Sky Dungeon

Chapter 588: Just burn another fire in the backyard

At this time, Zhao Yunxue'er posted the Phantom Hall again, sent a sonic boom, and quickly knocked the opponent out. The Phantom Hall's foothold happened to be the place where his team members were concentrated. Needless to say, Zhao Jiaxue was naturally affected. I followed Liu Yaya's instructions. After all, the location of the Magic Sound Building was very embarrassing, and the group attack skills played by the village women could not sweep her.

It's all right now. As soon as the Phantom Sound Building landed, the purple flower axe in the hands of the village woman took advantage of the opportunity to play a basic group damage skill, interrupting the ten people who could restore the ability to move, but she was impossible. Keeping the other party under control, if the ten green wolves regain their ability to move in front of her, I am afraid the village women will become the target of the fire in the first place.

However, don't forget that there is still a person standing behind the village woman. Of course it is not Zhao Yunxueer, but the sister who does not eat mice...

Just before the village woman launched the attack, the tall mermaid with evil spirits all over her body suddenly raised her left hand and put a mask on her face. Of course, the black hand that seemed to be inlaid with scales was right. It is a wasp mask with yellow and black stripes.

Bumblebee launched!

[Sister who doesn’t eat mice] The organ box in her hand unceremoniously ejected poisonous needles. These poisonous needles hit the foreheads of the Green Wolf people without exception. In an instant, everyone went into double paralysis for 6 seconds. time!

The audience in the audience was completely stunned, whether it was supporting Qiyun Luoxue or supporting the Green Wolf Guild!

The members of the female emperor's husband group clamored wildly, and their words were full of contempt for the Riding Cloud Guild.

Of course, thanks to the team attack skills of the village woman and Zhao Yunxueer, after all, it is impossible for the mask shaman in the Hornet state to throw a wave of poison needles at the same time. The normal attack is also affected by the attack speed, even if Quan Min increases it. It can slightly increase the attack speed, but the speed is really limited, mainly to increase the speed of the character to complete the action, there is still a certain interval between normal ordinary attacks.

Without the tacit cooperation of Liu Yaya and Zhao Jiaxue, she would not be able to complete the perfect control of ten people no matter how brave she was.

The next fifteen seconds is like **** to the ten people of the soul of the blue wolf. They are constantly being paralyzed by the [sister who does not eat mice], and the village women are not stingy with their skills and start to have the lowest physical defense [ Tingyulou], this werewolf mage should be based on the inertia of traditional games. The equipment selected is magic stone. Most of the magic stone series equipment focuses on improving intelligence. Although the magic defense is greatly improved, the physical defense is not enough. Up.

If you blindly pursue the right attributes in equipment matching, it will often cause some kind of imbalance. It is not that the equipment of Tingyulou is really poor, but in a certain sense, he was defeated!

In addition, there is indeed a certain gap in the equipment grade. The village woman is now a purple grade equipment, and the Tingyulou has only two or three purple equipment. Two or three purple equipment is indeed considered to be in the big guild. Top-notch. You must know that even if the Alliance Guild is rich, it is temporarily unable to match all the main members with purple quality equipment.

After all, the equipment at this stage will soon be outdated, and due to the imbalance of the world economy, the price of Level 4 magic core is far beyond the affordability of most guilds.

In China, there may be many players who spend tens of thousands of tens of thousands to play an online game, but there are not more than a handful of tyrants who spend hundreds of thousands on low-level equipment.

It's not that there are few true local tyrants in China, but the local tyrants are not stupid. Everyone knows that spending a lot of money to buy a low-level high-end equipment, no matter how others flatter, in fact everyone will think of such a local tyrant as an idiot.

After all, low-level high-end equipment can neither appreciate nor maintain its value. Maybe the price will be the same as a box of fast food in a few weeks.

You should know that online games are often very unbalanced. As the level increases, the difference in equipment availability cannot be compensated by the level. Most players would rather use advanced equipment with a poorer level than make the equipment level higher. The low-level equipment of this is exactly the reason.

Therefore, most high-end players now have only a few pieces of purple equipment on their bodies, just like Liu Yaya and Nan Lingxi, who have so much money as a single figure, will spend a lot of money to get a purple outfit.

Of course, it wasn't that the Soul of the Blue Wolf had no money. The key was that he didn't want to be taken advantage of, and he underestimated other guilds and the Riding Cloud Guild, so he didn't madly throw money on these ten professional players.

A village woman in a purple outfit undoubtedly hit the low-defense Tingyu Building. After all, she was not alone. The attack of [Sister Who Doesn’t Eat Rats] also belonged to the physical output. Each of the steel needles at the front door took away a lot of her blood. Without the recovery of the healing profession, with the main output of the village woman, Tingyulou became the first professional green wolf player to lie down.

What made Qinglang even more humiliating was that they still hadn't recovered their ability to move after hearing Yulou's suspended animation, and could only watch their comrades turn into a white light and be taken away by the system god.

Listening to the fall of the Yulou, there was a burst of carnival in the audience of the Riding Cloud Guild. People who didn't know thought it was Qiyun Luoxue who had won the hegemony in advance.

The boo in the audience of the Blue Wolf Guild was even louder, but the soul of the Blue Wolf is the soul of the Blue Wolf, with rich experience in guild management immediately arrange for someone to spread the news in the audience, id [most Poisonous Beauty Heart] fired: "The Guild of Riding Clouds is just a delay at the end of the crossbow. You can become a champion after grabbing their antlers."

"Laughing to the end, the most rippling laugh!" id [Little Sister Magpie Bridge] followed closely, with a slightly rippling voice.

"That is, it's nothing to hang up." id [Junjun does not speak] also tried his best to maintain the confidence of the audience.

However, something that worries everyone in the Blue Wolf Guild even more happened. After the element mage [Tingyulou] in the five heavenly buildings died, the village women naturally transferred the firepower to the [teaching building] in the five small buildings. This player class named [Teaching Building] is also an Elemental Mage, and it follows the same route as [Tingyu Building]. After all, the group wounded turret of the Elemental Mage only needs to hide behind and quietly output the heads. , Who would have expected to be beaten so fat by the villagers now!

But control time is no longer enough for the village women to create miracles. Liu Yaya just burned the other side’s backyard before leaving. Everyone in the Green Wolf Guild can no longer watch their comrades fall. They have already started. After the delayed skill instruction was issued, the first person to protect was naturally the [teaching building]. However, before they went crazy, the three village women turned around and ran away, relying on the dense virgin forest barrier, they immediately disappeared into the attack range of the Green Wolf. 14

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