Sky Dungeon

Chapter 662: Newly married 3 fires

The news was so explosive that even the person who broke the news didn't have much sense of reality at the beginning, and thought they were dreaming...

Countless people came forward and accused the whistleblower that it was a topic of hype, but when the members of the Landscape Party were crying all over the world and calling for Fengji to come back, they realized that this might be true.

After all, the players of the Scenic Party Guild have seen them. Even if they don’t see them, just open the list of guild members and search for them: [Feng Ji] has left the guild!

Fortunately, the newly appointed guild president is also a big beautiful woman, and the big beautiful woman revealed the news to give everyone a peace of mind: "Chairman Feng Ji and the Guild Riding Cloud have reached a certain cooperation, and she temporarily joins Qiyun Luoxue. And continue to serve as the ceo of the Scenic Party Group Guild. Don’t worry, President Feng Ji is still in the guild’s chat room. If you have any doubts, you can ask her for verification."

Ever since, casual players of the Scenery Party spread the news to lùntán and the World Channel, making this guess Feng Ji married Qi Yun Luoxue, or the female local tyrant who was overwhelmed and withdrawn from the capital and fled, shut up.

Everyone is more focused on guessing. Guess what? Naturally, what kind of cooperation project did Feng Ji and Qiyun Luoxue have reached?

The same question was almost upset in the Scenery Party Group Guild. Everyone directly asked President Feng Ji, but Feng Ji casually replied: “It’s nothing, I just ran to ride the clouds. The guild mission is nothing more than Luoxueceng, none of their seven-star missions have been grabbed."

Ghosts believe it!

When a very simple fact is often placed in front of everyone, everyone is unwilling to accept it. They would rather believe that Feng Ji was in love at first sight for sitting on the well and watching the sky. The two rubbed together a crazy love spark. After that, Feng Ji swaggered into Qiyun Luoxue and married this The legendary local tyrant club is completely solid!

That's right! It's such a simple fact, even Jing Tian hasn't recovered from it now!

When he told Lin Yumian that he would do the guild mission with the guild members in the afternoon, the mad woman broke away from the scenic party guild she was in and swaggered to ask Jing Tian to pull her into the guild!

Sister, you are the president of the group guild, do you want to be so selfish and casual!

You pat your **** and leave, what should you do if there are so many people in the group guild without a leader? Maybe the guild will be dissolved!

Jing Tian was shocked by Lin Yumian's randomness, and even ignored the feelings of the girls. After Feng Ji joined the Qiyunluoxue Guild, he was naturally bombarded by a private chat.

Yang Miaomiao seemed to feel that the fire wasn't strong enough, so he added a bucket of oil and said, "My God, you are too anxious. You got married so soon. How many sister-in-law is this?"

Luo Xia immediately stood up and agreed: "I'm doing it! Mouse, what do you know, can a guild in the game be considered a pass? Don't be afraid to tell you, they also live together in reality."

Can you tell the truth, can you not tell the truth?

Thanks to me, I thought you wanted to clarify for me, you are still a **** who stabbed a knife in the back!

What does it mean to live together in reality?

It's clear that everyone lives in the same building. So, don't you live with Lin Yumian?

Even if you are a sister-in-law, you have a copy!

However, people who don't know the whole story looked at it, and naturally wanted to get it crooked... At this time, the white didn't understand the black, and he was guarding his sister. He looked at the sky from a long distance and said: "Stay away from my sister, the flower picker! I just calculated, your next goal is my dear sister!"

The ghost believes in you, a magic stick! The ghost is going to hit your sister!

Severe sister control, can you not just use yourself to make a fuss, and, as for standing really not far, can you shout out from a distance?

Don't you know how to talk privately?

Jing Tian complained in his heart, but his mouth was miserable...

The most embarrassing thing is that Jing Tian also received a voice message from Yu Yan: "Unfortunately, have you forgotten your pledge of loyalty with me? My holy sword will sanction you!"

Can the second disease not happen casually? When did you have an oath of loyalty with you? Do you imagine yourself as the prince of which kingdom again?

Jing Tian seemed to have forgotten his promise to Yu Yan. He just explained indifferently: "Feng Ji just moved upstairs in our community. She lives in the same building, not in the same room."

Important things must be pointed out that the second disease in the province diverges thinking from other aspects.

"Then I also move to your place, can you accept it? My holy sword is proof!" Yu Yan's elegant voice was mixed with the smell of reproach.

How could Jing Tian answer, he could only say indifferently: "Uh...Welcome, it's great to have friends from afar."

"The president is really pleasantly surprised, admire it!"

Taurus is out of time to jump out to join in the fun, it seems that the scandal of Feng Ji and sitting in the well is sitting on the ground.

"I didn't expect to grow so ugly, there are so many women, is a small body enough?"

Two-tailed Scorpio is still so There is no mercy between the words.

This woman should be paired with Zhao Jiaxue's old dirty woman, the dirty woman doubles evil!

Jing Tian was speechless, and didn't know how the mean woman Scorpio judged herself as ugly, so she hadn't seen each other.

Seeing more and more neurotic speeches, Jing Tian could only domineeringly and leaked: "If you don't want to do the Seven-Star mission, continue to nag, I will take the mission first and take the people who are already in place to do the mission."

"No, we'll be there right away, don't talk about it. I didn't see the three fires of the newly married president."

One-armed Cancer pretends to reprimand others while still adding fuel and jealousy.

Jing Tian had to admire the translators made by Tengyi Company. Some translations were a bit of a joke. What are the three fires for newlyweds? Shouldn't it be the three fires for new officials? No matter how bad it is, it is the bridegroom official who takes office three fires.

However, before he could react, Luo Xia laughed and said, "I'm doing it! This is a good word, three newlyweds, frogs, which three girls are you going to put these three on? This But how to choose it is a harsh multiple choice question."

Obviously Luo Xia disliked Jingtian's Shura Field for not being tragic enough, and the barrel of oil poured into the Jingtian's heart crackling.

The women did not get angry because of Luo Xia’s words, but did not say a word, and solemnly put on a look of waiting for Jing Tian’s reply, like a group of little dolphins waiting for reward. After so many days of hard work, Finally getting a reward...

In an instant, Jing Tian felt an invisible sense of oppression enveloping his head, and his heart, lungs, spleen, liver and kidney were all entangled. Fortunately, he immediately got the answer that he thought was the most reasonable, so he replied indifferently: "I These three fires decided to burn on you, Lao Xia! Tonight, you just wait for me to score three times!"14

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