Sky Dungeon

Chapter 555: Why do you like to kill familiarity so much?

The other two warrior puppets are still pouring into the air and attacking, and the two magician puppets are also constantly setting off fireworks in the distance.

This is the drawback of the delayed skill. Even if you find that your preset is wrong, you cannot issue instructions to interrupt or modify it. You must wait for a series of written programs to finish before you can regroup.

However, at this moment, Jing Tian fixed his gaze on another magician puppet that Liu Yaya ignored. Obviously, the chanting technique just now came from its magic wand!

That’s right. At first, everyone thought that Nan Lingxi controlled three magician spirit puppets and two warrior spirit puppets with delayed commands to launch anticipatory strikes against village women. This is one of the principles that acquaintances are more likely to be trapped. It is blindly relying on experience and blindly relying on memory.

In everyone’s memory, Nan Lingxi can use the delay command to control 5 puppets at the same time. Naturally, he subconsciously believes that Nan Lingxi used the delay command to control the two warrior puppets and the three magician puppets at the beginning of the duel. They compiled a complete set of action instructions, but Nan Lingxi took advantage of this in reverse. In fact, she only used delayed instructions on the four puppets before the duel, and the fifth puppet was completely controlled by her. Timely command control!

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing each other is not dead, the more familiar people are, the easier it is to be deceived. Otherwise, why do people like to kill them so much?

Worthy of being a character that came out of the business world, Nan Lingxi will definitely not play cards according to common sense. If the person closest to him knows his hole cards, then he will disassemble the hole cards by himself and hit his opponent by surprise.

This is also the main reason why Liu Yaya made a calculation error and stepped into the trap set by Nanlingxi.

At this time, the magician puppet whose true situation was concealed was hiding aside, and chanted a range of attack magic, but this time, how could Liu Yaya make Nanlingxi do what he wished, before the magician puppet finished singing. Magic, the village woman raised her hand and shot an arrow!

However, at the same time, a figure just stood in front of the magician puppet. This person was Nan Lingxi!

If Nangong Lingxi used to let the puppets surround and protect themselves, portraying themselves as a sick and weak person, then the operation of Nan Lingxi at this time has subverted everyone's cognition.

A puppet master used his body to block bullets for his puppet!

It can be seen that Nan Lingxi has considerable confidence in her character data and understands the essence of the puppet master.

That's right, don't think that the spirit puppet is just your own shield. The spirit puppet is a big sword in your hand. If necessary, you can abandon the sword to survive, but the more commendable thing is to protect the sword for victory.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Liu Yaya immediately manipulated the character to move, found the attack route, and immediately launched the [second burst]!

However, in the last moment he was hit by Baibu Chuan Yang, in the passive and helpless Nan Lingxi, a smug smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

She deliberately manipulated Nangong Lingxi to block the blow, and set aside an attack space to induce the village women to shoot at their will.

Unfortunately, Liu Yaya never expected that another figure suddenly appeared behind Nangong Lingxi. That figure was not someone else but the only puppet of the repairer!

Can you still play well?

Why did the repairman who used to hide behind to return blood to the puppet to come out today to block the bullet?

Can the puppet be used so wastefully?

So Nangong Lingxi has such a wasted capital!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Liu Yaya immediately moved to find a new attack route, but time was waiting. The magician puppet’s range skills had already been chanted. The circular magic circle did not form at the feet of the village woman this time. Appeared above her head, accompanied by the sound of thunder, black clouds grew in the sky, this is impressively: [Falling Thunder Technique]!

However, good fortune does not come, and misfortune does not come singly. Two warrior puppets have already posted up from behind, and dozens of lightning strikes in the next second. Before the village woman had time to attack again, her entire body was hit by lightning, and she couldn't immediately. Move freely.

Everyone took a deep breath, marveling at Nan Lingxi's operation, and even had an illusion in their hearts: This Nangong Lingxi might win!

The two magician spirit puppets in front of the village woman also moved their hands at this time and chanted spells again. It was obvious that Nan Lingxi was going to bomb the village woman violently.

However, when the two warrior spirit puppets rushed behind the village women, their weapons could be lifted, and oncoming was a shimmering purple war sickle!

The village woman didn't mean to stop at all. While shifting, she threw the war sickle in her hand, and unexpectedly resorted to [Fraud Throw], and the target of her throw was Nangong Lingxi.

Nan Lingxi doesn't matter, don't look at her wearing a spiritual stone suit that emphasizes increasing magic defense, but she adds all the attribute points to her physique. Therefore, Nangong Lingxi's blood line and defense will definitely not be as fragile as the mage.

However, something stunned everyone happened. The death war scythe thrown by the deceitful defeat actually penetrated Nangong Lingxi's body and forcibly attacked the magician puppet who was about to finish reading the chant!

A big question mark was drawn in everyone's hearts. How did this happen?

Jing Tian had a crazy inference in his but he couldn't ask Liu Yaya at this time, their duel was not over yet.

This blow by the village woman really disrupted Nan Lingxi's deployment!

Nan Lingxi was not surprised that the village woman was able to interrupt the ordinary attack of the two warrior puppets. Yes, it was a normal attack. Nan Lingxi did not expect the two warrior puppets to attack the village woman from the beginning. I just want to use them to entangle and drag the village women to gain time and promote the successful launch of the range attack magic.

However, Nan Lingxi never thought that the village woman's actions would be so fluent and smooth, and she could interrupt the singing before the attack magic was activated, and it penetrated her own character...

However, this does not mean that Nan Lingxi will be caught with his hands. The two magician puppets in front of Nangong Lingxi once again chanted attack magic at the same time. Needless to say, the purple gentian gun that the village woman just replaced was just a random wave. , The two magician spirit puppets were interrupted again. However, the village woman did not choose to rush in. Instead, she replaced the spare weapon with a crossbow and moved sideways. The next second flashed quickly, and the village woman avoided the sky. Magic arrow rain.

"Oh? I have to admit that you are pretty good at playing yin!"

Liu Yaya actually had time to speak, as relaxed as if she had not shown her strength, and even made everyone suspect that she did not intend to fight seriously.

Dai Nan Lingxi frowned slightly, and did not respond to Liu Yaya's leisure at all. At this time, she was closely controlling the puppet to re-position, preparing to launch the next round of attacks.

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