Sky Dungeon

Chapter 634: Egg smashed diamond

So, in the sound of oath, the horn of the demons invaded quietly blew.

However, isn't Jing Tian waiting at this time? How could he become a turtle because of the demon army's pressure? Jing Tian is in the chaos of the demon sea swearer, and also attracted a large number of idle players, the purpose is not to give the demon once Is it head-on?

When the demon army rushed through the one-way seal of the demon race, opened the demon domain, and invaded the chaotic demon sea, Jing Tian immediately shouted: "Alliance, the enemy has come to us, we still What are you waiting for? Taking advantage of the large number of people, there are grudges and grievances, we will wipe them all out here! No one has died in life since ancient times, and the devil has a history!"

"That is, in the game, you can be resurrected if you die. If you die once, you won't lose it. You can earn by killing half!"

"Charge, kill them!"

In fact, everyone's mind is still a bit compelling. The equipment level of the alliance is also the orange level of the dungeon, and the equipment level of the demon players is generally above the krypton golden orange level.

Don't underestimate the Krypton Gold Orange level equipment, they are all tailor-made, and the equipment attributes are selected by yourself!

It's not as cheating as a copy-level equipment. It's not a random attribute, it's a random attribute, **** random!

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary players, as long as the energy consumption kills the opponent half their lives, it is a big profit!

On the next breath, the phalanxes of the various guilds that were already neatly lined up went hand in hand, and even the scattered players watching by the side accompanied the phalanx silently. Death was nothing, and the certification would not lose experience or equipment.

Like a torrent, the mighty army flocked to the reverse direction where the demons appeared.

Although the ideal is full and the reality is bleak, it is true that there are many people. The key Demon players obviously have the advantages of equipment and skills. Even if there are many people, the area of ​​engagement is always limited!

In a limited area of ​​engagement, the only advantage of crowds is the endurance.

Everyone on the Mozu side was full of surprises and ridicule. The information I got was that the alliance was holding a funny meeting, and the intention was to add a buff called self-confidence to the players by shouting, but I did not expect that the alliance players seemed to be overconfident. Now that I don’t use the geographical advantage of the guild station, I will go to war directly with myself in the sea of ​​chaos!

The leader of the Ruined Moon Guild was the commander of the invasion battle. He only heard a domineering command, and all the Demon players put on a battle.

Time seemed to be only a moment, and when the two armies touched briefly, there was a large attrition on the alliance side...

This is naturally expected. After all, the demons are full of skills. If you can't kill the cannon fodder that rushes in the forefront, then you should delete the account and start a new life.

That's right, it's cannon fodder. Jing Tian deliberately asked the guilds to push low-level players, as well as puppets and summoned creatures to the front, in order to be a cannon fodder and deceive the skills of demons as much as possible.

Wherever the Demon players care about these, they are all swarming their killer moves. Watching the Alliance players fall down one by one, their ridicule and contempt in their hearts intensified, and they even begin to imagine that they can completely crush the whole without losing one person. Alliance army.

However, after their wave of skills were cast, they realized that things were far from simple, because at the moment they turned off, the Alliance players were oncoming sharp counterattacks. These attacks were a bit ridiculously high. Could it be that Alliance players Changed his equipment to an attack outfit that sacrifices defense?

The vanguards who smashed diamonds with eggs just now have a reasonable explanation...

However, before they can think about this problem, the healing professions in their team have already shouted that they can't hold it, but the Demon players standing in the front row are unable to move by their skills. There is no possibility of retreat. In a few seconds, these demon elite tanks could no longer stand, and fell one after another. Some even died without a chance to activate their life-saving skills.

The seemingly swarming Alliance army actually hides mystery. On the Mozu side, it is natural that the tank is used as the forward to open the way. Behind it is the main force of remote output and control, and then the treatment team, and finally the melee output professional backing to prevent sneak attacks.

However, the Alliance uses a large number of cannon fodder forwards to deceive the Demon's long-range firepower, and after the cannon fodder is the elite long-range magic attack and control army of the Alliance Guild.

The Mozu thought that the alliance was simply arranging indiscriminately, and did not expect that the counterattack of the alliance would be so violent that the front line actually appeared fragmented and collapsed.

However, this is destined to be short-lived. After all, the resurrection skills of the Demon players have been lost one after another. The long-range attack class has also crossed the tanks and acted as forwards. The control skills of the two armies are exchanging and restraining each other. At that time, Sit Jing Guantian gave an order in the command chat room, and all the guild leaders issued orders in their own remote occupations moved to both sides, all players equipped with remote physical attack weapons They rushed out to attack the Demon Race's long-range profession while taking advantage of the neutral position.

While attacking and restraining while pressing forward, the demons' long-range professions with empty skills quickly fell into a passive situation, but there was a healing profession recovering behind them, and they did not have much pressure.

But then, they found out that they were wrong. The surging Alliance players are going to fight them in a rhythm!

But now they have no way to retreat. Behind them are the still recovering tanks and healing professions, one by one, they are shouting their own tanks to resist.

It's a pity that the tanks have had the experience of being killed just now, and they seem to be a little slow in their actions. The alliance's melee professions still took the opportunity to post up, and dealt a fatal blow to some of the demons' long-range professions.

There is no doubt that there has also been attrition on the Mozu side.

The demon tanks can also be regarded as reducing the loss of personnel to the greatest extent, each of them has turned on the skills of compulsory hatred, and the battle has entered a stalemate.

Gradually, the Demon players gained an advantage due to the difference in equipment and skills, but this advantage also cost them a painful price. After all, here is not only tens of thousands of players from the Jade Demon Alliance, but also thousands of players who join in the fun. Participated in the battle, the Mozu finally sent tens of thousands of Alliance players back to the city at the cost of losing one third of their combat power.

The problem is that the Alliance player is sent back to the Alliance City!

Overbearing did not feel the slightest joy at all because of such a victory, because he clearly realized that when their soldiers approached the Yunluoxue station, they would face the alliance player character who was full of blood and resurrected.

In other words, this inexplicable victory caused the Demon Race to lose one-third of its combat power, and the Alliance was equivalent to one person undamaged!

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