Sky Dungeon

Chapter 552: When pervert meets a plug-in, who is better?

Soon after the meal, everyone went online to play the game. This week’s guild competition will start at 10 am, and the preliminaries will be from 10 am to 12 am. So yesterday Jing Tian asked everyone to arrive at 9:30 am China time for the game. Preparation before.

Today, due to the guild hegemony competition, the system protection was also turned on. Not to mention the release of the mission of the demon invasion, the killing mode was also closed in advance, and all the demon players in the alliance territory will be forced to expel before the guild hegemony starts. Cross-border PVP is completely banned during the tournament to avoid incidents that affect players' performance.

However, without PVP, what else can Mozu players do?

It was discovered that the Demon players who could not receive PVP missions and could not teleport to the alliance site exploded one by one.

Although many people yelled BUG on the World Channel without knowing why, they knew that it was really necessary to do so, but the necessity was a bit exaggerated.

After all, during the guild power competition, if there is an invasion by demons, should the alliance guild players participating in the guild competition continue to compete?

Or, if you are in a game, but your guild member is killed by an alliance player who took the opportunity to make trouble, what should you do?

Is it necessary to let the main players withdraw from the competition and go for reinforcements, or to let the members retreat all strategically?

Although this is not a big deal, it will have an impact on the competition.

Therefore, when Jing Tian planned the Guild Tournament, he focused on eliminating these security risks. Therefore, at midnight on the day of the Guild Tournament, various PVPs were closed. He hopes that everyone can save their energy to the Tournament. The gold content is higher.

Of course, this setting has more or less caused the dissatisfaction of the Mozu players. After all, they mainly rely on PVP upgrades without the channel to send to the alliance and can only do boring tasks.

Moreover, compared with the huge number of mission rings on the Alliance side, the missions on the Demon Realm side seem to be more monks and less fleshy. Often a task is done by hundreds of people at the same time, which inevitably affects the efficiency of the task completion. After all, many tasks It is to attack the Alliance Remnant Camps scattered in the Demon Realm. At such gathering points, the refresh rate and number of Terran NPCs are limited. Even if the system adjusts the refresh rate according to the number of players in the scene, it still creates scenes of robbing monsters, and from time to time. The player exploded in foul language.

However, officially certified staff members on the official forum released the gossip, claiming that the rewards of the Demon Race Tournament will be more generous than the Alliance Guild Tournament. It can be understood as a compensation to the Demon Race players. After all, the Alliance players Now they are all triumphant, taking advantage of the fact that the Demon players are not coming to make trouble, one after another, they have organized groups to practice special training in the dungeon, and the experience acquisition efficiency has significantly increased.

Not only that, the official release clarified that on the guild competition day, various daily routines will be simplified or even cancelled to balance the acquisition of more resources for the demons and the alliance. I hope everyone can concentrate on preparing for the guild competition and actively participate in the preliminaries and preliminaries. After that, watching all aspects of the finals will also gain a lot of experience and resources, which will surely satisfy all players who follow the guild competition.

At the moment when Alliance players rushed to the dungeon to explode the magic core, all the members of the Riding Cloud Guild returned to the guild station when they were online, because they got a topic of great concern from Jing Tian: Village Women VS Nangong Lingxi, when a pervert meets a plug-in, who is better?

That's right, although various PVPs have been banned, in order to make it easier for players to prepare teams and run-in teams, duels and discussions are not forbidden.

"Uh...everyone is here, so I won’t say anything about the opening remarks before the start. The woman who presses the village wins and stands on my left, and the one who presses Nangong Lingxi wins to my right. The bet is 1,000 gold coins, and one loses. Pay for it, and the winner will split equally. Those who don’t want to bet please stay away."

Actually bet!

And this time, Jing Tian took the lead. It seems that people have always been betting before. This time he wants to experience the feeling of eating melons and watching the show.

Everyone moved around and began to bet, but everyone participated in the betting. It seems that everyone likes to be a crowd.

Nangong Lingxi was naturally invited by Jing Tian to ride Yunluoxue. Everyone in the guild’s resident area looked at the powerful lineup of Nangong Lingxi. Naturally, a lot of people bet on her to win. The three of the Constellation Party bet on Nangong Lingxi. Sheng, Jin Chengwu, Bai does not understand black, Yang family and Luo Xia also suppressed Nan Lingxi Sheng, Zhao Jiaxue naturally looked up and down Luo Jing Xia Shi with contemptuous eyes several times, and in his heart he regarded the fat man's nasty scolding more than a dozen times. all over.

The wins of the women of Omura are: Jing Tian, ​​Zhao Jiaxue, Yun Yiyi, Black does not understand white, Double-tailed Scorpio, and Double-headed Leo.

8 to 6, Zhao Jiaxue curiously asked the black and white concealed in the void: "Little black sister, why did you choose the village woman to win, and why did your brother choose Nangong Lingxi?"

"Because...this way...even if you can't lose much money." Little Black Sister's vibrato reappeared, perhaps because she was not comfortable with being asked by name.

What a good calculation!

I am afraid that the five members of the Constellation Party are also betting with this idea. UU Reading is really team-conscious. Unlike the pair of treasures of the Yang family, they walk completely based on feelings, and do not have the spirit of a sibling. .

Of course, they are much better than the ignorant person who said Luo Xia would stand on the united front with his wife.

However, at this time, Nan Lingxi was scolding Jing Tian upright. After all, Jing Tian started a gambling game with her duel with Liu Yaya. What's more, he still supported Liu Yasheng with such a clear-cut stand and didn't take care of himself. The line of feelings.

Even if Nan Lingxi knew in her heart that Jing Tian was not optimistic about herself, but seeing Brother Jing clearly supporting Liu Yaya to teach herself a lesson, a crazy anger rose in her heart. It was precisely this group of anger that completely ignited the fighting spirit in Nan Lingxi's heart.

Of course, Jing Tian didn't want to make money from the opening game, nor did he just treat himself as a crowd eating melons. He just wanted to invigorate the atmosphere. He didn't want the two to pay too much attention to the duel, and eased the tension between them through the game.

The duel soon started. As the countdown entered the last 1 second, the five spirit puppets of Nangong Lingxi had already moved. I have to say that this is definitely a delayed order issued by Nanlingxi, but the delayed order cannot be used before the duel. The unwritten regulations seem unreasonable for the puppet masters, not to mention the manipulation of so many puppets. If Nan Lingxi is not allowed to use the delayed command, then Nangong Lingxi's combat effectiveness will be reduced by about half.

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