Sky Dungeon

Chapter 651: Could it be a tofu project?

Nan Lingxi changed the sweetness of the little girl next door in the past, and her voice became insidious, as if she had returned to the business queen with endless methods and tricks.

"Uh...actually nothing, that is, Feng Ji in the game promised to fund our guild, but she must personally supervise the use of funds, so she moved over to Cengfan. I declare in advance that she and I are innocent, except for the cooperative relationship. Besides, there is no other relationship."

Of course Jing Tian couldn't hide it, and moved out the reasons he had prepared. Moreover, he must clarify the relationship between Feng Ji and not let other people take the matter into trouble.

However, Jing Tian's thoughts were still too naive, and he suddenly found that the girls looked at him as if they turned a deaf ear!

"Oh? What a thousand miles to find grace, I was moved to cry!" Liu Yaya said in a strange tone of yin and yang.

What a thousand miles to find grace?

Where can I save people? I said it was the guild's injecting capital, Liu Yaya, you think the water is not muddy enough!

"Brother Jing, what should you do if you meet an unrequited love for a long-distance husband?" Nan Lingxi blinked her big eyes, like a cute little girl curiously looking at a pearl as big as a football.

How do you uniformly uniform the business elite women, why do they have to be cute every day?

More importantly, how did you become a Qianli Xunfu? Wasn’t it still looking for grace just now?

Feelings, you still believe that Lin Yumian wants to attack me?

"Oh? That's right, looking for grace in a thousand miles, saving grace, there is no return, only with the body, this kind of plot was originally thought to be a big joke, but I did not expect it to be so realistic and happen to the people around us ."

The ghost wants Lin Yumian to agree with him!

Jing Tian cursed secretly in his heart, but didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face, and said politely: "Feng Ji calls herself Lin Yumian, I am a common man, it is impossible to drive her away, right?"

Lin Yumian?


The two women fell silent at the same time, nothing more than thinking about the relationship between Lin Yumian and Lin Da. Jing Tian naturally could see what the two women were thinking. After all, he had gone through this stage, so he explained lightly. : "She called the great Uncle Lin."


Da Lin's niece?

Liu Yaya couldn't help but have some doubts. After all, with Lin's age, her brother's daughter may have to go to the well and the sky a lot. Is it the youngest daughter?

Suspicion is suspicion, Liu Yaya knows that it is impossible to investigate the leader's family background in her own capacity. This is to be treated as a criminal, or even suspected of being a traitor.

Don’t think that Lin Da is just the spokesperson and executor of the Ancient Eight Great Masters. Even if he encounters any unexpected events, it will not affect the layout of the Ancient Eight Great Masters. Just change a new spokesperson, but he also represents the face of a country and was beaten. Face things are naturally avoided as much as possible, so Lin Da is not at her level to investigate and peek at will.

The two women understood Jing Tian's difficulties, and now he has no confidence to resist this background woman, even if he regained his status as the Jing family.

Therefore, under the leadership of Jing Tian, ​​the three of them went to buy the breakfast as usual. When they bought the breakfast, Jing Tian saw a moving company’s truck driving far into the Kukai Garden, thinking of Lin Yumian’s promise yesterday. , Jing Tian is also relieved a lot.

However, when Jing Tian and the three walked back to the Konghai Garden to see the mighty moving company staff downstairs, Jing Tian was completely shocked. The three subconsciously thought that the building could not be lived in, and must have been out. What safety hazard, everyone moved out and fled!

Could it be a tofu project?

Such things as black-hearted developers are really hateful!

But when Jing Tian stopped a homeowner who had met with a moving company, he asked politely and found out that their house had been bought at a high price!

The purchaser was very happy, but asked to move his own things today, otherwise he would increase the price and purchase all the furniture. As a result, every household contacted the moving companies overnight, and these moving companies came here early in the morning, ready to see the situation and start work as soon as possible.

But with so many moving together, can the elevator still work?

The homeowner’s answer surprised Jing Tian. He only learned today that the entire building had been bought by a mysterious person. Now the homeowners say they are picking up valuable and meaningful things. No more, you can't get rid of this sale.

It can be seen that this buyer has so much craftsmanship that even the homeowners have to move at such a big inconvenience!

Jing Tian immediately connected this strange buyer with Lin Yumian. With her energy, no one would dare to say not to sell it to her. Maybe it would be dismissed from office and dismissed, the business would be ruined, and he would just threaten him to sell. Moreover, Lin Yumian did not treat these residents badly, and the price was really high.

This is not a secret. The entire acquisition process is open and fair. The residents of the entire building are paying the same price, and the house value has quadrupled in an instant! Only fools do not sell it. This is not government demolition or government demolition, and there may not necessarily be such a treatment!

How savvy Liu Yaya and Nan Lingxi are, how could they not see the problem, since the residents of the entire building have been negotiated to sell their houses, they did not even come to visit last night~www.mtlnovel. com~ It can be seen that they simply chose to ignore them, so the people who ignore them are most likely the people who don't want them to leave. Of course, it's not that I don't want to, I'm afraid it is impossible to let them go.

The elevators were all occupied by the moving company, and the helpless Jing Tian and the three had to take the stairs. Now besides cursing the prodigal female local tyrant in his heart, Jing Tian is still thinking about one very important thing: Since Lin Yumian is a member of the Lin family, he will take action. Why is it so lavish? But simply thinking about it, I will understand that Lin Yumian's father was 80% in business, and the fertile water did not flow out of the field. Even if Lin Da was a spokesperson, the eight great masters of ancient times would not treat him and the Lin family badly.

When Jing Tian and Nan Lingxi climbed home panting, they found that Lin Yumian stood in the corridor as if waiting for them. Before Jing Tian came up to say hello, Lin Yumian greeted them with random footwork. Inadvertently slipped out a drop of crystal clear liquid, and unceremoniously took the breakfast, as if this breakfast was bought for her!

Isn't she there too!

But this woman said, she will eat with herself in the future!

Jing Tian felt bitter in her heart, and she had to express her gratitude for coming up to help. Sky Dungeon

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