Sky Dungeon

Chapter 621: 1 must be the power of internet celebrities!

This is the illusion of being cute!

More importantly, how do you feel that there seems to be a splash of crystal liquid overflowing from the corners of Feng Ji's lips, as if seeing her beloved little girl...

If you insist on finding a character in the anime that can be compared with it and has the same performance, it must be Paqi Xingnai in "I Have Few Friends". The biggest difference may be that the female tyrant did not dye her blonde hair, but the female tyrant's The sensuality is better than the characters in anime. It makes people want to hold that bulging face and rub it!

"Do you remember me? I haven't changed much from when I was a kid."

Feng Ji's voice was a little more gentle, which made the three people who heard it a little uncomfortable.

"When I was young... when did you mean?"

Jing Tian looked at Feng Ji up and down again with a little embarrassment. Of course, he took the opportunity to glance again at the part of the woman's chest that stood up from the ground, but it was the first time he saw Feng Ji in his impression.

"Probably when you were four or five years old, you should be in kindergarten."

Feng Ji's voice was mixed with a faint loss, after all, the man who was thinking about him had no impression of him at all. What a tragic development this was.

Even if a child's memory should have been relatively easy to forget completely, Feng Ji still holds a trace of luck, and hopes to remember the other person like herself today.


What a kindergarten again!

Why do you all remember what happened in kindergarten, but you have no impression of yourself?

Jing Tian only suspects that his memory and five scums when he was a child is no different from amnesia, but I heard that girls develop earlier and remember things earlier than boys. It is not strange that boys don't remember things that girls remember.

So Jing Tian said lightly: "Sorry, my memories before elementary school are all forgotten, maybe my brain development is a bit later than ordinary people, so I am also a bit ignorant now."

"What, your brain develops later than ordinary people? Are you stupid? It's impossible, but you are the bravest, smartest, and gentlest boy I have ever seen. It may be that we only have a relationship. You can't remember it now. That's it. Have you ever gone to kindergarten in D city?" Feng Ji forced down the disappointment in her heart, and slowly calmed down and asked.

She needed to ask for proof, and she was even more comforted: After all, there may be people who look exactly the same in this world, not to mention that boys have changed their appearance when they grow up, but at the last moment, why did she think that the man in front of her was the one who had been saved? What about your own people?

Moreover, why should I be so impulsive to meet people with real tolerance?

If you admit the wrong person, isn't it a big oolong?

"Uh... you are right, but it might be a coincidence."

Jing Tian was a little depressed, and he began to wonder if he had amnesia...

Oh, it's kindergarten again!

What did you do in kindergarten?

How do you feel that all the little girls in the kindergarten have been hooked up by themselves...

And this is still unsatisfactory, can't it be suppressed in his heart, and stretched his claws to the little sister on the side of the road?

As the saying goes, many acts of injustice will be killed. I am afraid that too many maddening things will be done, and then the passers-by who are filled with righteous indignation will have amnesia?

I was just a kid at the time, how could these wicked people deal with me?

Although tangled in his heart, Jing Tianzui answered honestly: "It may be a coincidence."

"What a coincidence? Absolutely yes, my sixth sense has always been very accurate. You are the hero who saved me. I have found you with great pains and must be the power of the Internet celebrity!" Feng Ji's voice is very Resolutely said.

How come a hero to save lives?

More importantly, what does this have to do with Internet celebrities? Is it because you met me by coincidence after becoming an Internet celebrity, so it is the power of the Internet celebrity?

But it's not that you met me as soon as you became an internet celebrity! This is to be thanked, shouldn't you thank Sky Dungeon?

Zhao Jiaxue on the side could not listen anymore, and she started to complain to Yun Yiyi in a low voice: "Frogs were not alive Liu Feng in the last life, right? I have just reborn in this life and haven't had time to change the inertia of the last life, so I am happy to be in kindergarten. Helping others, making good relationships, but he didn't expect the world to develop too fast. What he did was no longer helpful, but was considered by the female dolls to tease his sister! As a result, the frog now carried a debt of love, this When is it going to come? I can’t go on! I can’t say anymore, can I get a little bit more blood? I watched the female local tyrants are playing close-ups, playing emotional cards, and then repaying my gratitude for life-saving reasons, Let the frogs be reared completely, eat people with short mouths and short hands. On the surface, as long as the frogs accept the gift, it is actually equivalent to accepting the reality of being kept. It is too insidious."

I have to say that Zhao Jiaxue's unreliable jumping thinking ability has some so much logic in it at this moment...

There is a fart logic!

It's just that Jing Tian can't believe Feng Ji at all, he would rather believe in Zhao Jiaxue's absurd logic...

If this is a trap, it is really not easy to get out if you step on it!

You know, it’s not easy for someone who can investigate their childhood situation...

"I saved you? How about this. I will find a picture from my kindergarten period and send it to You will see if I am the person you are looking for. Let's talk about cooperation first. Thing?"

Jing Tian didn't want to pour cold water on the other party, but thought about taking the opportunity to talk about the guild first. He was mistaken for being kind to Fengji, and there was no harm in cooperation.

Jing Tian simply remembered that although he had no memories of kindergarten, but there were still some pictures at home, he couldn't go back to that home, but he just had to ask Liu Yaya to help take a picture.

I believe that this kind of trivial matter is easy to handle with Liu Yaya's contact with her own family.

Jing Tian didn't want to waste too much discussion on the question of whether he was kind to Fengji. This slow strategy can also win time for cooperation and negotiation. Jing Tian even started to admire his own brains for being able to drift and turn so quickly, which is much more powerful than the drifting technology of the initial D!

"Okay, it's settled, then you have to promise me first, if the person I am looking for is you, then even if you want to break your head, you have to remember me!"

Feng Ji put on her skull mask again. Before, she even naively thought that as long as she took off the mask, she could recognize herself by sitting and watching the sky...

Feng Ji has always believed that God was moved by her piety, so that her childlike appearance did not change much with the growth of the years. God seemed to just keep equal proportions during the passage of time. Enlarging your own childish looks and body like.

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