Sky Dungeon

Chapter 666: Feed your rivals into pigs

shameless! The women shouted like this in their hearts at the same time, but they also understood that Liu Yaya was right. After all, she didn't invite anyone to dinner. To put it bluntly, everyone came to eat.

It is indeed not reasonable to blame Liu Yaya for how much he eats.

What's more, Liu Yaya didn't go to Jingtian and the others to have a meal at noon. The best counterattack was not to skip meals, but to make the meal more attractive so that Liu Yaya could eat more than others!

In an instant, Zhao Jiaxue seemed to have discovered the New World, and her heart was full of laughter, but the laughter was naturally full of stigma.

After all, at this moment, Zhao Jiaxue realized the biggest loss to deal with the rival: cook according to the taste of the rival, and feed the rival into a pig!

As a result, in the following days, Zhao Jiaxue would start to knock Liu Yaya, Nanlingxi, and Lin Yumian what dishes to eat at West Lake every meal time. As long as the other party said it, Zhao Jiaxue desperately researched and developed new recipes.

The cooking strategy around Jing Tian's appetite has undergone a radical change, which makes Jing Tian somewhat relieved. After all, Zhao Jiaxue often asks herself what she likes to eat in private, and can easily be beaten if she can't tell a new trick.

When everyone gathered in the living room again after the meal, they did not rush to leave, but continued to study pets together.

However, after the language interaction mode was turned on this time, everyone was stunned. The difference from before was that the pets took the initiative to speak. Except for the sword spirit of Luo Xia who has already recognized the master, the other pets all asked who it was. Own master.

Could this smart pet be upgraded invisibly? Will take the initiative to chatter?

After acknowledging the owner, the pets asked some small questions to interact with the owner. For example, Jingtian's halberd beast asked: "Tian brother, did you say that there were chickens or eggs in this world?"

"Uh... of course there was a chicken first. If there is no chicken, the eggs laid by the dinosaurs are also eggs. Why are they not called eggs?" Although Jing Tian felt that the question was very old-fashioned, he still answered fluently and indifferently.

The problems of pets can be described in a variety of ways. For example, the noisy hornbill from Zhao Jiaxue asked a question that was quite suitable for her to answer: "Sister Xue, why do you think men like women with good looks?"

"That's a lie. Men actually like to sleep with women who are happier. No matter how beautiful women marry, the result is a different room for cleanliness. What else to talk about, divorce is next week."

It's not a shame, this leap thinking answer seems to interpret the true meaning of the world.

Why is the key next week?

Can you not teach the smart terminal some inexplicable content?

It's not just a one-sided question. After asking two or three questions, the pets actually ask everyone what they want to ask, and see if they can be addressed.

However, after everyone asked some harsh questions, the little pets said one by one that they had been defeated, their talents were relatively small, and they had worked hard in the future to try to answer them. What is this?

We know very little, so where is the confidence to ask us questions?

If you don’t know, don’t know, why don’t you let us tell you the answer and you write it down? Isn't this a rare learning opportunity?

But such a small detail hit Jing Tian's heart like an apple falling from a tree. He suddenly realized and said indifferently, "I see, these pets are asking us questions that other players have entered. , And our answers are collected by them as an answer. This so-called interaction is actually building an intelligent question-and-answer library, and according to intelligent matching, the answers of people with similar personalities can be merged into the library, and then they can create one Lively game pets come."

That's it! Tengyi Company played this trick cleverly!

If you ask questions and answer your own questions, then the answers you will get from future questions are not interesting. Submit the questions to the smart terminal and let other players answer them through the terminal. In the future, the air pet will repeat the answer to this question to himself, so that all questions Will match the answer with soul, how can it be bad!

"Ah? It turns out that it’s not a thinking robot. It just memorizes our answers and answers similar questions in the future? Doesn’t this allow us to work for Tengyi Company for free?" Zhao Jiaxue’s tone was full of disappointment. .

"Oh? How can it be possible to actually launch thinking robots, not to mention whether robots will betray humans after they have thoughts, but after robots have thoughts, they will inevitably surpass human beings, and their thinking can survive forever by replacing parts. , They will become the most intelligent existence on the earth. Then natural selection, survival of the fittest, human beings will be eliminated by robots sooner or later, so the production of thoughtful robots is probably one of the taboos in the world today~www.mtlnovel. com~Liu Yaya obviously doesn't doubt the so-called smart pet at all, but is just a program carrier.

Yes, whether human beings will create objects that are more intelligent than themselves is still a very serious development issue.

Jing Tian doesn’t think about it, even if he thinks, he won’t change anything, so he is thinking more about the future development of Sky Dungeon. He seems to have seen the purple around the player. After Wu was transformed into a life, he talked and laughed with his master.

These little pets may be able to undergo a strange chemical reaction under the influence of the soul’s answer...

Everyone didn’t even have online games this night. The new pets that you got, everyone seemed to have come back to childhood and just got a fresh toy and loved it, but when the freshness is over, I’m afraid we can continue to fight with smart pets. Just a handful of them.

Of course, some people, like Jing Tian, ​​are not so active in interacting with pets out of freshness, but are more concerned about increasing weapon proficiency and offline time. After all, the player's skill level is not up to the level, and it is more critical What's the matter with a big man holding a cute pillow all the time?

Of course, there are many people who regret buying a small air-pet pillow like Luo Xia. If you buy a large one, it would be good to hug and sleep. Even if some people question their preferences, they can use games as an excuse to prevaricate.

Of course, it is not just Jing Tian that they are addicted to chatting with smart pets. I am afraid that the happiest thing is the phobia of black and white. She never talks face to face with the unexpected people of her brother. The arrival of this smart pet seems to be broken Such a stalemate, someone can talk to the smart pet all night, it is unbelievable to say it, but the black does not understand and the white did just that! 14

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