Sky Dungeon

Chapter 617: Which team won the championship?

   Of course, this is also thanks to the Constellation Party who provided the experience of the Star Guild. If the Constellation Party is a spy, then in Jing Tian’s view, they are double agents. A lot of information can actually be obtained through exchange.

   "If you don't usually upgrade, you will be content to get a championship every weekend and get one level up!"

   Yang Miaomiao's thoughts jumped again, and he thought of a very reliable lazy upgrade route.

It’s a pity that the experience rewarded by the guild competition cannot allow players to level up enough every time. After all, the later, the more experience is required to level up. Don’t underestimate this one-third gap. If the guild wins a championship later It can lead other guilds with one-third of the experience slot experience, and I am afraid that the report port of Tengyi Company will be overwhelmed by players' report information.

The end of the guild hegemony was not as grand as expected, and there was no speech from the representative of the winning guild. Perhaps in the eyes of Tengyi, this is not a championship commendation event, but hastily on the system channel, the world channel and the guild channel. After scrolling through the screen, the names of the top three guilds and the top three power guilds and congratulations were announced one by one.

   Looking at the scrolling headlines, the guild forces that have not won the top three have mixed feelings in their hearts. Why can't this glory be hit on their heads?

   However, the saliva and civil war on the Alliance side has just stopped, but the Mozu side seems to have planned a plan, and they have sent congratulatory messages to the Guiyun Guild...

   However, it was a congratulatory message, but the line between the lines was nothing more than satirizing the Alliance Guild Battle Five Scum!

   "Congratulations to the league’s smallest guild for the first place!"

   "Congratulations to the League Little Dot Guild for reaching the top of the Championship!"

   "Congratulations to the Cloud Riding Guild for winning the championship, I wonder if you dare to make an appointment with our fiftieth place in the competition?"

   Unlimited arrogance!

  It seems that the Mozu Pact organization is going to use Qiyunluoxue to slap the entire alliance!

   "Come on, we are ranked first from the bottom, how about an appointment with you?"

   "That is, our female emperor husband group will teach you great tricks of the demons!"

  Yes, the female emperor husband group is indeed the last one in the guild competition...

   It's not because of anything else, it's because the female emperor's husband team abandoned the game!

  Of course, we are going to abandon the game. How could the female emperor husband team miss the live broadcast of the female emperor’s battle?

what? Let them watch the recording?

  Hahaha...Although the author Yebi Shenghua can't understand, but these guys are like crazy star fans, and they don't want to miss the star's live concert!

  The league is the last one to fight the Demon Race and the 50th overall. Why does this happen?

  Many Alliance players rose up to support the female emperor husband group, and turned their saliva muzzle to the demons.

   So he cares, the world channel is again: boundless falling down, endless drooling!

   But what may be even more striking is that a brand new title has been added to the heads of all their characters at this time: the guild competition champion guild.

The effective time is naturally one week. Although this kind of glory is a very powerful slogan for the guild itself, as long as the guild players bear such a title during this week, they will be mobile billboards. I am afraid that many players will come here. Riding the Clouds and Falling Snow Guild does not accept anyone!

   Oh, no, it should only accept elites!

At the moment when the guild competition ended, all the players were teleported out of the arena. Roselle City became busy in an instant. It is rare for so many players to gather together. The guild managers swept their screens and started advertising their guilds. Due to the large number of speakers in the Roselle Channel, the system directly and intelligently increased the amount of fees for regional channels to speak. I have to say that the biggest profiteer is the game system itself!

   Even so, the local tyrants guilds are still willing to smash advertisements. Even if the regional channel becomes a temporary charge due to too much information, it is much better than the price of the World Channel and the Japanese dinner.

   The first guild hegemony competition is not a successful conclusion.

What’s rare is that Yang Mimi asked a very important question: "President, which team did you say won the championship? I remember looking at the official website before, suggesting that as long as one team wins the championship, it is considered the overall guild win. Champion, but I am more concerned about who is the real number one."

"Uh... you can check the results of the competition through the guild interface. This list of results is refreshed once a week. In fact, the system announcements of winning the championship have no value at all. The most valuable thing is actually this, which may be due to this function. The system was hidden before, so everyone didn't know, I just discovered it." Jing Tian explained lightly.

Apart from anything else, everyone opened the guild information interface, and sure enough, there was an extra eye-catching information about the results of the competition on the interface of their own guild. There is no doubt that the ranking results of the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild are greatly the first overlord. Following the results is a button to view the team's results. Everyone opened it without hesitation. Someone immediately saw the ranking of all the guild teams in the first guild hegemony. The eight characters of Qiyunluoxue are even higher. High on the top of the list!

   It’s not the author Yebi Shenghua can’t count, nor is it a typo, Qiyun Luoxue is just eight characters...

   That’s You might have guessed it, because the first and second place were completely taken care of by Qiyun Luoxue!

  Looking at the name of the first team captain again, it is surprisingly: Sit down and watch the sky!

   "Why are you number one?" Yang Mimi was unhappy before Yang Mimi called out this time.

"That's why meow? The system is cheating. Sister GM doesn't take you to do this. She just asks a colleague to tamper with the data for you. I want to complain to you. How can the scores of our two teams be exactly the same? It must be you The points are less and secretly changed to higher!"

   Yang Miaomiao rarely stood on the united front against the championship team with his sister.

   is incredible!

   The scores of the two teams are even the same as the numbers in the single position. They are actually exactly the same!

   Jingtian still wants to scold the system for cheating!

   If Liu Yaya really wants to cheat, will the points be adjusted to be exactly the same?

   Is this probability so low?

   It is clear that my team did not lose a game in the team game. How could it be caught up by the second team?

Fortunately, the detailed information can be checked. Jing Tian understood it at a casual glance. During the antler hunting stage, the second team unexpectedly exceeded the first team by a lot of points. Think about it, Yang Mimi's attack efficiency is really high. , When the two teams worked together to encircle and suppress other guild teams, most of the heads were robbed by the sister who didn't eat mice.

   From this point of view, it turned out that he was defeated.

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