Sky Dungeon

Chapter 561: This is on the thief ship

"Oh? I really don't understand why you are more afraid than I am. When the slaves are fused, the careless liver almost jumped out of my big breasts, and the official should rub the slaves."

Liu Yaya's voice became seductive again, and she deliberately increased the three words "big breasts". Naturally, Liu Yaya didn't want to tease the male members of the Cloud Riding Guild. Don't forget that Nan Lingxi's chest is quite flat, without the illusion of a mound.

Nan Lingxi, who was flying to the Alliance City, naturally smashed her own mattress fiercely. At this moment, she really wanted to rush downstairs, kick open Liu Yaya's door, and then discuss with her the hair-tearing technique. .

It’s a pity that she knows that she is not the rival of Liu Yaya, a violent woman. What's more important is that she kicked on the security door of Liu Yaya's house, let alone kicked open the security door. Maybe she would have to go to her hospital for some time. day.

"Why don't you fight with me, let the stars learn your new trick?"

What is the fun of you alien coming here?

But the key thing is, is there a difference between a bluff and a bluff and a pinch?

Besides, can you have a better life in an auxiliary profession? Is your self-confidence not frustrated at all if you are so aggressive?

When does it make any difference to play against each other? Now the competition for hegemony is coming, if everyone fights each other so willfully, energy will be consumed.

"Uh... there is still some time before the guild competition starts. Let's go to the 7th floor of the dungeon for leisure training. It is too much trouble for tasks and other tasks."

Jing Tian still decided to get the topic back on track, and discussing the fusion and comprehension skills with Liu Yaya's GM, it was simply looking for abuse by himself. There is no end to the discussion between everyone, and he must not be allowed to start such a start.

"Wait, let me count, how do I feel that it takes more effort to upgrade the monster spawning, but it is quite laborious to add blood to you."

White does not understand the task of black, and is still not used to the boring route of spawning monsters and upgrading.

"Haha, don't worry, it would be nice if everyone is not so unrestrained today. It will be more casual if you don't pull a little blame, and there is no pressure to treat."

One-eyed Aries, as a healing profession, naturally does not want to spend too much time before the guild competition. Recalling the previous group of strange scenes, I also feel uneasy in my heart.

"Go, brother, I still have enough energy to kill bacteria, bacteria and viruses must die!"

Hei does not understand Bai pleaded with a pitiful tone that Bai did not understand black. Bai did not understand Hei and naturally surrendered immediately and flew to Alliance City with everyone.

"I don't think we should converge. Each team can warm up by spawning monsters on the 7th floor of the dungeon. It will take a lot of time to walk to the statue to converge. We will return to the guild station at 9:30 to prepare for the competition." Jing Tian Take care of it and arrange it lightly.

He didn't want the tragedy to repeat itself again. You must know that Yang Mimi, an alien, was famous for his willfulness. Maybe it would happen on a whim and a full-screen monster would be given away.

Therefore, it is safest to warm up separately.

During the short flight, Zhao Jiaxue and others turned Ziwu into life one after another, and began to adjust their breaths to their Ziwu pets. She could not understand the black and white spring heart rippling. She did not have Ziwu and naturally could not make weapons into life.

The little girl also has a comparability, she said with a grieved expression that she did not understand the underworld: ", I also want...little pets, I also want to play with small pets, I want it now."

When Bai does not understand Hei, his sister has a nosebleed, and at the same time, a big question mark is drawn in her heart. In fact, Hei does not understand Bai and wants to raise a pet in reality, but Bai does not understand Hei and fears that his sister will have a pet. I left him in the cold, but the improvement of the equipment level in the game is a general trend. It is impossible for my sister to never be equipped with Ziwu. Naturally, there will be small pets sooner or later. I don’t know how the small pets in the game compare to me. Who is more favored by my sister?

Why don't you decide whether to get Ziwu for your sister?

If everyone knows that Bai does not understand what He is thinking at this time, I am afraid that everyone will despise him severely. This heavy sister is too unsaved.

Is it possible that after your divination, your sister will always use weapons below the purple rank to fight the world in the game?

When the three teams of fifteen people were sent to the 7th floor of the dungeon to start leveling, Yang Miaomiao soon complained unexpectedly and loudly: "Stupid sister, it’s not about casual monsters. Are you such a casual cat? Attract 10 strangers at once, don't run to us!"

"Stupid brother, I'm already very casual, and I don't have any pressure at all. Take the blame away."

Yang Mimi even frankly refuted.

The other people in the chat room suddenly became petrified. Yang Mimi was really unrestrained. It turned out that in Yang Mimi's consciousness, it would be very leisurely to attract 10 monsters to fight at a time.

But in fact?

Not to mention leisure, even the five-person team during the victory period cannot win 10 dungeon monsters of the same level, not to mention the monsters on the 7th floor of the dungeon are more brutal than ever.

Then, Yang Miaomiao is nine lives and dare not accept the hatred of these 10 monsters.

"You big swindlers, I just calculated it, this is on the thief ship!"

The face of white and black is green. Saying good is casual, saying good is easier than doing tasks. UU Reading www.uukanshu. The com glasses broke all over, this sister who doesn't eat mice is a mad woman through and through!

In other words, does this still need to be counted?

Jing Tianben was still uncomfortable for the village woman to follow him. After all, Liu Yaya’s sultry words never stopped, but after listening to Yang Miaomiao and Bai’s crying that he didn’t understand black, he began to rejoice in sending Luo Xia over. By the way, compared to the team of leaping guys, the unreliable fat guy is much more reliable.

It didn’t take long for everyone to step on the stairs to return to the ground. After all, no one knew which main city they would appear in after returning to the ground. It would take some time to fly back to the Union City guild residence. The guild competition started at 10 o’clock. Whether it is necessary to sign up through a certain NPC in the guild residence, the system did not give any notice. It seems to be playing with a sense of mystery. This has caused much discussion among players in the world. Most guild management also requires everyone to gather at the guild residence to avoid missing it. Contest.

But at this time, the King of Sword Cavalry was still not online, and the time had passed and 9:30 was agreed.

Jing Tian didn't care at first, but when everyone took the Dapeng back to the guild station, the portrait of the friend of the King of Sword Cavalry still did not light up.

Jing Tian can only dial Yu Yan's number through the phone function in the game. This is an international long distance call. Jing Tian does not know that this call will not cause his account shutdown in the past, after all, the current mobile phone package cost is not enough. Unlimited call time can be as much as possible, but international long-distance calls are not included.

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