Sky Dungeon

Chapter 541: The ability to run **** is very strong

That's right, if this backlash reduction effect is held by the sword demon or sword demon class, it must be even more powerful!

If you put together this kind of equipment that reduces the special effects of the magic sword and the sword, it will definitely be against the sky!

It’s a pity that this kind of rare mutation attribute is rare in itself. The reduction in the backlash effect of the magic sword and magic sword basically only appears on the magic sword and magic sword, and the reduction is a percentage, not a percentage value. One day, other equipment parts can also show the mutation effect of reducing backlash, and the backlash of the magic sword cannot be completely avoided by putting together.

After all, the damage of the magic sword and the sword itself is high. If this mutation effect of reducing backlash appears frequently on various body equipment parts, it will inevitably cause imbalances in other weapons.

Of course, Jing Tian didn't dare to rule out a possibility. Kicking Tian Nong Jing will release a small amount of this kind of equipment that reduces the backlash effect, allowing players to make a broken blood.

After all, Sky Dungeon itself is unlimited and has countless possibilities. If these possibilities are completely eliminated, then the player's enthusiasm for exploring the game will decline.

Therefore, we must give everyone endless fantasy and maintain the relative balance of the game, so that everyone can continue to sprint toward their dreams. When they feel desperate, they can see hope. After seeing the hope, they can't easily realize it. It is the wisdom of game planning.

Although the Taurus seemed to have foreseen his defeat when he issued his bearskin belt, after all, the proposal was Zhao Jiaxue. If Zhao Jiaxue did not explode any decent orange equipment, he would definitely not agree to the gambling game, but saw Zhao Jiaxue draw out this After putting the Crystal Demon Sword, the one-horned Taurus was convinced by a hundred people, thinking about how his team's hands are so bad, so he said: "I lost, let's keep the account. Who touched this crystal demon sword? , Why is my luck so red?"

"Haha, I need to ask, of course I found it out, because this lady is naturally beautiful, and she usually does a lot of good deeds, and she has a lot of accumulated morality, so you can draw out good equipment every time you copy." Zhao Jiaxue showed off.

"Uh... she is really lucky. The key is to have a high lucky value. It may be that the system treats players with a high lucky value a little special treatment."

Jing Tian felt that there was no need to hide himself, so he still wanted to confide this information.

The key is that luck is really unreliable, and it really has something to do with horoscopes. If you just think that high luck will make everything go well, then you are wrong!

It can only be said that Zhao Jiaxue is very capable of taking **** luck!

"The lucky value is high, is this attribute really that magical?"

Two-tailed Scorpio has the spirit when she hears it. You must know that she controls the profession and has a certain accumulation of luck. After all, the system introduces the luck to increase its own crit rate and negative state hit rate.

However, she never thought that the lucky value could actually increase the luck of a person in the game. This seems somewhat unlikely. After all, as long as the system does not declare the content, it is naturally a false rumor.

"Of course it's useful, or why is it called a lucky value? Critical strike is not more appropriate? After all, there is no critical strike effect in a negative state. It is not difficult to understand that a critical strike is regarded as an increase in the negative state hit rate. Luck is a very mysterious thing. , You can meet your own prince charming in the game when you pile up high. A high luck value is equivalent to a kick into the door of a local tyrant."

It is rare for Zhao Jiaxue to say it with reason and evidence, but the last sentence instantly made the whole paragraph illusory and the credibility dropped to zero.

How does this have anything to do with giants?

"Why don't you download the dungeon tomorrow and let Scorpio touch the corpse and have a try. If you believe it, you will have it, but if you don't believe it, you won't." Jing Tian reluctantly suggested, after all, it is always a good thing for the players of his guild to become stronger.

"Then, who in our team is more suitable to pick up equipment?" Yang Miaomiao raised his own question.

This is indeed a problem. The five professions of the king of swordsmanship, white does not understand black, black does not understand white, does not eat mice, and the sister who does not eat mice seem not to pursue lucky values. After all, they are not control occupations.

Even if it is a control class, the mental attributes of the current class are pitifully low, and the anti-control ability is low, which creates an illusion: there is no need to increase the luck value at all, and there is no need to increase the negative state hit rate, and you can easily control the hostile target. .

As for the critical strike rate, this improvement is even more difficult, and due to the volatility of the real lucky value, even if the data party conducts research, it is difficult to summarize one or two things.

To sum up, for a long time, the lucky value, like the avoidance attribute, has been recognized as a tasteless existence.

In fact, this is not a bad thing. Kicking at the patio is still giving players time, allowing players to gradually come out of the shadow of traditional online games. If they are too advanced, it will easily cause discomfort to the players and create a sense of helplessness in the game. And then retreat.

It takes a time course of evolution for human beings to adapt to the development of the times.

"Brother stupid, of course, it's my sister who came to pick it up. My sister has saved a lot of lucky jewelry. Besides, I am an Internet celebrity. Don't you know that all the equipment should be picked up by the Internet celebrity?" Yang Mimi smiled lightly. Tao.

Should all equipment be distributed to Internet celebrities?

Internet celebrity theory is too We farts can't really enjoy it!

"Stupid sister, what do you do with your lucky points? To add full agile escape flow, you should use guardian jewelry to increase the avoidance rate."

Yang Miaomiao only now knows his sister's equipment tendency. It seems that this sister and brother are really intolerable, and they don't communicate much at all.

Although the two of you are not sisters and brothers, you are definitely from an alien planet. The alien thinking is terrible... It's either the lucky value of piles of chicken ribs or the evasion rate of piles of garbage. Have you enough trouble?

"Brother fool, don't you know that the critical strike rate is very important to the output class, and that's right, your auxiliary class doesn't need to care about this at all.

Yang Mimi did not hesitate to mock her brother in front of everyone, and she didn't know where she learned her sharp vocabulary.

Oh, yes, this woman likes to pay attention to world gossip very much, and it is probably the vocabulary she learned from there, but she doesn't really understand what this vocabulary actually means.

"You finally can't hold it back. Isn't it the corpse that you picked up today? You can't keep your face? Don't let people say that your hands are smelly, and your manly demeanor is not high." The two-tailed Scorpio simply ignores the one-armed man. Cancer flattery sharply pointed out this person's dirty inner thoughts.

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