Sky Dungeon

Chapter 690: Bike sharing

"Good idea, don't feel like riding a bicycle to buy breakfast."

However, before long, what surprised everyone was that Nanlingxi, the initiator, could not even ride a bicycle!

Naturally, Liu Yaya can drive any kind of transportation. Yu Yan has also participated in extreme cycling sports overseas. Even though she is small, she has a big heart!

Among the four, Nan Lingxi was the only one who could not ride a bicycle. He fell to the ground as soon as he rode up, and got on the bike again. However, the bike fell to the ground again before riding out one meter.

Jing Tian is a little unpredictable, what kind of plane is this woman doing? Do you think that you are talented and invincible in business, so you should be able to ride a bicycle for the first time?

Don’t you be afraid of a traffic accident? I don’t know how to ride a bicycle, so why do I suggest using shared bicycles?

Although there are still shared electric vehicles that can be used, but the bicycles can't be used, how can Jing Tian be assured that she uses shared electric vehicles?

"Are there any injuries?"

Looking at Nan Lingxi's painful appearance, Jing Tian had already guessed that this woman was probably injured. At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was thinking of something. It seemed that this scene had happened before. Could it be in a dream?

However, at this time, it was not the time to pursue this problem, Jing Tian helped Nan Lingxi to check her slender legs.

Fortunately, only a layer of skin was rubbed on his legs, and then Jing Tian saw the blood spilling from the dusty hands of Nanlingxi, and he did not know whether it was caused by the bicycle or the stone on the concrete floor. Zi cut his palm.

Feeling distressed, Jing Tian didn't know where the strength came from, and directly hugged Nan Lingxi to the princess, turned his head and dropped a sentence: "I will send her back to deal with it and get down immediately. You will wait a moment."

Don't think that Jing Tian is making a fuss, because he has a clear insight into Nan Lingxi's eyes are tears, she is forcing herself to do things she doesn't like!

Why is she so confused, I am afraid it is also because of herself!

At this time, Jing Tian’s face was full of sincerity, without the slightest expression of lying. Even Yu Yan did not believe that Jing Tian deliberately ate Nanlingxi tofu at this moment, and Liu Yaya would not care about whether Jing Tian would be Take the opportunity to go back and do something cheating on Nan Lingxi. The two of them exchanged glances at this time, and they seemed to be saying, "This Nanlingxi is too cunning, why didn't I think of throwing it off? It's a bit of a bitter trick, isn't the princess holding me?"

Sure enough, the struggle between women, conspiracy and skills are more important!

Of course, Nanlingxi is not a fake, she is a real **** a sedan chair, riding a bicycle for the first time in her life!

At this moment, Nan Lingxi's face was buried in Jing Tian's chest, ashamed of how stupid she was, that she could not even play with a small bicycle. Sure enough, apart from commercial activities, he is useless!

When she thinks that she is now being held by Princess Jingtian, she feels that she is not as simple as her palms being rubbed and bleeding, as if she has a terminal illness of cancer and is about to die, her physical strength is instantly hollowed out, and she barely exhausts her strength. , I can only stick to Jing Tian's arms. She was even afraid that she would lose consciousness in the next second and could not fully experience the experience of being held by the princess.

Nan Lingxi was even so happy that she even felt that she put her mouth on Jing Tian's T-shirt, and indirectly kissed Jing Tian's chest. She was intoxicated by this squint thought and couldn't help herself.

Being hugged by a princess seems to be every woman’s dream. There are even girls who imagine themselves as a male god. They can easily pick themselves up, hold themselves to the dining table, hold themselves to the bath, hold themselves to work, and wait for themselves It means that the lower limbs are paralyzed. Except for certain exercises, the lower body can arbitrarily manipulate accidents. As far as possible, all the processes that need to be walked are carried by the male god.

The idea is beautiful. The premise is that the weight of a woman must be very light, and the second is that the male **** must have developed muscles and sufficient weight, otherwise it is impossible for the princess to hold a normal woman of the same age for a long time, otherwise the arm will definitely be broken.

Often the strongest endurance in a man’s life is the day of marriage, so he must hold on anyway, otherwise he will break the bride and the marriage will end.

Fortunately, the shared bicycle shed is very close to the building where he lives. Jing Tian gritted his teeth and finally took Lingxi back. Of course, the two security guards downstairs made fun of him. It was nothing but that he was energetic. , Just sending two away and then holding one back, Jing Tian automatically filtered out their words, and didn't have the mood and energy to bother.

Back at Nanlingxi’s home, Jing Tian first washed Nanlingxi’s hands and then found a bandage from the first aid kit. After a few laps, he did not forget to tie a big bow at the end, which made Nan Lingxi’s eyes bright. Said: "Brother Jing, did you often tie knots like this before?"

In fact, this small injury doesn't need bandages at all, and it can be solved with band-aids, but it is precisely such an opportunity that makes Nan Lingxi seem to have discovered a new discovery.

"Bow-knot? shouldn’t be. I don’t know how I thought I would tie a bow. How could I tie myself a bow if I was injured, and I would be regarded as abnormal by others. Okay, I’ll go downstairs and buy it earlier , They are still waiting for me, don't try to be aggressive in the future." Jing Tian joked lightly considering Nan Lingxi's mood.

But Nan Lingxi was sluggish after listening, did not even say goodbye, did not go to see Jing Tian's leaving figure, just stared at the bow on his hand. Nan Lingxi seemed to be caught up in some important memories, but in the end he just summed up in his heart: Brother Jing, you really have not changed, you are still so gentle, some memories may be obliterated, but there are still some things that cannot be changed in the body. Habit!

Going downstairs, Jing Tian was embarrassed to find that the two women were waiting for him downstairs. More importantly, the shared bicycle was gone!

That's right, the two women are jealous. Where else can they use bicycles, and don't even want to run for skin-to-kind ones. This is the compensation they want!

Therefore, the scene where Jing Tian and the two women went to buy breakfast was staged again, but it was staged a little later than usual. However, what made Jing Tian's heart angrily was that some familiar figures stopped and watched him from a distance. This was simply waiting for him to bring two women out to buy breakfast, and then use his eyes to plunder the grace of the two women.

But what Jing Tian didn’t know was that those onlookers with companions were already whispering: “No wonder it’s a bit late today. It turned out to be a change. It seems that this woman is even more powerful and tortured this male pet. Wake up late." Sky Dungeon

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