Sky Dungeon

Chapter 598: They often want to conquer the whole world of men

The office building didn't want to take revenge anymore, the corner of his mouth raised, and he said, "Then leave it to you, take revenge for us!"

The corner of Feng Gulou's mouth twitched after hearing this. This office building would really push the boat along the river, directly entrusting them and the Red Wolf Army with the important task of killing Guiyun Guild. He didn't believe that only nine of them could threaten Qi Cloud Guild, I'm afraid it will have to join other teams again.

Enduring the melancholy in his heart, Feng Gulou said helplessly: "Let's chase after! Keep a certain distance from the left and right, see the enemy outflank, try not to fight melee to avoid being accidentally injured by the friendly army."

However, the careful people discovered that Feng Gulou did not lead his team to pursue the direction where the Guild Riding Cloud was leaving, but instead cleverly chose a completely different path.

Older gingers are more spicy!

Feng Gulou knew that he had lost all his old face, and naturally wanted to save some face in the next battle. Then how could he choose to chase Qiyun Luoxue's gang of fierce men? Didn't he send his face to be beaten?

He really was so scared of being beaten!

The members of the Red Wolf Legion also had a tacit understanding, and did not question anything on the current channel, not to mention that the stalker immediately returned to meet the team when seeing the situation at the time, and lost the opportunity to intercept the cloud riding guild, although they did not know the riding cloud guild. Which direction did they withdraw, but definitely not the current direction, because this direction is the way they came!

They instantly understood what was going on when they saw clearly the direction they were going, but they were all secretive.

There are many remarkable things to watch in the whole game. It turns out that luck is also a part of strength. Any guild where two participating teams can gather is like a hurricane. It is like a hurricane. It seemed that which guild was more lucky, which made the guild supporters who did not gather the two teams boo loudly.

In fact, the competition for hegemony is so unfair, but who can control such things as luck?

In other words, who can guarantee that the participating teams of their own guild will not be met in the competition next Sunday?

As we mentioned before, the purpose of the competition is not to really make the family dominate, but a suspenseful competition. It is a competition to increase the cohesion of the guild. It is a stage for the guild to show itself. If all people without the guild are supported Are certain powerful guild forces appropriate?

Will the small guild have another day to make a splash?

In a sense, the guild competition is an exhibition match and a friendly match. Kicking Tian Nongjing has never considered turning the game into a boring event of pure strength. Of course, it does not rule out that a certain competition will change the way of competition. After all, the tournament is not static.

Whether it’s Tengyi Company or Jingtian, I hope more guilds can enter the public eye and seek a so-called balance. Therefore, introducing luck into the game becomes the biggest attraction of the game. Maybe you choose to support a little-known The small guild forces of, but eventually became a dark horse, and won the championship of this championship in one fell swoop, which is as exciting and exciting as the five million.

Similarly, small guild forces will not give up participating in the competition because of their lack of strength. After all, not everyone wants to be cannon fodder. Letting weak guild forces participate with the idea of ​​taking chances will also bring them unexpected results and reputation.

This allows the small guild forces not to abandon the game, not to give up fighting, just like a copy of the competitive ranking!

Jing Tian once said that Sky Dungeon is a game for the whole people, definitely not a game of a certain guild power, nor a game of a perverted hero!

Even if there is a respawn in the game, you can't be a hero, and you can't be a BUG!

Even Jingtian, the original planner of the game, must step by step and throw his head and blood on the road to becoming stronger!

Therefore, as long as it is a competition, it is necessary to mobilize the confidence and conviction of all participants and let them go all out. Even if they fail, they feel that it is worthwhile. After all, there is a lot of experience waiting for them!

At this time, everyone in the Cloud Riding Guild succeeded in destroying a five-member team. Everyone was considering looking for the next target, but at this moment, Zhao Jiaxue took the trouble to issue a warning: "There are stalkers in the distance."

"Huh, more than one!"

Zhao Jiaxue changed her previous listless tone, because she was surprised to find that she seemed to be surrounded by stalkers!

At this moment, Zhao Jiaxue only hates that her deafness skills are still cooling down. This big killer is the best skill to spot stalkers.

"Disperse and wait for cooling, ready to meet the enemy!"

Jing Tian is also very curious. This is the first time he has encountered a team with multiple stalkers after such a long game. Is there more than one team?

Could it be that some desperadoes unite and want to take the risk and fight to the death?

The enemy is in the dark, and Jingtian can only let everyone spread out in place to see if the enemy will come automatically.

Yang Mimi used the mermaid to strike out ordinary attacks in different directions, but it was her attack that made the opponent startled in a cold sweat.

"Sister Jiaochuan, it's not good, how do I feel that I will be shot as soon as I rush out?" [Public toilet wash hot spring] was a little uneasy, but he deliberately pronounced the word "shot" a little harder Points Yes, the people of Qiyun encountered the first Dark Guild [Mercenary Creed] in the future!

"Hehe, don't you feel happy to be shot by a woman?"

The panting voice in the night is almost hanging, a vixen possessed alive, it is more itchy and unbearable than Liu Yaya’s voice, this woman’s voice is definitely different from Liu Yaya, after all, Liu Yaya is just a pure girl without personnel. However, the breathlessness in the night is the kind of rose that has bloomed countless times.

If Liu Yaya's voice is enchanting, then the voice of [Panting in the Night] must be enchanting. Obviously, the latter's voice is full of charm and is even more inexplicable.

Some women are like this. They never conceal their charm. They take pleasure in fascinating sentient beings. They want to make all men in the world crazy for themselves and use them for them!

Do not think that only men will secretly think about conquering women. In fact, some women often think about conquering men in the world. When you feel that you conquer women, in fact, it becomes a stepping stone for them to conquer the world. Or it's just a medal...

"If you want to be shot, you have to shoot yourself. I only love you as a woman." [Public toilet washing hot spring] The greasy mouth said.

"Oh, then you don't love me, are you still squeezing oil on others?" The voice of [Do Not Lace] was full of resentment.

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