Sky Dungeon

Chapter 570: Men have a dream of accepting a maid

   Although the servant who holds this kind of thought will not betray on the surface, he has already betrayed in his heart, but he has no chance or a better way out, so he smiles and follows the so-called master.

   Now the relationship between some company bosses and employees is not the case. Bosses have never regarded employees as their own family members, but only as money-making tools. Those piles of work to be processed ruthlessly consume the health and soul of employees.

  Perhaps these employees work hard for a while to stand out and succeed, but over time, their aspirations will be flattened by the company's indifference.

   No matter how well-behaved little dolphin, if you don’t get a reward for a long time, it will bite in turn!

   has experienced the transformation from a master to a slave, let Jing Tian learn to think for others, know how to cherish everyone around him, even just a stranger who has never met, let alone a group of strange beautiful maids?

Therefore, Jing Tian said lightly: "Thanks for the hard work, they ran a trip. How can our masters be ashamed to let them basking outside. Unfortunately, the table is too small and there are not so many places for everyone to have lunch together. It is better for everyone to sit in the living room at will. Sit down and wait for us to finish eating. I have to bother all the beauties to clean up the mess. We have some special things to be busy today, so I can’t help you sort them out."

"Oh, frog, do you like who among them? Sure enough, men have a dream of accepting a maid!" Zhao Jiaxue immediately ridiculed, especially in the pronunciation of "Oh", paying attention to pretense. The astonished tone was like a husband who was warning him.

   All the maids trembled slightly. They had never met such a man before, and they dared to question her order in front of their mistress, and the order was sent to a stranger who had nothing to do with him.

   This kind of dog-blood plot where a dog takes a mouse to do nosy things seems to be staged only by the group of civilians in front of you. It is so sad to be sympathized by a civilian!

   All the maids were agitated. They showed fierce eyes and stared at Jing Tian, ​​causing Jing Tian's mouth to tremble slightly, a little embarrassed. But there is a warm current surging in all of them at this time. It seems that the people who have dealt with in the past are all high-ranking guys. Have those people ever asked their inner feelings? The feeling of being cared by people is really great. But in front of the hostess, she definitely couldn't show the slightest happiness. She had to speculate on her master's thoughts, and her complexion was consistent with that of Nan Lingxi.

However, in just one second, a faint red glow appeared on all the maid’s fierce faces, as if they were shy. After all, Zhao Jiaxue was unobstructed in the last second, insisting that Jing Tian saw one of them. Bit.

   Hearing these words into the ears of the maid, it was no longer possible to conceal the warmth in my heart, even slightly touched.

"What do you do! How can you look at frogs like this? Are frogs a courteous man? You should ask him which one of them is right!" Luo Xia would naturally not let go of such a good sarcastic opportunity. Added without hesitation.


   My ears don’t work well, there is a kind of fat, you say again?

   said that, all the women's eyes were fixed on Jingtian, as if they were looking at a toad that didn't know the height of the sky.

If Jing Tian didn’t say something at this moment, he would definitely be considered a guilty conscience and a ghost. He eats the bowl and looks at the bowl without forgetting to look at someone else’s bowl. This kind of man is scumbag. But nothing!

   If Jing Tian is such a scum, they should consider whether or not to rectify the flower thief on the spot, so as not to do anything to the master.

However, Jing Tian didn't seem to hear what everyone said, as if he didn't see the cannibalistic eyes of the maids at all. He just turned quietly to face the dining table, and then softly said, "Uh...I'm just passionate. Hospitality, but no other thoughts. Besides, we can't finish eating so much. Why don't we wait for everyone to break up together. The maids will eat freely in the living room, and we will eat as soon as possible in the restaurant.

   Jingtian went even further and directly offered a portion of the food to the maid.

A touch of guilt flashed across the faces of the maids, and a touch of disappointment flowed out of their hearts, but they were relieved if they thought about it: my master and Miss Liu's are here, how can I distract you from the host, let alone compete with the hostess. Now, even the cold beauty here is better than herself. How could Jing Tian see himself?

   The cold beauty is naturally Yun Yiyi. This trick Jing Tian played was called “advanced inch”. He used advance to advance, advanced and retreated, and retreated while seeking advancement. While Nan Lingxi was still hesitating in his heart, instead of taking back the previous suggestions, he made more excessive arrangements. .

   You must know that this meal was carefully prepared by Nanlingxi. If it was distributed to his servants, wouldn't it detract from the value of the meal?

   Actually, Nan Lingxi didn't want to go against Jing Tian's wishes, but it would be intolerable to let the maids ruin the atmosphere of the meal.

"Brother Jing, UU reading www.uukā is that profiteers still let them wait in the living room. We eat first. Most of these are snack foods. Even if we eat first, it will not damage the hygiene and taste of the food. Eat time first, and wait for the maid to taste it slowly. After all, they have plenty of time. I believe they will not dislike everyone. Although they are civilians, everyone is a friend of profiteers."

   Nan Lingxi said his decision. The key is why do we have to mention civilians again?

   Sure enough, a rich woman can't change her superior arrogance!

"En, then do it." Jing Tian didn't insist on anything anymore. Originally, he didn't hope that Nan Lingxi would agree to his final proposal. After all, let her a noble noble and his civilian friends eat together. Enough to compromise her nobility, if she and her maid are allowed to share food, there will be no distinction between inferiority and inferiority. This lets the family know that she will naturally be criticized.

   This is the helplessness and restraint of a big family. Even if you want to get close to others, you have to consider the identity of the other person. If the status disparity is too large, you will be punished by the family.

So, the maids slowly walked into the living room with graceful steps. The moment they turned around, they did not forget to give Jing Tian a gentle and full of flattery. You must know that although these maids did not have Liu Yaya’s "fairy woman" "You", the country and the city without Nanlingxi, the ice and the jade without Yun Yiyi, but they are all the best beauties, this numb look is enough to make men of the world bend their waists, after all, beauty is such a strange creature, although Individual quality is not good, but sometimes you can use quantity to win, especially in the impact of the picture.

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