Sky Dungeon

Chapter 534: Black stickers

Li Shuang suddenly felt self-defeating, but this feeling had not spread to every cell in his body. The VR screen became black and white, and Li Shuang died in action!

Regret...Anger...It feels like a relay race. The whole team worked hard and pinned their hopes on themselves, only to run away with their last shot!

NPC Charintel's vitality value is only 5%, and the battle finally ended with a narrow victory by riding the clouds and falling snow...


Just won?

This kind of invigoration is like: there will be long winds and waves, and there will be time to hang on the cloud sail One Piece!

A moment ago, everyone thought that the provoked [Sister who does not eat mice] would interrupt the attack for a few seconds. Li Shuang would kill the NPC before being killed to win the dungeon mission, but now it seems that everything is a false alarm. .

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. In the next second, everyone in Qiyun burst into a quarrel. Of course, the content of the quarrel was nothing more than cheering for the victory with less. Among them, Yang Mimi, the biggest hero, was even more like Like being held in the moon by the stars, Haosheng had a glorious scene.

However, Yang Miaomiao's words made everyone's excitement and excitement disappear, and he only heard him ask suspiciously: "My God, we are all dead, is the task completed by my sister alone?"

That's right, only the elder sister who doesn't eat mice completed the **** mission. Didn't the others fail the mission and wasted so much time in vain?

Moreover, it is heard that once the guild mission fails, it will lose its own guild contribution. Fortunately, the entire army will not be destroyed. If all of them fail, the guild will also lose a certain amount of funds and compensate the adventurer guild alliance.

After all, the tasks are all issued by the Adventurer's Guild Alliance. Once they are accepted, they are responsible for completing them, and they will be punished if they fail to complete them.

Of course, money is still a small matter, and the key is the Guild’s contribution and experience!

I can’t let everyone go for a hard time. I have nothing to gain, right?

"Uh... it should be considered complete. After all, this is a team mission. It is the same as the next dungeon. It can't be killed because of other people. If only one person survives and kills the BOSS, it is not considered to be a clearance dungeon. Could it be that the BOSS is resurrected with full blood? Clear the level again?"

Jing Tian didn't have the thought of Yang Miaomiao, and explained the reason in a lightly.

"But, if we are done, why not bring us back to life?"

Seeing that the NPC only walked behind the sister who didn't eat mice and asked to move on, everyone was somewhat puzzled.

The more entangled thing is still behind. The people of Beihongmen have retired as losers and were teleported back to the Demon Realm. After sitting in Guantian, they can only lie down on the ground and play cold Corpse!

There really is no victor!

"I just calculated it, we may have to die and live, so let's die for a while with peace of mind."

The crow's mouth of the **** stick is online again. Even if the game is really dead, it will come back to life. Isn't your hexagram saying nonsense?

With feelings of anxiety and boredom, everyone chatted casually, especially Zhao Jiaxue, who directly flirted with black and white.

He doesn't know the white, facing everyone inexplicably, the tension is gone, making people really wonder: Is it because after a fight, this guy's anthrophobia is cured?

Bai didn't understand Hei, this heavy sister-controlling was naturally overjoyed, and she also asked her why she was not afraid of everyone at this time.

As a result, I only listened to the black but the white said: "Ah? Everyone is dead, why should I be afraid?"

I go!

Why is this girl playing games like this?

It turns out that everyone is dead in your eyes when they lie down. Shouldn't you feel scared when the dead talk to you?

That's a ghost!

"Uh... Isn't you afraid of ghosts if you are afraid of people?" Jing Tian couldn't help but complain.

"Haha, my sister especially likes watching ghost movies. Of course, she is too scared. It's just that she is scared when someone comes out, but she is surprisingly calm when she sees ghosts."

Everyone followed the words that white did not understand black, and made up for the appearance of black and white watching ghost movies. Everyone suddenly realized: So this girl is not afraid of anything except people...

In fact, as Jing Tian said, when the NPC Charintel successfully arrived at the main city of the so-called Elf Kingdom, the black and white VR screen instantly restored its previous colors, and everyone was resurrected and sent back to the guild station. The words "" appeared on the VR screen, and everyone completed the mission of the Seven Star Guild!

Everyone patted their chests in their hearts and went to receive the task rewards in peace.

Fortunately, the second Seven-Star mission is just a relatively ordinary mission to expel Warcraft. Before everyone has taken the march, the World Channel also shaken the screen and displayed the declaration of war from Beihongmen: "Cloud Riding Guild, here is the black post. Bloody killing is boundless, commanding the heroes, who dares not to follow! Today is not enough to kill, how about an appointment after the guild competition is over?"

This kind of second disease would not cause any disturbances, but this statement came from the mouth of Xie Wendong of Beihongmen. What is even more frightening is that the twenty-four world channels were maxed out by Beihongmen players in an instant. The content of the screen is impressively consistent with Xie Wendong's declaration of war: "Guild Riding Clouds, black stickers are provided, blood is boundless, and the heroes are commanded, who dares not to follow!"

These Chinese demon madmen really want people to have people, money and money, is it necessary to burn money like this?

Can't you just chat privately?

As a result, The World Channel was completely quashed. No one thought that there would be such a way to swipe the guild advertisements. This Beihongmen is simply shining in front of the world, because after a few minutes, the World Channel is full of screens. It is also the screen information of Beihongmen players, which shows that there are so many and powerful players in Beihongmen.

Of course, the World Channel is not without showing up. Someone said on the World Channel: "Sorry, I interrupted your formation. It takes this kind of bullying to challenge the small guild, ha ha ha. By the way, Nan Hong The doorman pays."

When players in the world could see this person's ID clearly, there was a mischievous smile on his face, because this person is the main power of Nanhongmen: [Chen Jinnan].

The North and South Hongmen have always been at odds. The members of the North Hongmen are mostly Chinese mainland players, while the Nanhongmen are mostly Chinese Taiwanese players. After all, this is related to the current world pattern, and there are many problems that need to be left to future generations to solve.

However, in Sky Dungeon, the South and North Hongmen joined hands for the first time, and they all chose the Mozu camp. However, Chen Jinnan stood up and teased the North Hongmen at this time. Naturally, he was not used to the North Hongmen being so arrogant on the World Channel. The grievances between them cannot be completely eliminated because of the same camp.

It’s even more straightforward to bully others. By the way, by advertising, you are telling people from Beihongmen that your president is so low, so come to our Nanhongmen...

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