Sky Dungeon

Chapter 649: Pretending to be a bystander

Think about it if your father knew that he had such a connection with the Lin family, maybe he would really regret the marriage and let him marry the young beauty in front of him in order to achieve his ulterior motive.

Jing Tian is most annoying to be controlled by others, and the root of all this is his father's control. He naturally doesn't want to have anything to do with the Lin family, let alone return to his controlling father.

"It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember, I can remember, you are my hero, now you are, and you will be in the future. Even if you lose your memory, but as long as your body remains unchanged, I will always recognize you as a savior, which is equivalent to saying that I only recognize you. People, not your soul and your memory. The main reason why I came to you was to say to you..." Lin Yumian paused deliberately so far, and then suddenly got up and bowed: "Thank you for saving Killed me!"

Even if I am amnesia?

Don't you remember that something in kindergarten is amnesia?

And what does it have to do with soul memory? You can get around!

"Uh... I accept your gratitude. I dare not be a hero. What is now and in the future is as if you have been living in fire and water. I need to protect you at all times."

Jing Tian also stood up, and subconsciously reached out his hand to support Lin Yumian, knowing that he couldn't bear such a gift.

But with just such a support, Jing Tian noticed something was wrong, because Lin Yumian’s plump cheeks were instantly dyed with a red glow, like a ripe apple, and it was getting more and more at an astonishing speed. Crimson!

More importantly, every pore under Lin Yumian's body seemed to be opened, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and she was trembling slightly unconsciously...

Jing Tian only noticed that his hands were placed on the other's scented shoulders and he did not take it back. This behavior seemed to be the beginning of an intimate behavior. If you follow the TV script in the next second, I am afraid that he should take the opportunity at this time. Just kiss it!

"I don't care, but for the first time, you have to be gentle."

Lin Yumian lowered his gaze shyly, twisted his neck slightly, and showed Jing Tian her pink profile face and blushing neck, looking extremely cute and charming.

It seemed that the cute face and the charming and glamorous could not match up at all, but they were perfectly integrated with Lin Yumian to the extreme.

This is probably also related to Lin Yumian's casual personality. Faced with Jing Tian, ​​she gave up her due line of defense as a woman, and even looked forward to what would happen to Jing Tian.

At this time, anyone with weak willpower will probably rush to do something that is not as good as a beast.

But Jing Tian was extremely embarrassed, and just wanted to make a comment: This is your first time! I have no plans to do anything, okay?

Can you not be so casual, let alone think of yourself as a gangster who needs to be paid for!

Hearing Jing Tian cough, he put down the big hands on Lin Yumian's shoulders, and then said in a slightly embarrassing manner: "Uh... Besides thank you, don't you know what else you want to do with me?"

Obviously, Jing Tian wanted to escape and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible!

Lin Yumian was a little disappointed, and a little bit hated that she was so casual in front of Jing Tian, ​​but her next answer was still casual and went to grandma's house... I just listened to her softly: "I'm looking for you."

together? What together?

Sister, you can make it clear!

Jing Tian's heart was naturally full of black hearts flowing down like a waterfall, so he joked lightly: "Stay up all night together?"

"Hehe, of course there is more than that, and there are other more exciting things to do."

As soon as he said this, there was another crystal clear liquid overflowing from the corner of Lin Yumian's mouth, as if a Samoyed dog had seen the braised beef, his eyes seemed to tremble with greed.

Seeing this scene, Jing Tian couldn't help feeling cold sweat from his back. This woman wouldn't want to be tough on herself, right?

"I want to play games with you, eat together, live together! Together..."

Fortunately, Lin Yumian quickly gave a very relaxed and casual answer, which made Jing Tian breathe a sigh of relief, but the next second, his heartbeat immediately vibrated like a high-speed motor, only listening to Jing Tian was a little bit scared. Said: "No, how can you intervene in my private life so casually?"

After all, Jinwu Zangjiao will stop at everything, and let her tears flow first! Since ancient times, confidantes have caused troubles, so are their own troubles less?

"What's wrong, you let your fiancee Liu Yaya and your lover Nan Lingxi settle here one after another without telling the two ambiguous beauty colleagues. Now they eat and play and soak in the hot springs, it doesn't matter if you add me, you know. I am your investor who rides the clouds and Luoxue, and it seems right to be with you. What's more, on the bright side, I will not get involved in the battle for heroes. I will basically pretend to be a bystander."

Pretending to be a bystander?

Do not intervene on the surface?

The cold sweat in Jing Tian's heart can no longer be described by a waterfall, it is like a sea of ​​chaos, yes, the sea falling from the sky!

Sure enough, Lin Yumian had turned Jingtian upside down, and found a reason that seemed to make Jingtian irresistible: the investor!

Jing Tian really wanted to complain: What about the investor, the most important money? It seems that a dime is not in place, right?

"What do you want to do?"

Jing Tian only feels a headache, the beauty of beauty is hard to endure, and he has not provoke any woman who is clearly law-abiding over the years. How many little girls have been teased in the kindergarten years before he has the current evil fate?

How Lin Yumian wanted to say at this time: Maybe many people think that the stories of heroines who are saved by heroes falling in love with heroes are very But I have been such a heroine since I was a child. I blame you for appearing too early. , Occupying my heart since childhood, and then other men can't walk in again.

But she couldn't say it at all. Such a remark was definitely a romantic confession.

Therefore, Lin Yumian said casually: "Why, if I fund your guild to develop equipment, I can't come to your guild to supervise the use of funds.

Jing Tian was speechless, thinking about going to Lin Yumian and talking about it, there is nothing wrong with her living here, after all, the house was bought by others, and she participated in the investment quota and the use of funds as the investor. The discussion is justified. After all, investors can't let Jing Tian ask for prices casually. What's more, the investment of Qiyun Luoxue is not intended to return much, so the control of funds is especially important.

In fact, Jing Tian is looking for a step for himself, paving the way for how to face Liu Yaya and Nan Lingxi.

As the saying goes, if you can’t resist, then just enjoy! Sky Dungeon

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