Sky Dungeon

Chapter 822: While eating with a pot, you have to look at other people’s bowls

Exposure of the forum can increase the popularity of Qiyun Luoxue, and the Cloud Riding Guild can be regarded as a pioneer.

   is always better than it is now. The various guilds were clamoring about the guild riding cloud to hide their privates. They don’t think about the overall armed strength of the alliance. The next time they are announced to the forum, they will be able to completely hit the faces of these people.

However, the 32-level dungeon strategy circulated by everyone now seems to be misunderstood and misunderstood due to the instability of the spread. This is the distortion in the process of information transmission. There will always be more or less in the process of everyone’s transmission. To add their own understanding or opinions to the information itself, which leads to the fact that although there is a copy of the Raiders, most people’s Raiders are actually different.

It is not too late!

Wanting to understand the stakes, Jing Tian resolutely decided to show up today and record a teaching video to the forum. Fortunately, the number of copies of his level 32 has not been used today. So, Jing Tian started for a whole night. The recording, dubbing, dubbing, annotation and explanation were not completed until the eve of the daily offline time and uploaded to the official forum.

Needless to say, when the words of the chairman of the Riding Clouds and Falling Snow Guild appeared in the forum, the number of clicks and views has been soaring. Those players who previously complained about the Riding Clouds Guild also completely died. The questioning posts in the forum were even more direct. The post address of the guide video is posted.

   Soon, the 32-level copy strategy video of Zuijing Guantian was certified and included in the official strategy by Tengyi Company, which made Jingtian somewhat embarrassed after logging into the game the next day.

   Putting his video on the official video guide list, doesn’t this mean that he is a member of the game developer?

   Even if you are not a member of the development team, you are a game tester. Okay!

   More importantly, I have been so hard to record and edit the strategy video, so I have been the ownership of the company logo?

   Isn’t this a naked robber act?

   Don’t you know how to give yourself a bonus?

   Fortunately, there is a local tyrant function such as rewards. I wonder if there are any models who support themselves like Yang Mimi?

   Then I might embark on the path of an anchor!

   was complaining about the pit-man incident, and Jing Tian heard Yang Miaomiao's excited voice: "My God, you are also GM Miao!"

   Jing Tian, ​​who is full of black lines in his heart, has already thought of what might happen, and he said lightly: "Could the forum be talking nonsense again?"

"How can it be nonsense! Only the videos recorded by GM will be included in the official game guide, let alone this, your mastery of the game is enough to prove that you have an inseparable relationship with Tengyi Company. You are always there. Keep it from us, when we are stupid!" Two-tailed Scorpio said unceremoniously.

"Uh...Sure enough, the forum has entered the crazy Lenovo mode again. There are senior game consultants among us, but it is not me. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you treat me as a GM. The GM of Sky Dungeon is not a god, nor can it Modify the game data at will, who stipulates that GM can't play games? Who stipulates that GM can't establish a guild as the chairman? Who stipulates that it is illegal for everyone to follow GM to play games and fight the world? In fact, there are many test GMs in the game. They have to test the various functions of the game. They cannot exist only in the test server. Some problems cannot be seen by the test server at all. So, don't worry about this problem too much. If I am a GM, I will naturally give you more It will not harm everyone, will it?" Jing Tian calmed everyone.

   "Brother, everyone hates GM Meow! After those on the forum said that you are a GM, many Alliance players said that they saw you kill Meow once, and remember to take me when you go out. I can protect you Meow!"

   Yang Miaomiao actually doesn't entangle whether Jing Tian is a GM or not. He is more concerned about whether there is a fight to fight!

  He even wanted to sit back and watch the sky, and those players who said on the forum that they would retreat GM must not be counseled, then he will have endless fights!

   What’s even darker is that he actually replies to encourage everyone to take the initiative, and resolutely don’t show mercy. He meets three times and beats each other. This is in line with the style of good players.

   If you let Jing Tian know about Yang Miaomiao's small movements, he would definitely vomit blood.

Jing Tian had to think about whether to suggest Yang Miaomiao change his career, but without the blue baby, everyone would have a headache, especially the poor blue career of Feng Ji, and the special existence like the village woman needs to continue. The mana value is provided, even if the basic skills consume the least mana, it cannot be played continuously. After all, once the battle is entered, the effect of automatically recovering the mana value in the battle is horribly low.

   "Is the alcoholic there?"

Jing Tian didn't bother to care about how the forum exaggerated the relationship between Qiyun Guild and Tengyi Company. He believed that Tengyi Company would never take away his video as an official strategy for no reason. In the end, he didn't need to clarify anything by himself. Will give a reasonable explanation.

   He cares more about alcoholics now, and asked directly on the guild channel.

   Now regarding the drunkard, Jing Tian also knows that she is a Chinese native. If she wants to further tap her potential, she must communicate more with each other. At least, she has to add friends?

   Jingtian has now set himself such a simple first man, what do you want to do to me? Contempt and contempt! "The drunkard asked vigilantly, as if all men in the world were thinking about her.

   I have to say, this woman is very insecure!

   "Uh... add a friend, after adding, I will pull you into the guild chat room."

   Jingtian replied lightly, trying to behave as harmless as possible.

   "No way! The smelly man must be uneasy!"

  Drunkard refused without thinking.

   "My God, you got dumped!" Yang Miaomiao immediately booed on the guild channel.

   "Uh...a box of **** wine, how about it, I will mail it to you today?"

   Jingtian faintly expressed his condition.


   The drunkard seems to have almost no resistance to the temptation of alcohol when he is not drinking. If it is a stranger, she will definitely not agree.

   If she hadn't had the experience of successfully buying wine for free before, she would definitely not accept it, thinking that if she didn't agree, the smelly man would definitely find the village woman to seduce herself. Something redundant, she still entangled in agreeing.

Jing Tian cried out in his heart. The initial goal was achieved, and he handed over a friend application. It turned out that the other party had set the friend application to be automatically rejected, so Jing Tian lightly said: "Then you add me, I If you can’t be added, you have turned on to reject your friend’s application."

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