Sky Dungeon

Chapter 632: For the victory of the war of words

The so-called effective is the battle data that occurred inside the guild where the war was declared.

In other words, if you want to cheat, you can do it, and both parties have to act, which greatly increases the difficulty and cost of cheating!

This makes the small guilds unable to afford the cost of cheating at all. The demon hiring forces are also renting sites for other forces. The cost was originally high, and now it has to take in the labor costs. It is understandable that the price of sitting on the ground will rise.

What's more important to the merchants is that there are more cruel methods of kicking the Tiannongjing, which are endless, and even set the initiation requirements for the invasion of the demon. To initiate the invasion, the number of players must be equal to the number of declared war guilds!

In other words, the small forces that are only used to make money have completely lost the qualifications for the demon invasion. If you want to launch the demon invasion, you must develop members of the force!

As a result, this kind of business came to an abrupt halt later, and the merchants turned back to the alliance... after the final calculation, it turned out that the money earned was not enough to turn around the camp. It was really cheating!

After preliminary discussions with several guild leaders, everyone unanimously asked Jing Tian to preside over the demon invasion and defense battle after being online. Jing Tian asked each guild leader to use his own tavern to recruit NPC fighters. After all, the alliance and The combat power gap between the demons cannot be ignored, and we must be fully prepared.

After Jing Tian and his party went back, they naturally logged in to the game. As soon as they went online, Yang Miaomiao started to chat in the guild chat room: "Brother Tian, ​​you can count back, but the World Channel is clamoring to eradicate our guild residence. Meow. People on this planet must be the vanguard general this time and arrange for me to go to the front line Meow."

Aliens are awesome and don't care if they are an auxiliary profession!

"I'm doing it! It's a big tone, is it all about shouting in the game?"

Everyone was speechless for a while, and they all relied on roaring when the society smashed the scene before the emotional fall!

Sure enough, we don't understand the world of mixed society!

"My Sacred Sword said that the Demon Race has been prepared for this invasion. You cannot underestimate the enemy. This is related to the glory of the Love Marriage Alliance." Yu Yan reminded gracefully, but she was still so second.

"Yu Yan is right. This time, the Demon Race must suppress the alliance guild overlord, so as to wash away all the shame of previous defeats in one fell swoop, and then overwhelm the alliance in form, greatly defeating the alliance's spirit, and will be more confident in the future. Exactly. Everyone can think about it briefly and you can understand that if the Alliance Guild Overlord Guild falls, how much arrogance will burn on the Demon Race?" Jing Tian explained lightly.

"It turns out that in order to win the battle of words, we must not lose. All germs must die!"

Hei does not understand the white and cannot see everyone at this time, and he has become bolder, and his voice is full of excitement that is hard to suppress, and a murderous heart slowly wakes up...

More importantly, why is it for the victory of the war of words?

Can't there be more people with normal understanding in the guild?

"It's true. If you lose, you don't lose the battle. The Jade Demon Alliance is constrained. The Demon Race will surely suppress the enemy. Going out of the city to meet the enemy is not the best policy." The Unicorn Taurus also expressed his views.

You are indeed such a girl!

Do you agree that the victory in this battle is for the future war of words?

Translator, are you naughty again? How did you translate?

"It's not just the Jade Devil Alliance, but the major guilds in the Alliance City have received war posts from the Demon Race. Obviously, they deliberately selected a public non-protection time point for the guilds in the Alliance City. It seems to be enough. Homework, but being conservative is passive. We might as well hold a pre-war general mobilization meeting in the sea of ​​chaos to use the power of the army." After Jing Tian said these thoughts indifferently, a strange arc rose from the corner of his mouth.

"Oh my god, frog, you have soaked in hot springs and soaked into instant noodles, have you actually expanded yourself, where do we still have time to run to the sea of ​​chaos, and what pre-war mobilization meeting?"

Zhao Jiaxue could allow her thoughts to jump, but seeing Jing Tian also play the Great Leap Forward, she couldn't understand it.

"Uh... isn't the army doing this all? This is such a fine tradition, how can we not inherit it? If the combat effectiveness is not enough and some spiritual support is not developed, then the weak army will be defeated!" Jing Tian It gave a faint reason.

"The general mobilization meeting before the war? Yes, the Oath Master Conference, why didn't you think it before. It would be better if there were soul NPCs from various races on the scene, and the turn of speeches could turn the blood in our hearts into supreme combat power. The holy sword in my hand will also work hard for everyone!"

People with secondary diseases like Yu Yan naturally like this kind of activity the most. The key is the holy sword in your hand also come on stage to speak?

"Okay, just do it, I will now communicate with the leaders of the Jade Demon Alliance, and strive for all the guilds to be the master of the chaos and each other!" Jing Tian said with great interest, and Yun Yiyi found a trace in Jing Tian's tone. Clue, but she chose silence.

However, the swearing ceremony that was supposed to be a farce actually got the approval of the guild leaders, and from this time on, all guild members and guild reserve members rushed to the sea of ​​chaos!

The members of the guild were naturally excited, and some were not very interested, and even questioned whether the management of the guild would be self-defeating. However, the guild presidents stepped up and issued strong orders requiring all members to participate. Aggressive, if we do not promote the military might, we may be overwhelmed by the demons.

As a result, all the doubts came to an abrupt end, and all the casual players also valued the Oath Master Conference and immediately gathered to the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Not only that, under Jing Tian's instructions, the guild leaders successively spoke on the Alliance Channel, indicating that they would hold the Alliance Swearing Conference in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and invited all Alliance heroes to come and take photos.

How can such a grand event lack the scenic party and the people who eat melon?

The most indispensable thing in the world is the players who join in the fun. After listening to the promotion of the leaders of the alliance, many players put down their tasks in groups and rushed to the sea of ​​chaos, and even players encouraged them in their own guilds. The management also organized everyone to participate in the oath meeting, so that the management of each guild had to hold an emergency meeting to discuss the matter...

As a result, there was a huge crowd in front of the gate of Luanmohai Demon Race, and the map of Luanmohai was enlarged several times due to the increase in the number of people. The setting of the system to enlarge the partial map according to the number of people ensures the smoothness of the game to the greatest extent. Sex. 14

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