fled with him.

Forgot, after the fat man fell down just now, he ordered the plastic surgeon to pull the fat man up. At that time, the effect of the skill clearly took effect, but the Pandaren didn't know why he still sat dead.

By the way, to die fat is to die!

It is precisely because the effect of the death of the Pandaren is not to fall to the ground, but to squat and shrink into a ball, so the resurrected Luo Xiazai kept pressing the squat button, pretending to be still dead, so as to avoid enemy killings!

I go, what a sinister fat guy!

Since the demon player saw that the fat man was still in a dead position and did not move after he was resurrected, he mistakenly believed that this guy was really dead, so he did not make up the knife, and missed the best opportunity to completely kill the fat man, and let the fat man recover by himself For a while.

The situation then miraculously became: 11VS17, the Riding Cloud Guild once again narrowed the gap in numbers.

However, Jing Tian didn't feel the pressure drop at all, because he suddenly discovered: Xie Wendong stood up again.

However, at this time Xie Wendong was already a ghoul, apparently the corpse shoveler Zhang Yanjiang from Beihongmen had once again used the corpse scavenge skill.

It seems that these people are cruel enough and frantic enough to use corpses to kill their own forces. They are bad guys who don't pay attention to any principles and face.

The ghoul Xie Wendong, who was given the obsession of killing by the system, rushed straight to the sister who did not eat mice. Of course, it was because Yang Mimi killed him before. The system gave the ghoul a super hatred value for chasing enemies, which really made Yang Mimi somewhat It's tricky, now she really doesn't have any good way to deal with the ghoul, and as a last resort, Yang Mimi retreats from the current front.

Next, there are no more methods that can be used, blood for blood, tooth for tooth, Jing Tian ordered everyone to drag the output career of Beihongmen, as long as the time is long, UU read Beihongmen magic value. It must be exhausted first. After all, the guardian shaman at Beihongmen has fallen, and the pastor Shennong will continue to restore them, and the pastor's magic value will be exhausted, and this battle will also be announced.

However, what was unexpected is that Beihongmen relied on the last skills to launch a wave of advances, and abruptly killed the four members of the Constellation Party. Of course, Beihongmen also paid a heavy price for their assault. 5 people died.

The situation is now: 7VS12, Jing Tian's heart is already dripping with cold sweat, because Jing Tian has seen the corpse chaser Zhang Yanjiang turn the newly fallen Dark Knight Ren Changfeng into a ghoul.

This corpse chaser is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, his presence makes the situation worse!

Although Jing Tian had long been aware of the threat of Zhang Yanjiang, the corpse chaser, this guy was meticulously taken care of by two priests, and for a while, there was really no way to kill him during the time when his skills were scarce.

You will lose if this continues!

Yang Mimi was still in the rear to deal with Xie Wendong's ghoul. Now there is another Ren Changfeng ghoul here. Fortunately, Qin Shuang's ghoul has already been killed, otherwise it would be a ghoul paradise.

Jing Tian began to hate that he created the profession of the corpse chaser. In fact, the inspiration for the corpse chaser was not entirely from Chinese Zhiguai novels. Western necromancers can also manipulate corpses, so this profession Jing Tian also thought about it for a long time. Confirmed to join Sky Dungeon.

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