Sky Dungeon

Chapter 595: Noon Duck Yue·Li Ge

That's right, it's just a second!

Not only the apartment building was surprised, everyone present was stunned!

The audience outside the venue was also stunned...

In the last second, everyone only saw a black sand ray shot from Don't Eat Mouse. Could it be that the black sand ray burst once again? Yang Miaomiao's luck is too bad!

Is this kind of luck value soaring to its full value under the control of aliens?

"I didn't kill me!" Yang Miao said dejectedly.

He even scratched his head in his heart. He did use the black sand ray just now, but the damage value randomly generated by the skill is not against the sky. He is sure that his own blow has taken away at most 5% of the opponent's vitality value. .

"I just calculated it, and my dear sister did it probably!"

White doesn’t understand black but knows her best sister. Although Black didn’t understand white, she didn’t make any big moves, but if she didn’t eat mice and dropped the apartment building, and others didn’t have any killer moves, she could only be herself. The beloved sister used that skill.

The **** stick is the **** stick, and don't forget to count your speculation as a trigram at this time!

"With that skill, Candida must die!"

Black doesn't understand white, it seems to see through my brother's heart. Didn't it mean that black doesn't understand white, and white doesn't understand black? Why does the heart make sense?

The point is, the germ I just mentioned doesn't seem to be the name, how do you feel that the girl squatting at home knows so much knowledge?

Bai did not understand the black and entered a serious sister-controlled state, and said with a look of intoxication: "Sister, you are so awesome, my brother is proud of having you!"

Fortunately, Bai didn’t understand that He was speaking in the team, otherwise it might make everyone present vomit...

Of course, the people who eat melon are not necessarily the case. Maybe there will be some scandals immediately, or maybe it will be said that the riding cloud guild: the rich second-generation circle is a little bit of civil trouble!

"What the **** is going on, meow? How did you steal my head?"

Yang Miaomiao was in a hurry. He used the Thunder Cage and Black Sand Ray two comprehension skills and failed to win the apartment building, which made him think about changing jobs again.

"It's a comprehension skill, which is called Ziwu Yuanyangyue·Lige. It seems that it can hit random damage values ​​to kill the enemy. This is a big killer synthesized by my great sister through skill comprehension!"

Bai didn't understand the black face, and his eyes were almost peach-hearted. Fortunately, everyone couldn't see his expression, otherwise he had to cast aside his face.

"I'm doing it! That's it, wave damage skills, little black girl, where is your luck? In theory, the probability of wave damage bursting out of low peaks is outrageous."

We once said that what kind of skill is the most abnormal in Sky Dungeon is this kind of fluctuating damage skill. Everyone thinks that this kind of skill is an exclusive tool for Internet celebrity comedians. After all, most of the time, fluctuating damage will be Take the value near the lowest value, so that the prediction and the result of the online celebrity anchor can have a huge contrast, and then make a joke to make the audience satisfied.

Luo Xia is the most sensitive to data and understands the fortune of exploding damage. However, when he said that, the two heart-like eyes that white did not understand black instantly turned into knives. He seemed to feel that someone was robbing his sister, he Immediately displeased: "Who is your sister, my dear sister will always have only one brother! Brother is justice!"

That's right, the final blow just now was made by black and white.

At first, she got out of the circle under Jing Tian's instructions, and happened to escape the control of the Glory Paladin Office Building Glory Battle, but after seeing the thunder cage, he rushed back and slaughtered the apartment building, she thought. Killing this virus bacterium, finally, with the idea of ​​trying her luck, she resorted to Yuanyangyue·Lige, even she herself couldn't believe that her blow actually killed the apartment building!

First-order Meridian Mandarin Duck · Li Song: Single damage, PVP causes 1%-25% of the opponent's random blood value damage, at the cost of reducing the corresponding percentage of weapon durability. If the weapon's durability returns to zero, it will automatically be returned to the package. If the package is full, it will be used as a secondary weapon, and the secondary weapon will be automatically replaced to fight. In the case of PVE, random damage to monsters will not reduce weapon durability. All damage random coefficients will be affected by weapon level, attributes and rank.

More importantly, I don't know where Xiao Hei's luck came from. After doing the task, he obtained a fragment of an ancient skill book. After learning, he casually merged it once to synthesize such a perverted skill that can be upgraded.

You should know that general quality comprehension skills cannot be upgraded, but how to look at this kind of random damage, and the skill that needs to sacrifice the durability of the weapon, it is definitely a high-level existence, and it must be kicked out of the sky. Players of the world...

Imagine waiting for players in the world to happily upgrade this skill and find that the damage they deal with each time is still at the minimum level, there must be an urge to rush to tear down the Tengyi Building.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the wave damage comprehension skills in Sky Dungeon can be upgraded.

Sure enough!

The black and white mandarin duck yue Lige has already risen to the second can cause 2%-30% damage to the target's vitality value, and her luck just now is simply God possessed , Directly exploded with the highest damage coefficient of 30%, and the Meridian Mandarin Duck in her hand naturally reduced its durability by 30%.

It has to be said that this skill cannot be used all the time. For example, there is no place to repair equipment in the current competition. Once the durability of the weapon is zero, it can only be replaced by another weapon.

And since the skill description states that the random damage number is related to the level, attribute and rank of the weapon, it is natural to prepare a top-quality weapon as a spare instead of using a low-level junk Meridian Mandarin Duck to fool around. That way, it will only be able to hit the lowest damage.

Of course, in fact, Jing Tian and Luo Xia knew that most random damage skills depended on luck, and secondly, they looked at weapon rank and level attributes. Even if you have artifacts in your hands and luck, the system will still give you the lowest damage, and Jing Tian and Luo Xia had surprisingly consistent views on this aspect of planning, that is: abnormal!

Yes, it's abnormal.

Jingtian and Luoxia build. The fluctuating damage skills that everyone in my heart can either make you feel deeply desperate, or make you feel full of defying the sky. This concept seems to have been recognized by the current chief strategy Kick Tiannongjing. Most of the time players use these fluctuating skills in despair to tears, and even many people directly forget the fluctuating damage after using them many times to understand other more reliable skills. After all, not everyone believes in their luck.

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