Sky Dungeon

Chapter 579: One hundred and eight dungeon idols

   The moment Jin Chengwu decided to fight, he re-examined the game, and he thought to himself: Peekaboo? Peekaboo? Peekaboo!

   This is a real peek-a-boo. Just hide, shoot behind others, and then hide without being spotted.

Why didn’t I think of such an easy-to-understand gameplay earlier? I always feel that the game’s main strategy is very naughty. Setting up such a game is to let players experience the real fun of the game, just like a kid hiding It's like cats, not for everyone to study the rules and strategy!

   So, Jin Chengwu did this, and he also used the sling sling. What surprised everyone was that every time the plastic surgeon made a shot, he would surely succeed in a sneak attack.

This is quite difficult. After all, sneak attacks on some long-distance targets, the opponent is in motion, and the speed and forward direction will change, not moving forward at a uniform speed, but the ordinary attack of the sling rope just makes up for it. The shortcomings of other long-range attacks allowed Jin Chengwu to hit the opponent's role with ease without throwing out a normal attack.

   Not only that, as long as it blasts out, Jin Chengwu will turn around regardless of the result, just like a kid who has done a prank. He doesn't care whether the prank is successful, he enjoys the process of the prank.

   What is even more speechless is that after he ran away, he would immediately look for the next easier place to hide and squat down, waiting for an opportunity to ambush the next target.

   It turns out that priests can also play wretched streams!

   Of course, he hasn't been caught out before, and he can't feel individual stalkers in front of him. Naturally, he will only lose points when he encounters them. And those stalkers will deliberately follow the plastic surgeon, take three points from him mercilessly, and then look for the next target.

   However, in this way, the plastic surgeon did not succeed in the sneak attack. His awkwardness even made the rival competitors feel tricky, and even some people wanted revenge, but they didn't even figure out who they were looking for. After all, this girl turned around and fled with one shot at the farthest distance. In this virgin forest, the field of vision was originally not wide, and some people naturally did not even see the appearance of the plastic surgeon.

   In this stage of the competition, most of the professions with the most points and the least deductions were stalkers in the assassin profession. The first competition for hegemony was considered a good example of a traditional thieves-like profession.

After all, the demons have the largest number of players who play stalkers, and the league has a large population base. Although the proportion of stalkers is not as high as that of the demons, the combination of the two makes the stalker once the number one career in Sky Dungeon .

Of course, this number one occupation is only the number one, and this number has been changing. Tengyi Company is not bored until the idea of ​​keeping statistics and publishing this data, because after some details are revised and updated, those occupations with many players will Slowly be harmonious.

   And this first competition for hegemony, it may be just a win!

   First, we must make a profession a god, let more players invest in it, and then quietly and harmoniously, then the players who will change jobs in the future may be countless. This is invisible, and you can earn from ear to ear.

Whenever points are credited, the experience bar of the players and spectators will have a plus sign and a value will pop up, which undoubtedly makes the shouts of the spectators intensified, even if the competitors can't hear the cheering of the spectators, the only thing the spectators can do at this time It is shouting and cheering, and some people are even emotional from time to time. The language is full of sensitive vocabulary set by the system, and the smiley emoticons are suddenly one after another.

Just as the enthusiasm of the players in the world was soaring, time passed quietly, and everyone did not feel that an hour would become so short-lived, as if it was just a sip of tea. The first stage of the game was announced amidst cheers and cheers. ended!

Lina Li’s allure Miaoman figure reappeared in everyone’s VR images. She panted again and again as if she had done some strenuous exercise just now: “It’s so exciting...all the players behaved too much. It’s wonderful, I’ve never seen such a fierce competition, as if I’m also one of them.

The audience was excited when they heard it. After all, the first-person perspective made them feel like they had participated in the whole game in person. Everyone’s brains are still the scenes that happened just now. No, it’s even more enjoyable than controlling the competition by yourself, which is not in control. , Full of unexpected battles, perhaps also an alternative adventure!

   "Now that all players rest for ten minutes, the characters will enter a state of imprisonment. Ten minutes later, they will enter the second stage of the competition. I believe the next competition will make everyone more excited!"

   Lina Li's sweet voice dissipated, but it was like a flower that was blown away, bringing a burst of fragrance. After that, league players can see Lina Li dancing on her own, and the dynamic music is also introduced to the ears of players around the world, as if it is the halftime of the basketball game, Lina Li is the host’s cheerleader So long!

That’s is the cheerleader, because at the moment when Lina Li was dancing, all league players were pleasantly surprised to see more than a dozen hosts of different shapes, sweet or charming faces from the lava underground In the rise.

It was indeed lava. From the moment Linali began to dance, the area under her feet had already turned into a lava zone. The dozen or so horrifying beauties stood out from the underground lava like **** phoenixes. The grandeur is beyond words.

How should I say, I have seen demons crawl out of magma, but I have never seen a group of angels reborn from hell. It is precisely this powerful contrast that makes the audience forget the urgency and everything. Staring obsessively at the VR screen.

   The picture is so shocking that people can't look away at all, for fear of missing any picture!

   This video was also quietly recorded by Tengyi official...

  Perhaps for all players, this is the performance feast of the first competition, but for Tengyi, it is a testimony of the Sky Dungeon milestone, but this milestone cannot be announced for the time being.

  All players may not be aware that these first batch of Sky Dungeon contract hosts selected by Tengyi Company are the early members of the game idol group DungeonIdol108, which will be popular in the world in the future.

  DungeonIdol108 is referred to as DI108 by players. China has some wonderful translations such as "Water Margin Idol Group", "108th Love", and "108 Wives". In fact, the correct translation of this idol group is only: 108 dungeon idols.

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