Sky Dungeon

Chapter 604: The failure and finishing touch of the whole competition

After all, Bai does not understand black pvp experience, and has not learned comprehension skills. Once he is taken care of by others, he will only be completely interrupted, and he will obviously become the weak underbelly of the team.

In fact, he doesn't want to learn comprehension skills, he just cares too much about his sister, and all the points are used to point the resurrection. After all, resurrecting a person is more worthy of favor than treating a person!

But he is always ready to rescue his sister and brush intimacy!

Bringing a Pastor Shennong who can only stand healing is actually not as practical as a powerful output...

However, it is simply a dream to kill the second team with only one set of skills, so Jing Tian controlled the character Zou Ran to rush towards the mouse sister who was shot a short distance away, and at the same time the crossbow in his hand shot two consecutively. He fired and shot three times in a row, and shot [Breaking Dawn] at the moment when his sister who didn't eat mice was close!

That's right, the general's skills don't choose equipment, but everyone in the second team didn't understand why Jing Tian used a crossbow to break dawn. After all, the attack power of the crossbow was much smaller than that of Fang Tianji.

However, at the moment when my sister who doesn’t eat mice was knocked out and landed at a distance, everyone understood that the previous seemingly man-to-man battles were all blindfolds. Feeling Jingtian, they wanted to gather fire and not eat mice. sister!

That's right, when the sister who didn't eat mice landed, all the attacks of the team turned to her, and they were all powerful single attack skills. It was precisely because of Jing Tian's break of dawn that they completely stopped eating. The mouse's sister was sent outside the range of Bai's ignorance of black skills, and it was too late to give first aid!

Originally, under the attack of sitting in the well and watching the sky, the bloodline of the sister who did not eat mice had dropped to 43%. Now all the firepower of the team hits, and the poor sister mouse didn't even have a **** blessing on her body, so she was killed by the firepower!

Seeing the empress be beaten by Jing Tian for a while and then stabbed in the crowd from a qiāng to trample, the scolding of the empress's husband group has filled the entire audience.

Although most players don't know what they are talking about, the smiley face symbol on the current chat window can tell everything.

"Too shameless, in order to suppress the female emperor's achievements, it is too shameless to join forces to suppress the female emperor, sitting in a well and watching the sky!"

"That is, it is shameless to watch the female emperor fall alive without seeing all the people in the team."

"What kind of naughty mother, did not give a mouthful of milk, deliberately."

"Yes, it was absolutely deliberate. The feat of uniting and strangling the female emperor is terrible!"

"The Empress is mighty, it's shameful to cheat!"

Losing for Empress Mao is cheating or shameless?

Usually the empress herself is cheating and bug, okay?

Speaking of Scarlet Blessing, Yang Miaomiao was the most depressed. He had actually sang Scarlet Blessing before, but was interrupted. He really regretted that he cast the Guardian Blessing at the beginning. He knew that he should cast Scarlet Blessing first. Blessings, the result won't hurt the soldiers.

Sure enough, fighting with a close person can easily produce an inexplicable sense of relaxation. It is this sense of relaxation that makes it difficult for people to exert their full strength and is easy to take lightly.

For the next five seconds, Jingtian, they spread out while controlling Bai's ignorance of black. After all, everyone in the team didn't want to see the sister who didn't eat mice was rescued by Bai ignorant, and they would fall short.

Although Luo Jing Xia Shi and Hei Ji Bai desperately controlled the three of them, Jing Tian did not hesitate to resort to a series of misfortunes, returning the negative state he had suffered to Hei Ji Bai, and continued to interrupt that Bai did not understand Hei. .

In the end, the sister who didn't eat mice turned into a blue light and was taken away by the system god, and the team led by Jing Tian went down first!

"I'm doing it! Frog, you are insidious enough. I thought you were going to stand upright and singled out. You even took my wife at the knife. I'm not over with you!"

Luo Xia was so angry that he yelled directly in his bedroom. After all, which man would not be angry when he saw his wife being bullied. Yes, Luo Xia was already angry at this time, but anger can only make him lose what he deserves. Reasonably, even though everyone in the first team was beaten back steadily under his eruption, the second team's output firepower was obviously insufficient. There were only three output, and now another one is lost.

Let Luo Jing Xia Shi and Hei Bu understand Bai directly launched a powerful siege to the plastic surgeon, but Jing Tian and the others will not sit idly by, especially the village women, there is no great **** who can knock off the skills.

There is nothing different from what Jing Tian expected. The second team's output can't shake the foundation of the plastic surgeon's bloodline at all. After a round of outbreaks, it can only drink hate, but because no one will release the water in the battle, the skill cooling cycle has a certain time, which leads to the whole game The battle took a lot of time.

The biggest threat to Jing Tian and them throughout the game was Luo Xia's roar. This guy kept talking swearing across the room. He naturally didn't turn on the system voice, otherwise the screen would be maxed out by the smiling face.

It turns out that the fat man's saliva ability is so strong!

Needless to say, the audience burst out with crying regrets and scolding. Under the anger of the female emperor's husband group, some people even said that after the game, the female emperor was asked to kill and watch the sky.

Sitting on the well and watching the sky in this scapegoat is suffering. Not only was he cursed, but he was even accused of not knowing how to pity and cherish jade, and he was stubborn. Even after a period of time in the hegemony contest, as long as he met a member of the Empress’s Husband near the guild’s residence, he would After receiving all kinds of ridicule and contempt, Jingtian is a little baffling.

Some spectators could only watch the game quietly outside the place, and finally gave poor eyes to the five winners. The spectators knew in their hearts that these five might be unlucky.

Yes, what Jingtian Five never thought was that Jingtian’s civil war became the defeat and the finishing touch of the entire competition!

I don’t know if Luo Xia has been depressed for too long. He has exploded all the riffraff that has been suppressed in the past few years. In the connected game, I also heard Luo Xia shouting shortcuts for skills and cursing at the same time. The timing of his mastery Jing Tian admired the vocabulary used for swearing and swearing, but he was engaged in data streaming, and it was so seamless.

Jing Tian had to reflect: If you let him add a few swear words in the gap between the voice commands of the skills, then the skills may not be seamless.

At this time, Jing Tian seemed to have discovered that Luo Xia could be regarded as a unique skill, that is, beating and scolding, which is in line with his ruffian style, but unfortunately there is no use in the game, the evil intelligent harmony system.

Fortunately, the next two games were randomly matched guild teams. It didn't take much effort. Both teams won the victory. 14

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