Sky Dungeon

Chapter 678: Happily be abandoned

Jing Tian absolutely does not believe that not eating mice has piled up the lucky value attribute to the value of the sky. After all, the jewelry equipment at this stage can only be described as garbage in the garbage. It is impossible for the player's lucky value to be displayed now. , If the lucky value is now showing off, then what do you need to do with advanced jewelry equipment and horoscope props?

  In the end, Jing Tian can only attribute this miracle to: stupid people have silly blessings, most of them today is this guy's lucky day!

The two-dimensional people who lost the two priests of Shennong did not lose quickly. After all, there are still two priests of Shennong surviving on their side, but they also understand that if they don’t take away the people from Qiyun Guild under this wave of skills, then wait until The cooling of the skills of the people riding the cloud ended, and the last two priests of them had to be sent back to resurrect.

   When the time comes, the resurrected Pastor Shennong doesn't know if he can come over in time. If the healing battery is interrupted, it is possible that the group will be destroyed in the hands of the enemy!

As a result, the two-dimensional people surrounded the nearest double-headed Leo and violently beaten him. Don’t think he is the glorious Paladin with the best defense, but so many people beat him, his glorious petrification has not had time to be released and has been chaotic. The knife was hacked to death!

"Heal, blood! Liar! Big liar! Didn't you say that they wouldn't hit me at all? Didn't you say that I was invincible?" Leo's voice was trembling, his cry was like killing a pig, this guy's guts It's a masterpiece of small attributes, which is sighing.

   "You are a meat shield. What can you do after being beaten? The big deal is to die and come back. Can you be like a man." The two-tailed Scorpio is not stingy with irony, and the implication is that he is even a deserted child.

  Actually, his death is not that simple. You need to know what skills are lost in the melee occupations of the two-dimensional element, and then abruptly sent the two-headed Leo away.

   So this process is not an instant, this gave the double-headed Leo the opportunity to scream.

When the two-dimensional players struggled to send the Leo to see the system, they noticed that their bloodline had not been pulled up, and then discovered that the group of strange puppets was again right. My own pastor Shennong has been a black hand!

Although they wanted to rush over and beat the black hand behind Nangong Lingxi, who was hiding in the rear, there were five puppets around Nangong Lingxi, and there were Yun Xueyiyi and Zhao Yunxue'er around them. , They also gave up this idea, and rushed to clean up the group of puppets who were attacking their own treatment.

   This is exactly what the Cloud Riding Guild wants to see. As long as you delay for some time, the skill cooling will be over immediately!

At this time, the Japanese two-dimensional players also discovered the weakness of the spirit puppets of Nangong Lingxi. As long as the spirit puppets are blown out, the spirit puppets will basically deviate from the original attack settings, and all attacks will become air strikes. So it is not difficult to eliminate the troubles caused by these puppets, but no matter how small a problem is, it takes skills and time to solve it, right?

After such a delay, when they focused on the next target, their skills and attacks were obviously a little weak. This round of skills exchanged, the two-dimensional forces lost two Shennong priests, and the cloud riding guild only suffered losses. A glorious Paladin.

   But this is the only Glory Paladin. If the Cloud Riding Guild still imagined that it was so easy to control the field before, I am afraid it would not be so easy, right?

   Besides, the resurgent reinforcements here should be coming soon!

   The two-dimensional forces can only comfort their wounded little mind in this way.

However, after the next breath, what made them feel completely desperate is that their own power has not been resurrected since the death of their own power. However, the middle road sent a message for help. Someone from the Cloud Riding Guild unexpectedly attacked the middle road, and the other party Win more with less, get in a hurry in the middle!

   The newly resurrected Anzurgong had to go to the center to support. After all, the center is the winning channel. If the center misses, then the sacrifice on the right will be wasted.

   Now, the task on the right side has changed from annihilating the main force of Qiyun to procrastination, which completely collapsed the two-dimensional player who was lucky enough to have his own support before Qiyun!

   I became an abandoned child somehow!

Of course, after their psychological defenses collapsed, their operations began to show some deficiencies, and the fighting was somewhat inadequate. After all, all they had to do was procrastinate, and there was no need to keep the mental strain and continue to work hard. Yes, the delayed task is complete.

   After all, no one can happily be an abandoned child!

   What makes these two-dimensional players on the right side even more angry is that the middle road has not waited for the help of the power leader Ainzurgong and others, and it has been defeated!

Although Jing Tian did not see the situation in the middle lane, he could also imagine in his heart how the two-dimensional player in the middle lane would be embarrassed and beaten under the combined attack of Yang Mimi and Lin Yumian, and suddenly appeared in the enemy formation when black did not understand. After killing the opponent's important, how will the remaining players run away in embarrassment?

   Jingtian even expected that Ainzurgung and others would give priority to the middle road after their resurrection. After all, the middle road is their top priority. The reason why they attacked the right side with 20 people is based on the safe advancement of the middle road. Now the progress of the middle road is interrupted, even if the right side and his side smash to the end, there will be no progress, and eventually they have to continue pushing the tower.

After the middle road led by Anzurgong to meet the four people who had returned from defeat, it was natural to learn that only 3 people in the middle road attacked their tower pushing engineering team, and only 3 people beat them out of armor and armor. !

  Retired, Anzurgon had to take these people back together. But in the face of the powerful output of the mouse sister, and the cursing skills of the female local tyrant Fu Ji, Ainzur Gong also felt a headache. In particular, he and Pero Chino are both remote output careers, but every time the chanting is not over, the sister who doesn’t eat mice fly a kite out of the attack range. This really makes the two once again appreciate the gun goddess. Sharp game consciousness.

If it’s the elder sister who doesn’t eat mice alone, the point is that even Feng Ji can curse herself on her side, but she can’t attack her on her own side, which makes Ainz Urgon a little angry. After all, cursing this kind of thing is really too troublesome. There is only such a pastor Shennong on my side. He casts out one curse. After the next breath, another curse hangs on his body. It either drops blood or drops blue, causing them. He didn't dare to continue to attack rashly, stopping from time to time to wait for the curse to be lifted.

   Helpless Anzi Urgong had to resurrect the dead Pastor Shennong and rushed to the middle to support him.

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