Sky Dungeon

Chapter 602: Human beings are the most terrible thing!

Didn’t it understand that the guilds should have a fratricide?

Shame on the system? Lina Li, shameless? Shame on the game's main strategy?

Humans are indeed the most terrifying thing!

No wonder you just wanted to emphasize the spirit of reminding you not to fake matches and not to abstain from voting. The feeling is to let everyone worry less for a second or two now!

That's right, this will save everyone from entanglement for a second or two. Everyone is very entangled now, okay?

Everyone in Jingtian couldn't help but feel stunned. They didn't expect this 5v5 team game to meet their own family. Although some players on the field speculated that this was a special setting made by the main strategy of Tengyi company, no one was sure that it would not. It's a random match meeting your family, how much luck is it to meet?

Maybe countless teams begged grandpa to tell grandma to meet their family members in the hunting match, but they didn't do so, but now the gods have appeared?

Is there a special effect that delays the effect of my prayer?

However, Jing Tian reacted quickly. Isn't this so-called points-based competition a team competition that only strives for speed? It is more important to solve the battle as soon as possible and enter the next round of competition. If it is because of his own family, he will not do anything. If it is judged by the system as a negative match or a fake match, it will be a big loss.

So, Jing Tian directly said on the current channel: "Don’t be silly, maybe it’s a trap created by kicking Tian Nong Jing. It just happens to be a warm-up match, but don’t keep it, let’s go all out, let me show you Bai, our team wants this one!"


Zhao Jiaxue, Yun Yiyi and other women's cheeks are covered with comic-like crimson lines. Everyone even thinks that Jing Tian is not going to confess to the game, but to confess himself.

"Then uprightly compare to a meow!" Yang Miaomiao took the lead in the verbal challenge.

In sharp contrast, the sister who doesn't eat mice has already raised her left hand, and there is an extra red spider mask in her hand.

Sure enough, the alien sisters don’t talk about emotions!

It's a pity that the king of swordsman is not there, otherwise her expression will be crazy at this time, very happy...

Everyone knows each other, so how can they let each other take the lead, sitting on the well and watching the sky immediately used the [halberd method · Yibatian], and for a while, darkness enveloped the entire arena, the effect of the solar eclipse came without warning, and the audience in the stands was temporarily I exclaimed the domineering power of this magical skill again, no matter how many times I watch it, I still feel that it is not enough!

However, how could everyone in Qiyun not understand Yibatian's weaknesses? Although Yibatian possesses a visual blockade, it is actually just a blindfold. You can do what you should do, even if you are blind!

Do not eat the mouse and cast the guardian blessing directly, Luo Xia and Hei do not understand the white, while rushing forward in the darkness, but unfortunately what is oncoming is the harsh flute sound, and it is indeed deaf by Zhao Yunxueer!

I don’t know why Tengyi’s plan has refreshed the two participating teams so close to each other. Does it mean that players want to start a fierce battle as soon as they come out?

Sure enough, kicking the sky and the well is very dark!

If the same is true in the follow-up, then today's game is probably not just as simple as grabbing time and points, endurance will also become the key point of the assessment, who can perform smoothly under such a high-intensity battle rhythm, I am afraid that is the most critical!

Unsurprisingly, Yiba Tian fell on Sister Mouse, but Sister Mouse was also very sharp. She stabbed Fang Tianji at Jingtian high speed while avoiding the vital parts. Fang Tianji only cut her shoulder. A...

However, the sister who is sitting on the well and watching the sky close to the sky and does not eat mice can only recognize the plant, not to mention that there is already a blue arrow rain falling above her head, her speed is directly reduced, and because of the arrow rain, she does not eat mice. , Bai did not understand Hei Ben's chanting skills were also interrupted.

On the other side, the village woman has already begun to launch a sharp attack on Luojing Xia Shi. Liu Yaya seems to have long been full of resentment against this fat man who is eating and drinking. The initiation is even more fierce, and every attack falls heavily on Luojing Xia. On Shi Na’s huge panda head, Luo Xia yelled in reality: "Oh! Tap... Tap! Frog, just take care of your family, if you want to be dissatisfied, feel free to treat Huanghua Dagui The man started."

"Shut up!" the women said in unison.

Who allowed you to take Liu Yaya as a writer? Do you want to eat and drink?

Also, who wants to be dissatisfied?

Who will start with you fat guy?

Unexpectedly, the fat man would have this kind of sonic attack...

The dreamlike flute sounded again. This time, Zhao Yunxueer gave the illusion to the black who does not understand the white. Xiao Hei seemed to understand from the beginning that she would be beaten out of nothingness, so she did not sneak before Zhao Yunxue's trouble. But now where there is still a chance to sneak, you don't need to think about it, the phantom killer, a control type killer, fell on her head two seconds later.

In the illusion, black and white become a four-winged elf that can fly freely in the sky, just like a red dragonfly, which can flap its wings and fly in the water... After the illusion killing takes effect, the beautiful illusion is instantly destroyed, not by being Lightning to death is to be pecked and killed by an unknown giant bird, but in the face of these death scenes, the little black sister looked very calm, her mouth pouted and put on a stubborn expression and said to herself: "These points No one is scary."

Perhaps the little black sister with anthrophobia was right. The most terrifying thing in the world is not the bloodthirsty monsters and ghosts, but the morally decent villains. The most terrifying thing in this world is not a ferocious scorpion beast ~ but a thief who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. The most terrifying thing in this world is not the **** of death who declares death, but the devil who smiles and bullies.

Human beings are the most terrible thing!

In today's China, trust is the most lacking in dealing with people. You are always afraid that the other person will deceive yourself. When you try to trust a stranger with a kind and open heart, you are often used by the other person.

When you made friends out of your heart, those classmates slowly stretched out the blood-free slaughter hand to your back...

However, don’t be discouraged, as long as you maintain your kindness and friendliness, you will achieve your good destiny. Don’t care too much about the result. Those who take advantage of your good destiny will eventually get evil. The good you accumulate will eventually be Good rewards.

It's a pity that everyone didn't see the little girl's expression at this time, otherwise she would definitely be conquered by her bravery, and everyone would be amused by Xiao Hei's undaunted and fearless character except for humans.

However, no one dared to relax at this time, especially the Luo Xia team. Bai did not understand and black suddenly realized that he had become Yun Xueyi's target. Yun Xueyiyi interrupted his healing singing every time he attacked.

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