Sky Dungeon

Chapter 646: I even prepared the wreath for myself

Zhao Jiaxue realized what kind of drama Liu Yaya was talking about, so she raised her voice at the door of the room and said, "I really lost something. Don't treat a villain like a gentleman!"

Sister, don't you slap your face yourself?

Actually admit that he is a villain.

So, Jing Tian said indifferently, " put it in the opposite direction."

Zhao Jiaxue put on a serious look and said: "Where is the opposite, righteous gentlemen now always feel that other people are villains and bad people, and the most basic trust between people is gone. Don't change the subject, what are you doing? What did you whisper to her, be lenient in confession, strict in resistance!"

It seems to be such a rationale...what and what is this!

Sure enough, you must not argue with Zhao Jiaxue, a woman who jumps in her mind and can easily mislead people to other planets.

"'s nothing. It's about my kindergarten photos. Didn't you agree to show Feng Ji to her? You know, I haven't been home for many years, and I haven't contacted my family. Actually, my father and I had trouble I was a little unpleasant. I wanted Liu Yaya to find someone to take a photo at my house through the military." Jing Tian felt that this could still be said, but when the word "father" was spit out, Jing Tian had eaten ten catties in his heart. Fly-like, inexplicably disgusting.

"Unhappy with your father? Could it be your father who had an affair and was hit by you?" Zhao Jiaxue's leaping thinking was once again out of power.

Jing Tian really had the urge to kick up, and he slapped his tongue: This dirty lady really has a lot of skills, and she can think of it with just one sentence. If she says she doesn't want to be controlled by her father, this woman will Don’t ask yourself if he was dragged out by his father to sell himself for glory?

Therefore, Jing Tian chose to ignore and talk to this woman as if washing her underwear in ink. The result was that the more he washed, the darker he was, and the more he washed, the more dirty!

Jing Tian lay on the bed, letting the old dirty woman talk in her ears, but she remained silent all the time.

When the old dirty woman was talking nonsense, Jing Tian put all his thoughts on the female local tyrant Feng Ji. After thinking about it, he prefers that Feng Ji’s true identity is actually a relative of a certain high-level political circle, but the position can be. There are only so few leaders higher than the military. Which official second generation will Feng Ji be?

With these thoughts constantly impacting his brain and Zhao Jiaxue's departure, Jing Tian only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and the whole person slowly fell asleep... However, when he was a dream, the sky was not fulfilled, and Jing Tian's The phone vibrated.

Jing Tian was a little annoyed that he hadn't turned it off. Maybe it was Yang Miaomiao who thought of something unreliable again. So, Jing Tian picked up the phone on the bedside and glanced up at the display screen, and then subconsciously clicked the answer button. After answering, Jing Tian realized that the caller ID displayed on the phone just now was 10090, which was in the middle of the night. , The mobile phone operator even called him, and made people not sleep well?

Even if you owe your mobile phone bill, you won't be able to call at night to harass your bill, right?

No, it is tolerable or unbearable, I must call you bloody!

Thinking like this in Jing Tian's heart, he heard some familiar voices saying: "Open the door for me."

"I don't owe the phone bill. What are you calling? Open the door? Open the door, when I am your husband, did you make the wrong call? It's shameless to use the public phone privately. Next time, remember not to pretend to be a math genius. Master, you can dial directly every time you make a call. The address book is not a display. Some things don’t need to be memorized. You have to take up your brain storage. Just like those crazy horns in our middle school years, you have to study how the formula came about. Yes!" Jing Tian was confused at this moment and admired his eloquence and analytical ability.

"Puff...I'm Fengji, I'm outside the door." The female local tyrant didn't hold back for a while, she burst out with a smile, but she was a little angry because Jing Tian didn't hear her own voice.

What kind of chicken? Air-dried old hen?

I'm still Feng Duck!

Wait...what! Feng Ji?

Jing Tian seemed to be thrown into a basin of ice water, and he woke up in an instant. He asked in surprise, "Which door are you out?"

"I'm just outside the anti-theft door." Feng Ji's voice was filled with excitement and casualness, as if investigating other people's home addresses, and appearing inexplicably at the other's door, how normal it is.

"Uh... well, I'll open the door for you."

Jing Tian didn't want to ask any more. Feng Ji's appearance at the door had already explained everything. The power of secretly investigating himself and the people around him naturally came from Feng Ji.

Jing Tian opened the anti-theft door gently, for fear of waking up other people. After all, Feng Ji came to the door and had an inextricable connection with him, let Zhao Jiaxue know that he would definitely be sentenced to the charge of selling oneself and asking for support.

As soon as the security door was opened, Jing Tian saw a colorful thing on his head, and then hung it on his shoulders. Jing Tian was a little embarrassed, because he gave it out for the first time in his life. Up.

That's right! It was the first time in my life and the first time in my life to be wreathed!

"What does this mean?"

Jing Tian even doubted whether Feng Ji was a rare ethnic group, and for the first time experienced the etiquette of being garlanded by others.

"The heroes given to me, don't the heroes return to be presented with wreaths? Everything is the power of internet celebrities!" Feng Ji said solemnly, and her voice revealed the unconcealable throbbing in her heart. As soon as I saw it, I finally saw the hero who was thinking about it!

And she said so as if setting wreaths is a normal thing...

"Uh... this is called a wreath, not a wreath. The wreath is for the dead."

Jing Tian wiped a cold sweat in his heart, and he even began to wonder if Feng Ji had any bad intentions. He even prepared the wreath for himself. Is it going to be buried alive next?

"Oh, it turns out it's called huahuan. It's a slip of the tongue, no wonder the hero. Can you please come out and sit down?"

Although Feng Ji's voice was sincere, Jing Tian's face was a little distorted.

I even murmured in my heart: Where is this please? You are obviously hijacking!

I dare not say anything, the heroes behind you will definitely strip me off!

That's right! Feng Ji was standing behind eight heavily armed soldiers at this time. Just a glance at Jing Tian could be sure that they were all real guys pinned to their waists. Those who dare to use gun soldiers in China blatantly use guns. There are only so few people. Sky Dungeon

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